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Rapid Recovery 6.9 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Protecting a machine


The protecting procedure requires the following tasks be completed before you begin:

  • The Rapid Recovery Agent has been deployed and installed on the machine you want to protect.
  • The machine you want to protect was restarted after the Agent installation.
  • A repository has been created and is accessible from the Rapid Recovery Core.

This topic describes how to start protecting the data on a single machine that you specify using the Protect Machine Wizard. To protect multiple machines using one process simultaneously, see About protecting multiple machines.

NOTE: Unless using agentless protection on a VMware or ESXi host, or a Hyper-V host, the machine you want to protect must have the Rapid Recovery Agent software installed to be protected. You can choose to install the Agent software prior to this procedure, or you can deploy the software to the target machine as a part of completing the Protect Machine Wizard. For more information about agentless protection and its restrictions, see Understanding Rapid Snap for Virtual.

For more information about installing the Agent software, see “Installing the Rapid Recovery Agent software” in the Rapid Recovery Installation and Upgrade Guide.
 If the Agent software is not installed prior to protecting a machine, you will not be able to select specific volumes for protection as part of this wizard. In this case, by default, all volumes on the agentlessly protected machine will be protected.

??Rapid Recovery supports the protection and recovery of machines configured with EISA partitions.

When you add protection, you need to define connection information such as the IP address and port, and provide credentials for the machine you want to protect. Optionally, you can provide a display name to appear in the Core Console instead of the IP address. If you change this, you will not see the IP address for the protected machine when you view details in the Core Console. You will also define the protection schedule for the machine.

The protection process includes optional steps you can access if you select an advanced configuration. Advanced options include repository functions and encryption. For example, you can specify which Rapid Recovery repository you want to use. You can also specify an existing encryption key (or add a new encryption key) to apply to the data saved to the Core for this machine. For more information about encryption keys, see Encryption.

The workflow of the protection wizard may differ slightly based on your environment. For example, if the Rapid Recovery Agent software is installed on the machine you want to protect, you will not be prompted to install it from the wizard. Likewise, if a repository already exists on the Core, you will not be prompted to create one.

Caution: Rapid Recovery does not support bare metal restores (BMRs) of Linux machines with ext2 boot partitions. Any BMR performed on a machine with this type of partition results in a machine that does not start. If you want to be able to perform a BMR on this machine in the future, you must convert any ext2 partitions to ext3 or ext4 before you begin protecting and backing up the machine.

  1. From the Rapid Recovery Core Console button bar, click [Protect]Protect.

    NOTE: If you have not yet create a repository, a dialog box alerts you that no repository was found and prompts you to create one. Clicking Yes opens the Create Repository wizard. For more information about repositories, see Repositories.

    The Protect Machine Wizard appears.

  2. On the Welcome page, select one of the follow installation options:
    • If you do not need to define a repository or establish encryption, select Typical.
    • If you want to define a repository or if you want to establish encryption, select Advanced (show optional steps).

      Optionally, if you do not wish to see the Welcome page for the Protect Machine Wizard in the future, select the option Skip this Welcome page the next time the wizard opens.

  3. When you are satisfied with your choices on the Welcome page, then click Next.

    The Connection page appears.

  4. On the Connection page, enter the information about the machine to which you want to connect, as described in the following table, and then click Next.

    Table 43: Machine connection settings
    Text Box Description
    Host The host name or IP address of the machine that you want to protect.
    Port The port number on which the Rapid Recovery Core communicates with the Agent on the machine.

    The default port number for Windows machines is 8006.

    The default port number for Linux machines is 22 (SSH).

    User name

    The user name used to connect to this machine; for example, Administrator (or, if the machine is in a domain, [domain name]\Administrator).

    Enter the user name or, to use a set of credentials saved to Credentials Vault, use the drop-down list and select a user name.

    Optionally, to save your credentials to Credentials Vault, click the plus sign next to the text box. For more information, see Credentials Vault.

    Password Enter the password used to connect to this machine, or select a set of credentials from the drop-down list, which are listed by user name.

    If the Install Agent page appears next in the Protect Machine Wizard, that means that Rapid Recovery does not detect the Rapid Recovery Agent on the machine and will install the current version of the software. Go to step 6.

