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Migrator for Notes to Exchange 4.16.3 - Administration Guide

About the Migrator for Notes to Exchange documentation Notes Migration Manager
Basic operating principles Notes Migration Manager navigation drawer Project management features
NABS Discovery Wizard Internet Domains Discovery Wizard Directory Export Wizard Collection Wizard Groups Provisioning Wizard Notes Data Locator Wizard Provisioning Wizard Send PAB Replicator Wizard Data Migration Wizard SSDM Statistics Collection Wizard The Log Viewer Using the Qsched.exe task-scheduling utility SSDM Scheduling Administration utility Microsoft 365 Admin Account Pool PowerShell cmdlets for Migrator for Notes to Exchange Appendix A: How do I ...?
Post-installation configuration Pre-migration preparations Batch-migration process Other features

Specify Collection Name

Specify Collection Name

The screen lets you name (or rename) the defined collection. You can also assign a Label to this collection to help organize multiple collections by a classification scheme of your own design This screen also sets the visibility of this collection and, optionally, attaches supplemental descriptive text about the collection.

  • Collection name: The name by which this collection is shown in drop-down lists and tables in Notes Migration Manager and elsewhere in Migrator for Notes to Exchange.

  • Label (optional): Select a Label for this collection from the drop-down list or type a new Label name into the text box to create a Label definition.

    Labels are an arbitrary device for classifying and grouping collections. For example, you could define labels for Engineering, IS, Marketing, R&D, Sales, and so on, for group collections based on the divisions in an organization. Or you could define labels for Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Memphis, Minneapolis, Toronto, and so on, to group collections using the geographic locations of offices. Within Notes Migration Manager, you can sort lists and tables of collections by label or you can specify a label to filter a list of collections to show only the collections that were assigned that label.

  • Visible: Check box that determines whether this collection appears in other lists of collections elsewhere in Migrator for Notes to Exchange. (Migrator for Notes to Exchange’s provisioning, migration and other features are applied to particular collections, which are specified from drop-down lists or tables.)

  • Description (optional): Enter a text description of the collection. The contents of this field will appear in tables of selections within Notes Migration Manager.

    Enter the requested information, and click Next.



Choose Member Selection Method

Choose Member Selection Method

This screen asks you to specify which of two methods to use to define the “first draft” member set of the collection. Later screens let you edit the member contents of the collection. The two options are:

  • Find members by searching the directory: Lets you specify the search criteria for selecting objects from the SQL database to add to the member set for this collection. The search criteria is defined with respect to one or more specified attribute values.

  • Import members from a .tsv file: Lets you import the contents of a .tsv (tab-separated-values format) file to define the “first draft” member set of this collection. The .tsv file must contain the NMEObjectGUID column which is used as a key to associate users with a collection. One way to create a .tsv as a starting point is to export another collection to a .tsv file.

    Choose the method by which you want to define the “first draft” member set, and click Next.



Add Members

Add Members

This screen lets you specify the search criteria for selecting objects from the SQL database to add members to this collection. Regardless of how you define the addition of collection members from the database, the next screen lets you (optionally) import additional members from a .tsv (tab-separated-values format) file.

The search criteria are defined with respect to one or more specified Attribute values. If you define multiple criteria, they are applied in an AND fashion, as multiple filters (an object must satisfy all criteria to be included as a member in the collection).


To add members to the collection from the SQL database:

  1. Specify the Attribute, Condition, and Value that define the criterion that objects must satisfy to be included as members in the collection.

  2. Click Add to add the criterion to the list of Conditions.

  1. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to define multiple selection criteria. Multiple criteria are applied in an AND fashion as multiple filters (an object must satisfy all criteria to be included as a member in the collection).

  2. To remove a criterion from the list of Conditions, select the line you want to remove, and click Remove.

  3. When the list of Conditions appears as you want it, click Find Now to perform the search in the SQL database.

    The selected objects appear in the Search Results table.

    Note: The Find Now function will replace any results that may already appear in the Search Results table.


To clear the Search Results table (to start over adding members):

  • Click Clear.


To interrupt and end a search in progress (after clicking Find Now):

  • Click Stop.


To save the collection member set:

  • If you want the member set to include only some objects in the Search Results table, select the objects you want to include and click OK.

  • If you want the member set to include all the objects in the Search Results table, leave all objects unselected and click OK.



Edit Collection Members

Edit Collection Members

This screen lets you:

  • Import from .tsv: Import the contents of a .tsv file to add members to the displayed collection. A dialog box prompts for the location and name of a .tsv file to import. The contents of the .tsv file will be added to any members already appearing in the collection table.

  • Export to .tsv: Export the member-data contents of the displayed collection to a .tsv file so that you can edit the data (and later import the data into a new collection). A dialog box prompts for the location and name of the .tsv file to which you want to export the displayed member set.

  • Add Members: Display the Add Members screen, which lets you select objects from the SQL database to add members to this collection. (The displayed collection contents are carried into the Add Members screen where you can add to them by selecting objects from the SQL database.)

  • Delete Members: Delete from the collection the members that are selected in the displayed table. To select two or more adjacent members (table rows) click on the first or last member you want to delete, press Shift+Click on the member at the other end of the block to select the two rows and all rows between them. To select two or more members whose table rows are not adjacent: click the first member row you want to delete, and press Ctrl+Click on each additional row you want to delete.

    When you are finished on this screen, click Finish to save the displayed members table for this collection, exit the wizard, and return to Notes Migration Manager.


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