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NetVault SmartDisk - Pesquisa na Base de conhecimento

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Como confirmar que o SmartDisk esta licenciado para desduplicação (4035447)

Existe uma licença para desduplicação do SmartDisk. Em seguida, como confirmar se uma instalação está licenciado para desduplicação do ... Execute os dois comandos a seguir.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 591 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to open a case using the Quest Support Portal to request Technical Support (4225829)

How to open a case or submit a service request through the Quest Support Portal when experiencing an issue or have questions about Foglight. ... First, the user must registered with an account associated with a license number or asset number on the Quest Support Portal.

Produtos: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases...
Última atualização em: 28/11/2024
1 rating | 9566 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to apply a NetVault SmartDisk (NVSD) license (4036392)

NetVault Smartdisk licenses are applied through SmartDisk specific commands. ... It is not possible to apply a SmartDisk License through a NetVault Backup or vRanger server GUI. ... 2. From the output identify the license that should be applied to the SmartDisk instance.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 11/10/2024
NA rating | 1736 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Getting Started with My Licensing (4375099)

How to register your Quest product license to enable self-service features on the Support Portal. ... <p>Visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

Produtos: NetVault, QoreStor, NetVault SmartDisk, Rapid Recovery
Última atualização em: 12/03/2024
NA rating | 2717 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Failed to add SmartDisk WebDav credentials rejected by server (4041975)

While adding the Smartdisk instance into NetVault it is failing with error:failed to add SmartDisk WebDav credentials rejected by server ... Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations.

Produtos: NetVault, NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 2855 visualizações
Knowledge Article
NetVault Backup server sizing guide (4041158)

NetVault Backup server sizing guide Users have asked for a server sizing guide <div><p>NetVault Backup Client and Server Sizing Guide 3.0</p><p><br></p></div>

Produtos: NetVault, NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 921 visualizações
Knowledge Article
NVSD service stops and can not be started. (4039270)

It is observed that the NVSD cannot be started and the NVSD Windows Event Log shows an application error referencing superserver.exe A network share is holding one of NVSD&#39;s components (Stage or Store) and the NVSD user does not have relevant permissions to access this share.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 565 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Installing Smartdisk on a virtual machine (4043855)

Some NetVault Smartdisk users install the software on a VM, this is not supported. ... This configuration can cause a number of issues. ... - The I/O during the deduplication is not sufficient to deduplicate at the required rate because the devices are not high speed local disks, which are required for efficient deduplication.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 2339 visualizações
Knowledge Article
SmartDisk stops - "manifest xxxxxxx doesn't exist" (4042191)

Following disk failure and successful reindexing (ddck), SmartDisk would stop running after few minutes. ... The ChunkStoredDaemon process is crashing as it detects a missing manifest. ... CSD trace shows the following loop:

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 2716 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Unable to backup to SmartDisk with stage and store located on UNC attached storage (4032555)

Cannot backup to SmartDisk with storage pools hosted on ExaGrid NAS. ... SmartDisk superserver trace shows there are problems modifying directories, deleting files and accessing meta data. ... Reinstalling SmartDisk shows not all files are removed from stage and store locations.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 2315 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Smartdisk crashing (4041976)

After restarting the SmartDisk services SmartDisk can appear online but shows spaced used as 0KB and deduplication ratio as infinity: 1 ... SmartDisk dump shows failure when deleting segments in the store during expiration of backups or during Garbage collection as seen below in stracestorageservice trace extract.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 2127 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Notes on adding SmartDisk volume (4042817)

Additionally, the OS log includes the following entries: ... INDEXER Invalid Volume location <newNetVaultSmartDiskVolume>'' ... INDEXER Invalid storage configuration stanza in DISK_CONFIG_REQ_MSG Failed to apply configuration

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 436 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Failed to remove items from device 'SmartDisk -' : 'Unspecified failure' (4044766)

During a Exchange Server Mailbox restore of a 2 year old tape while following the "Exchange Server Mailbox Restoration" we see the following error message: ... - Error: XXXXXX Failed to remove items from device 'SmartDisk -' : 'Unspecified failure'