    If the Upgrade Agent page appears next in the wizard, that means that an older version of the Agent software exists on the machine you want to protect.

    NOTE: The Agent software must be installed on the machine you want to protect, and that machine must be restarted, before it can back up to the Core. To have the installer reboot the protected machine, select the option After installation, restart the machine automatically (recommended) before clicking Next.

  5. On the Upgrade Agent page, do one of the following:
    • To deploy the new version of the Agent software (matching the version for the Rapid Recovery Core), select Upgrade the Rapid Recovery Agent software to the latest version.
    • To continue protecting the machine without updating the Agent software version, clear the option Upgrade the Rapid Recovery Agent software to the latest version.
  6. Click Next.

    The Protection page appears.

  7. Optionally, on the Protection page, if you want a name other than the IP address to display in the Rapid Recovery Core Console for this protected machine, then in the Display name field, type a name in the dialog box.

    You can enter up to 64 characters. Do not use the special characters described in the topic prohibited characters. Additionally, do not begin the display name with any of the character combinations described in the topic prohibited phrases.

  8. Select the appropriate protection schedule settings as described below:
    • To use the default protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Default protection (hourly snapshots of all volumes).

      With a default protection schedule, the Core will take snapshots of all volumes on the protected machine once every hour. To change the protection settings at any time after you close the wizard, including choosing which volumes to protect, go to the Summary page for the specific protected machine.

    • To define a different protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Custom protection.

      Schedule options are added to the wizard workflow.

  9. At the bottom of the Protection page, if you are re-protecting a machine previously protected in this Core, and want to keep the previous configuration, select Keep current settings.
  10. Proceed with your configuration as follows:
    • If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2 and specified default protection, then click Finish to confirm your choices, close the wizard, and protect the machine you specified.
    • If you selected Advanced configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2 , and default protection, then click Next to see repository and encryption options.
    • If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard and specified custom protection, then click Next and continue to the next step to choose which volumes to protect.
    • If you selected Advanced configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2, and default protection, then click Next and proceed to step 13 to see repository and encryption options.

    The first time protection is added for a machine, a base image (that is, a snapshot of all the data in the protected volumes) will transfer to the repository on the Rapid Recovery following the schedule you defined, unless you specified to initially pause protection.

  11. On the Protection Volumes page, select which volumes you want to protect. If any volumes are listed that you do not want to include in protection, click in the Check column to clear the selection. Then click Next.

    NOTE: Typically, it is good practice to protect, at minimum, the System Reserved volume and the volume with the operating system (typically the C drive).

  12. On the Protection Schedule page, define a custom protection schedule and then click Next. For details on defining a custom protection schedule, see Creating custom protection schedules in Simple Mode.

    If you already have repository information configured, did not indicate that you want to change the repository, and you selected the Advanced option in step 2, then the Encryption page appears. Proceed to step 16.

    If you already have repository information configured, and you selected the Advanced option in step 2, or if you indicated you want to change the repository, then the Repository page appears. Proceed to step 13.

  13. On the Repository page, select the repository you want to use to store recovery points for this machine, and then click Next.
  14. On the Encryption page, do one of the following:
    • If you want to use encryption keys for data stored in the repository, select Encrypt the data at rest in a repository, and then do one of the following:
      • To select an existing encryption key to apply to all new data stored in your repository, select Encrypt data using Core-based encryption with an existing key, and from the Select encryption key drop-down menu, select the encryption key.
      • To define a new encryption key at this time to apply to all future data stored in your repository, select Encrypt data using Core-based encryption with a new key, and then enter information about the key as described in the table below:
      Table 44: Define new encryption key
      Text Box Description
      Name Enter a name for the encryption key.

      Encryption key names must contain between 1 and 64 alphanumeric characters. Do not use prohibited characters and prohibited phrases.

      Description Enter a descriptive comment for the encryption key. This information appears in the Description field when viewing a list of encryption keys in the Rapid Recovery. Descriptions may contain up to 254 characters.

      Best practice is to avoid using prohibited characters and prohibited phrases.

      Passphrase Enter a passphrase used to control access.

