When generating a reorg script in Space Manager the Switch option defaults to 'Upon User Approval'. ... It is possible to select the Switch option. ... This changes the behaviour of a Live Reorg when the tables are ready to be switched.
The package quest_spc_find_long will calculate the size of longs held in a table and allow Space Manager to choose the optimal reorg method for the table. ... The following code will run quest_spc_find_long for all tables in a tablespace...
QSA-20391 ORA-01631:max # extents () From the script log, there is no additional information on which specific table had reached the max number of extents. ... 1. The tablespace used for QSA installation has reached the max extent limit set to it.
Live-Reorg<br>Live Reorg unable to connect to database to install database objects during install.
reorg fails with ora-600 followed by errors in the trace file indicating corrupt disc or writing error. ... On an Solaris platform you may see an error message like: ... Specifically, the high numbering of the file (in blue), refers to a temporary file.
Scheduling the script in LiveReorg can error out if can not establish connection with QSA. ... This applies to both LiveReorg and Space Manager 4.0x ... 1. Try File-->Admin-->Start Server. ... If this reports an error, it may provide additional information on the cause of the error
Some sites specify that Space Manager's LiveReorg switch can only be allowed during an outage of the application, under this scheme how soon can the outage be ended? ... Some sites will only approve a switch with the application down, but want to let the users back on the system as quickly as possible, some processing is performed post switch, so how soon is the system stable?
Error: "QSA-20383: Could not create configuration file" when trying to install Quest Server Agent on Oracle pre 9205 running on AIX. ... Workaround to support QSA 6.2 against pre Oracle on AIX 5 and above
You need to clean up the old QSA and reinstall. ... The shortest way to do that if there is no QSA version changed between the old and the new is to force a fresh install. ... Run the query below and reinstall QSA and let me know if errors persists: delete from quest_com_products where product_id=61; commit;
Is there a way to turn off auto refresh of the views in livereorg. ... My application is constantly freezing because autorefresh is 5 seconds. ... 2 Select the Automatically refresh scripts list checkbox.
Basically, this View | Running Queries is to display the SQL queries that Space Manager is running at that time. ... It will display SQL queries that belong to Space Manager if there are any running at that instance in time.
A Space Manager LiveReorg aborted with the error ORA-01555 Snapshot too old, during the table copy phase. ... Oracle has to maintain a read consistent image of the tables in the transaction. ... This is achieved using the original table and where necessary, the rollback segments.
<p>It is possible to do so as QSA is backward compatible when it comes to Operating System. ... For example, the Space Manager with LiveReorg version 8.5 is stated to be compatible with Solaris 11 but it should also work with Solaris 10.
This version of Space Manager with LiveReorg requires an upgrade to the database objects on abc instance. ... However, you must be the original installing user in order to perform the upgrade. ... Please log on as<installing_user></installing_user>to perform the upgrade.
This error appears when the GUI does not recognize the new password for the QSA so it will either not connect or not start QSA password is changed in oracle and you attempt to restart the agent or reset the password from bin then you get the above error <p>WORKAROUND 1:<br>Rebuild the module by using a shell script attached<br>- The QSAcmd.sh needs to be copied to the QSA bin directory.
This error is received seconds after restarting a cancelled reorg: Restart for table type TABLE ... Original for PRSNL.5101601637, job 53 requires object ID validation for restart ... trigger locks were still in place, users were attempting to update the reorg eventually changing the database state leading to inconsistency as seen in the log
Does Space Manager support SAP BW Dimensioned tables? SAP BW stores it's 'dimensioned' tables in Oracle Partitioned tables.<br><br>Oracle Partitioned tables are supported by Space Manager.
ORA-06512:.at line 1 ... There is something wrong with the database objects that Space Manager uses. ... This will rebuild the Space Manager database objects.
How to save reports to a file in PDF, MDI, TIFF and PRN format from Capacity manager for Space Manager. ... To print the report to a file, select the Print to file checkbox. ... Then select a printer as follows:
After reorg of a table with the Live Reorg (Optimize for Availability) option, it is noted that constraints may have slightly different names. ... Space Manager with Live Reorg makes a copy of the original table and all dependant objects.
11g is not a supported version at this moment. ... STATUS: ... It will be supported in the future release. ... It is available as private beta for Windows and Linux platform.
In standard reorg if the script fails after dropping indexes what needs to be done? ... In standard reorg Indexes are dropped in the beginning, so if the script fails after dropping the indexes than they need to be recreated manually.
If the rollback segments are not properly sized, then the live reorg will not succeed. ... To determine how large rollback segments should be for a Live reorganization, estimate how long it will take to copy the largest table and recreate the index on the table.
Initial reorg job was cancelled during execution. ... Upon restart the following error appeared in the log. ... [2] 08/31 03:45:20 object ID 2143942 <> ... 2067890 [2] 08/31 03:45:20 sdata ID 0 <> 0
The client PC may be seen to hang during the reorg of a large number of tables. ... If the refresh rate on the Job Monitor is set low and a large reorg is running, the queries against the database server may not complete before another refresh is started.
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