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NetVault Plug-in for NDMP 12.2 - Application Notes for Hitachi NAS


About this document

This document provides information about using the Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug‑in for NDMP (Plug‑in for NDMP) with a Hitachi NAS Server. It is intended as a supplement to the Quest NetVault Backup Plug‑in for NDMP User’s Guide that describes the common procedures for installing and configuring the plug-in.

Target audience

This document is intended for system administrators and others responsible for installing, configuring, and using the Plug‑in for NDMP. An understanding of filer administration and the host platform is assumed.

Recommended additional reading

Quest NetVault Backup Installation Guide: This guide provides details on installing the NetVault Backup Server and Client software.
Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide: This guide explains how to use NetVault Backup and describes the functionality common to all plug-ins.
Quest NetVault Backup CLI Reference Guide: This guide provides a description of the command-line utilities.
Quest NetVault Backup Plug‑in for NDMP User’s Guide: This guide describes the procedures for installing and configuring the Plug‑in for NDMP.
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