      Best practice is to avoid using prohibited characters.

      Record the passphrase in a secure location. Quest Data Protection Support cannot recover a passphrase. Once you create an encryption key and apply it to one or more protected machines, you cannot recover data if you lose the passphrase.

      Confirm passphrase Re-enter the passphrase. It is used to confirm the passphrase entry.
    • If you want to encrypt all data that transports over a network, select Encrypt the data in transport over a network.

      NOTE: This option is enabled by default, so if you do not want to encrypt data in this fashion, clear this option.

  15. Click Finish to save and apply your settings.

    NOTE: The first time protection is added for a machine, a base image (that is, a snapshot of all the data in the protected volumes) transfers to the repository indicated in your Rapid Recovery Core following the schedule you defined, unless you specified that the Core should initially pause protection. For information on pausing and resuming protection, see Pausing and resuming protection.

Protecting a cluster

This topic describes how to add a cluster for protection in Rapid Recovery. When you add a cluster to protection, you need to specify the host name or IP address of the cluster, the cluster application, or one of the cluster nodes or machines that includes the Rapid Recovery Agent software.

NOTE: A repository is used to store the snapshots of data that are captured from your protected nodes. Before you start protecting data in your cluster, you should have set up at least one repository that is associated with your Rapid Recovery Core.

For information about setting up repositories, see Understanding repositories.

  1. From the Rapid Recovery Core Console button bar, click the Protect[Expand drop-down menu] drop-down menu, and then select [Protect cluster] Protect Cluster.

    The Protect Cluster Wizard opens.

  2. On the Welcome page of the wizard, select one of the following options:
    • Typical
    • Advanced (show optional steps)
  3. Optionally, if you want to skip this step the next time you open the Protect Cluster Wizard, select Skip this Welcome page the next time the wizard opens.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Connection page of the wizard, enter the following information.
    Table 45: Connect to Cluster settings
    Text Box Description
    Host The host name or IP address of the cluster, the cluster application, or one of the cluster nodes.
    Port The port number on the machine on which the Rapid Recovery Core communicates with the Agent.

    The default port is 8006.

    User name The user name of the domain administrator used to connect to this machine: for example, domain_name\administrator.

    NOTE: The domain name is mandatory. You cannot connect to the cluster using the local administrator user name.

    Password The password used to connect to this machine.
  6. Click Next.

    NOTE: If the cluster nodes already have an older version of the Rapid Recovery Agent installed, an Upgrade page appears in the wizard and offers the opportunity to upgrade the Agent.

  7. On the Nodes page of the wizard, select the nodes that you want to protect.

    The system automatically verifies each machine you selected.

  8. Click Next.

    If the Protection page appears next in the Protect Cluster Wizard, skip to step 11.

    If the Agent software is not yet deployed to the machines you want to protect, or if any of the machines you specified cannot be protected for another reason, then the selected machines appear on the Warnings page.

  9. Optionally, on the Warnings page of the wizard, you can verify any machine by selecting the machine and then clicking Verify in the toolbar.
  10. Optionally, on the Warnings page, select After Agent installation, restart the machines automatically.

    NOTE:Quest recommends this option. You must restart agent machines before they can be protected.

  11. If the status indicates that the machine is reachable, click Next to install the Rapid Recovery Agent software.

    The Protection page appears.

  12. Optionally, on the Protection page, if you want a name other than the IP address to display in the Rapid Recovery Console for this protected machine, then in the Display name field, type a name in the dialog box.

    You can enter up to 64 characters. Do not use the special characters described in the topic prohibited characters. Additionally, do not begin the display name with any of the character combinations described in the topic prohibited phrases.

  13. Select the appropriate protection schedule settings as described below:
    • To use the default protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Default protection (hourly snapshots of all volumes).

      With a default protection schedule, the Core will take snapshots of all volumes on the protected machine once every hour. To change the protection settings at any time after you close the wizard, including choosing which volumes to protect, go to the Summary page for the specific protected machine.

    • To define a different protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Custom protection.
  14. Optionally, on the Protection page, if you want a name other than the IP address to display in the Rapid Recovery Core for this protected machine, then in the Display name field, type a name in the dialog box.

