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Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition - Pesquisa na Base de conhecimento

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Troubleshooting SQL Express errors in Recovery Manager for AD (4368921)

You can grant db_owner rights to individual users or create a group and grant db_owner to the group:<br><br>1. ... Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the SQL server where the RMAD database is hosted<br>2.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 05/11/2024
NA rating | 1467 visualizações
License Expiry Expected behaviour (4373942)

What is the expected behavior if a license expires? ... Will we still be able to use the software but no updates? ... Will we be able to use the software with limited capabilities? ... When the license for Recovery Manager expires you wont be able to login into the application until a new license file is applied.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 08/07/2024
NA rating | 701 visualizações
Upgrade Steps for Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition from 10.1.0 to 10.3 (4371202)

To successfully upgrade from Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition 10.1.0 to 10.3 requires consideration and planning and this F.A.Q. aims to provide the major points to be considered ahead of any upgrade as part of the planning process.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition
Última atualização em: 13/03/2024
NA rating | 1096 visualizações
Email Notification differences between the Recovery Manager for AD Console and the Forest Recovery Console (4368927)

Notifications from the RMAD console are working however the notifications from the Forest Recovery Console are not working with the same SMTP server. ... The RMAD console requires semi-colons and a space after the semi-colon in order to recognise multiple recipients.<br>The FR Consoles requires comma as separator and no spaces between addresses.<br><br>When alert email is issued, the RMAD console email shows multiple recipients on all emails.<br>The FR console shows only one recipient and sends a separate email to each recipient.<br><br>This behavior is by design.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition, Recovery Manager for...
Última atualização em: 17/02/2024
NA rating | 539 visualizações
Upgrade Steps for Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition from 10.1.1 to 10.2.2 (4369617)

To successfully upgrade from Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition 10.1.1 to 10.2.2 requires consideration and planning and this F.A.Q. aims to provide the major points to be considered ahead of any upgrade as part of the planning process.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 585 visualizações
Upgrade Steps for Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition from 10.2.1 to 10.2.2 (4368920)

To successfully upgrade from Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition 10.2.1 to 10.2.2 requires consideration and planning and this F.A.Q. aims to provide the major points to be considered ahead of any upgrade as part of the planning process.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1050 visualizações
Installation fails prematurely due to the database being in a database mirroring session or an availability group (4225806)

The RMAD installation fails prematurely and the following error is logged in the msiexec install log (by running from a command line, msiexec /i "rmad_x64.msi" /L*v RMADInstall.log): ... "The operation cannot be performed on database "RecoveryManager-Reporting-" because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 20/02/2025
NA rating | 1958 visualizações
Knowledge Article
BMR backup transferring slowly to secure storage server (4378509)

When BMR backups are going to the temporary storage before going to Secured Server storage, RMAD opens handful of tcp connections, and we see decent performance for backup transfer. ... However, while going from temporary storage to RMAD secure storage it always just opens one tcp connection and it takes longer time.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 20/02/2025
NA rating | 309 visualizações
Knowledge Article
BMR backup failed - One of the source specified has an invalid format (4378490)

BMR backups are failing with the following error message. ... "One of the source volumes specified has an invalid format and cannot be protected using Windows Backup. ... Only volumes formatted with NTFS/ReFS can be protected.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition
Última atualização em: 18/02/2025
NA rating | 103 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to configure multiple email alert notifications using the GUI and Scripting options? (4378361)

What are the options that are available in the RMAD console to configure single or multiple email alerts? ... You can configure alert options in the "Alerts" tab on each Computer Collection: ... As a prerequisite, you will need to have previously configured an SMTP or OAuth2 server in the "Email" tab on the RMAD Console Settings:

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 17/02/2025
NA rating | 689 visualizações
Knowledge Article
BMR Backup Fails. Unable to perform request (114). (4370259)

BMR Backups may fail with an error similar to the following: ... Active code page: 437 wbadmin 1.0 - Backup command-line tool (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation. ... Retrieving volume information...