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 2795 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to find Smartdisk front-end capacity license value (4041776)

How to find Smartdisk front-end capacity license value.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 654 visualizações
Knowledge Article
File-system filling up where Smartdisk staging volume is hosted (4044218)

If the file-system/disk where the Smartdisk Staging volumne is hosted is filling up , is it possible to copy the Staging volume including data to another ... this is not possible as the path to the Staging volume is hardwritten into the each Segment Index making up the Backup.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 204 visualizações
Knowledge Article
SmartDisk has more data backed up to it than customer is licensed for (SOLUTION MUST REMAIN INTER (4046162)

When right-clicking on SD in Device Management then going to the Storage tab in the Status window the 'licensed for' value is lower, perhaps significantly, than the 'data protected' figure ... This is a new method for licensing Smartdisk whereby an open ended licence is given and the customer agrees to use SD to backup a certain amount of data regardless of how often this is done and whether previous backups of the same data have expired.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 138 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to Reinstall SmartDisk and Remove All Previous Data / Fresh Reinstall (4043275)

Should you wish to *REMOVE ALL* current SmartDisk data and configurations, follow the instructions below. ... If the current SmartDisk instance contains any vRanger Repository data, first *remove* the NVSD Repository from your vRanger, which should get rid of all of the backups stored in that repository.

Produtos: NetVault, NetVault SmartDisk, vRanger
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 950 visualizações
Knowledge Article
SmartDisk give message "SVCTOOL Failed to open service ready for start" when starting SmartDisk from the command line. (4038123)

CMD gives error “SVCTOOL Failed to open service ready for start” when starting SmartDisk from command line using the “smartdisk start” command. ... 0 SVCTOOL ??? -990 145818824991 Failed to open service ready for start : 1060:The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 283 visualizações
Knowledge Article
INTERNAL - How to maintain the health of SmartDisk and improve general (dedupe and GC) performanc (4047368)

Striking the balance between time spent Deduplicating, and time spent performing GC is key to the health of NVSD. ... The following was included on the NVSD 1.6 release note; ... Beginning with v1.6, Garbage Collection also retains priority if a deduplication process has been run.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 204 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Entering the Serial for NVSD gives a CRC error (4046672)

Entering a machine tried serial for smartdisk shows the following error: ... ***** ... 16965 1336372088.216401 LICENSE Failed to decode, checksums do not match ... 16965 1336372088.216716 LICENSE Failed to decode license key string 'VB-1ABAA-TEXNB-CEVVJ-AGML': reason 5

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 160 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Exchange restore from SmartDisk "Failed to connect to all known addresses for device xxx" (4042488)

NVBU and NVSD are on the same machine. ... For testing purposes, Exchange databases and logs are restored to the local disk on the NVBU server using the Exchange Server APM 'Copy files to target directory' feature.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 304 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to download the NetVault Backup Server &amp; Client Packages and any other software from the (4045760)

Symptoms: I need a step by step procedure to download software from the Quest Software Website ... How do I download the NetVault Client and Server Packages and any other software from the Quest Software Website?

Produtos: NetVault, NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 324 visualizações
Knowledge Article
NetVault Solutions with Video Content (4047644)

The following solutions include video content.

Produtos: NetVault, NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 617 visualizações
Knowledge Article
NetVault smartdisk commands: Add Remote UNC Stage & Store Volumes (4034644)

To be able to Deny Chunk Index, Disk Index, favour Stagin and Storage you have to use the next command line specifying the Smartdisk Ip address in the CIFS share set up. ... smartdisk config --add --volume "\\\Share_Name\Stage" --deny "Chunk Index" --deny "Disk Index" --favour Staging --deny Storage --account "DOMAIN\Username_for_Share" --password Share_Password

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 320 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Using a NAS4Free appliance with NVSD (4033735)

A NAS4Free appliance is a network-attached storage (NAS) server software, based roughly on FreeBSD and the ZFS file system. ... It is a continuation of the FreeNAS code originally developed between 2005 and 2011.

Produtos: NetVault SmartDisk
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 350 visualizações
Knowledge Article
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