    You can enter up to 64 characters. Do not use the special characters described in the topic prohibited characters. Additionally, do not begin the display name with any of the character combinations described in the topic prohibited phrases.

  15. Select the appropriate protection schedule settings as described below:
    • To use the default protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Default protection (hourly snapshots of all volumes).

      With a default protection schedule, the Core will take snapshots of all volumes on the protected machine once every hour. To change the protection settings at any time after you close the wizard, including choosing which volumes to protect, go to the Summary page for the specific protected machine.

    • To define a different protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Custom protection.
  16. Proceed with your configuration as follows:
    • If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard and specified default protection, and if a repository exists, then click Finish to confirm your choices, close the wizard, and protect the machine you specified.
    • If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard and specified default protection, and if no repository exists, then click Next and proceed to step 19 to create a repository.
    • If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard and specified custom protection, then click Next and continue to the next step to choose which volumes to protect.
    • If you selected Advanced configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard, and default protection, then click Next and proceed to step 19 to see repository and encryption options.
    • If you selected Advanced configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard and specified custom protection, then click Next and continue to the next step to choose which volumes to protect.
  17. On the Protection Volumes page, select which volumes you want to protect. If any volumes are listed that you do not want to include in protection, click in the Check column to clear the selection. Then click Next.

    NOTE: Typically, it is good practice to protect, at minimum, the System Reserved volume and the volume with the operating system (typically the C drive).

  18. On the Protection Schedule page, define a custom protection schedule and then click Next. For details on defining a custom protection schedule, see Creating custom protection schedules in Simple Mode.

    If you already have repository information configured, and you selected the Advanced option in step 1, then the Encryption page appears. Proceed to step 22.

  19. On the Repository page, do the following: If you already have a repository and want to store the data from this machine for protection in the existing repository, then do the following:
    1. Select Use an existing repository.
    2. Select an existing repository from the list.
    3. Click Next.

    The Encryption page appears. Skip to step 22 to optionally define encryption.

    If you want to create a repository, then on the Repository page, enter the information described in the following table, and then click Next or Finish, as appropriate.
    Table 46: Repository settings
    Text Box Description
    Name Enter the display name of the repository.

    By default, this text box consists of the word Repository and a number, which corresponds to the number of repositories for this Core. For example, if this is the first repository, the default name is Repository 1. Change the name as needed.

    Repository names must contain between 1 and 40 alphanumeric characters, including spaces. Do not use prohibited characters or prohibited phrases.

    Location Enter the location for storing the protected data. This volume should be a primary storage location. The location could be local (a drive on the Core machine) or it could be a CIFS share network drive.

    For a CIFS share, the path must begin with \\. When specifying the path, use only alphanumeric characters, the hyphen, and the period (only to separate host names and domains). The letters a to z are case-insensitive. Do not use spaces. No other symbols or punctuation characters are permitted.

    Caution: Define a dedicated folder within the root for the storage location for your repository. Do not specify the root location. For example, use E:\Repository\, not E:\. If the repository that you are creating in this step is later removed, all files at the storage location of your repository are deleted. If you define your storage location at the root, all other files in the volume (e.g., E:\) are deleted, which could result in catastrophic data loss.

    For example, type X:\Repository\Data.

    When specifying the path, use only alphanumeric characters, the hyphen, and the period (only to separate host names and domains). You can use the backslash character only to define levels in the path. Do not use spaces. No other symbols or punctuation characters are permitted.

    User name Enter a user name for a user with administrative access. This information is only required when the repository location specified is a network path.
    Password Enter the password for the user with administrative access. This information is only required when the repository location specified is a network path.
    Metadata path Enter the location for storing the protected metadata.

    For example, type X:\Repository\Metadata.

    When specifying the path, use only alphanumeric characters, the hyphen, and the period (only to separate host names and domains). You can use the backslash character only to define levels in the path. Do not use spaces. No other symbols or punctuation characters are permitted.