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition
Última atualização em: 17/02/2025
NA rating | 1827 visualizações
Knowledge Article
RMAD PowerShell Commands Full Guide (4377753)

List of RMAD PowerShell commands to automate or perform tasks without opening the RMAD console. ... The Recovery Manager for Active Directory Management Shell, built on Microsoft Windows PowerShell® technology, provides a command-line interface that enables automation of backup/recovery-related administrative tasks.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 12/02/2025
5 rating | 881 visualizações
Knowledge Article
RMAD console crashes after migrating product databases and re-entering the cloud storage connection string (4378415)

RMAD console crashes after migrating product databases and re-entering the cloud storage connection string ... After migrating RMAD into a new server and applying the product databases (Backups.mdb and RMAD.db3), the cloud storage connection string needs to be re-entered due to encryption.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition
Última atualização em: 11/02/2025
NA rating | 93 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Backup operation fails, Failed to connect to backup agent: Unable to perform request (101). (4215650)

The target computer is busy processing requests started on the computer 'XXXX'. ... Please try again later. ... A previously scheduled backup is still running when the new one tries to start. ... Ensure that more than one scheduled backup is not trying to run at the same time.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 06/02/2025
NA rating | 3934 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Failed to connect to backup agent - Cannot establish the connection to the backup agent. (4373079)

The RMAD console was unable to connect to the backup agent installed on the domain controller(s) and the following error is returned in the RMAD console: “Failed to connect to backup agent: Cannot establish the connection to the backup agent.”

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 28/01/2025
4 rating | 4694 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Error when running backup: "cannot establish the connection to the backup agent" (4296804)

Error when backing up: "Failed to connect to backup agent: cannot establish the connection to the backup agent" ... Try the following possible solutions: ... Check the scheduled Windows scheduled task passwords.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 28/01/2025
1 rating | 6727 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Microsoft Report Viewer Runtime EOS (4378285)

Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime -> Ending Support Oct 14, 2025 ... Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime -> Ending Support Jan 10, 2023 ... The latest RMAD releases depend only on Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime, which is still supported by Microsoft.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 30/01/2025
NA rating | 473 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Does RMAD support CyberArk ? (4378236)

An Enhancement request has been submitted to consider an integration with CyberArk in a future release of RMAD.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 24/01/2025
NA rating | 469 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Scheduled tasks are not created, not changed or require to run as a SYSTEM account (4219541)

Trying to configure the backup schedule from the Computer Collection may result in the task not getting created in Windows Task Scheduler or when entering the credentials for the Schedule account there is an error that the account is not correct or cannot be validated.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 22/01/2025
NA rating | 1613 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Error: "Failed to install backup agent" (4225765)

When trying to backup DCs from another domain, the backups fail with the error: ... "Details access is denied please specify the backup account" ... RMAD cannot communicate with the DCs ... From the RMAD server, using the credentials specified for the agent account, try and access the admin share on the DCs"

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 22/01/2025
NA rating | 2382 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to restore a single DC that was lost in an otherwise healthy forest (4373420)

Restoring a Single DC requires a few pre-configuration steps. ... The Recovery process will complete successfully without these, but the old Computer, Server and Connection Objects will still exist, AD may never clean these up and re-create them properly, so it would be better to delete these from the directory before you beginning.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition, Recovery Manager for...
Última atualização em: 21/01/2025
NA rating | 1876 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to install the backup agent manually? (4375210)

Is there a way to install the backup agent manually? ... It is possible to install the backup agent manually in your DCs. ... You may try the following steps:<br><br>1- In your DC, run command prompt <strong>as administrator</strong>.<br>2- Copy the <strong>BackupAgent.msi</strong> file from your RMAD installation media to a folder in your DC like for example c:\temp<br>3- In CMD, set or change the directory to the folder in which you copied the file.<br>4- Run <strong>msiexec /i BackupAgent.msi /l*v BackupAgentInstall.log</strong>.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 22/01/2025
NA rating | 1777 visualizações
Knowledge Article
List of AD DS and AD LDS object attributes that RMAD cannot restore. (4353446)

This article lists the AD DS and AD LDS object attributes that cannot be recovered by using the restore methods provided by Recovery Manager for Active Directory. ... The agent-based restore method does not support the recovery of the following attributes:

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 23/01/2025
NA rating | 10438 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to enable diagnostic logging in Recovery Manager for AD (Forest Edition) (4243284)

How to enable diagnostic logging in Recovery Manager for AD (Forest Edition) <div> ... <p><font face="Trebuchet MS" size="2">To enable diagnostic logging in the console follow the below steps:</font></p>

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 22/01/2025
NA rating | 4414 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Where to change RMAD credentials for service accounts (4225738)

How to modify the credentials used for RMAD processes in case the password was changed. ... RMAD functionality may be altered when the account username\password stored is changed. ... You will have to manually enter the credentials to restore normal operations.

Produtos: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última atualização em: 21/01/2025
NA rating | 4793 visualizações
Knowledge Article
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