  20. On the Repository Configuration page, configure the amount of space on the disk to allocate to the repository. Quest recommends reserving 20 percent of the volume for metadata, which is the default. Optionally, using the slider control or the Size field, you can allocate more or less space on the volume for the repository.
  21. Optionally, if you want to view and enter detailed information regarding storage location settings, select Show advanced options, and adjust the settings as described in the following table. To hide these options, clear the option Show advanced options. When you have completed your repository configuration, click Next or Finish, as appropriate.
    Table 47: Storage configuration details
    Text Box Description

    Bytes per sector

    Specify the number of bytes you want each sector to include. The default value is 512.

    NOTE: Quest recommends setting the bytes per sector to match the physical sector size of the storage location in which the repository resides. For example, if the disk on the intended storage location has a 4096 byte sector size, change the bytes per sector setting to 4096.

    If using multiple storage locations with different sector sizes, Quest recommends retaining the default setting of 512 bytes per sector.

    Bytes per record

    Specify the average number of bytes per record. The default value is 8192.

    Write caching policy

    The write caching policy controls how the Windows Cache Manager is used in the repository and helps to tune the repository for optimal performance on different configurations. As of release 6.4, the default for this setting is Off.

    Set the value to one of the following:

    • On. If set to On, Windows controls the caching.
    • Off. If set to Off, which is the default, Rapid Recovery controls the caching.
    • Sync. If set to Sync, Windows controls the caching as well as the synchronous input/output.

    If you chose the Advanced option in Step 1, the Encryption page appears.

  22. Optionally, on the Encryption page, if you want to use encryption keys for data stored in the repository, select Encrypt the data at rest in a repository, and then do one of the following:
    • To select an existing encryption key to apply to all new data stored in your repository, select Encrypt data using Core-based encryption with an existing key, and from the Select encryption key drop-down menu, select the encryption key.
    • To define a new encryption key at this time to apply to all future data stored in your repository, select Encrypt data using Core-based encryption with a new key, and then enter information about the key as described in the table below:
    Table 48: Define new encryption key
    Text Box Description
    Name Enter a name for the encryption key.

    Encryption key names must contain between 1 and 64 alphanumeric characters. Do not use prohibited characters or prohibited phrases.

    Description Enter a descriptive comment for the encryption key. This information appears in the Description field when viewing a list of encryption keys in the Rapid Recovery. Descriptions may contain up to 254 characters.

    Best practice is to avoid using prohibited characters and prohibited phrases.

    Passphrase Enter a passphrase used to control access.

    Best practice is to avoid using prohibited characters.

    Record the passphrase in a secure location. Quest Data Protection Support cannot recover a passphrase. Once you create an encryption key and apply it to one or more protected machines, you cannot recover data if you lose the passphrase.

    Confirm passphrase Re-enter the passphrase. It is used to confirm the passphrase entry.
  23. Optionally, on the Encryption page, to encrypt all data that transports over a network, select Encrypt the data in transport over a network. This option is enabled by default, so if you do not want to encrypt data in this fashion, clear this option.
  24. Click Finish to save and apply your settings.

    NOTE: The first time protection is added for a machine, a base image (that is, a snapshot of all the data in the protected volumes) transfers to the repository indicated in your Rapid Recovery Core following the schedule you defined, unless you specified that the Core should initially pause protection. For information on pausing and resuming protection, see Pausing and resuming protection.

Protecting nodes in a cluster

This task requires that you first protect a cluster. For more information, see Protecting a cluster.

This topic describes how to protect the data on a cluster node or machine that has a Rapid Recovery Agent installed. This procedure lets you add individual nodes to protection that you may have omitted when you protected a cluster.

  1. In the Rapid Recovery Core Console, under Protected Machine, click the cluster with the nodes that you want to protect.
  2. On the Summary page for the cluster, click the Protected Nodes.
  3. On the Protected Nodes page, click Protect Cluster Node.
  4. In the Protect Cluster Node dialog box, select or enter as appropriate the following information.
    Table 49: Protect Cluster Node settings
    Text Box Description
    Host A drop-down list of nodes in the cluster available for protection.
    Port The port number on which the Rapid Recovery Core communicates with the Agent on the node.
    User name The user name of the domain administrator used to connect to this node; for example, example_domain\administrator or
    Password The password used to connect to this machine.
  5. To add the node, click Connect.
  6. To start protecting this node with default protection settings, go to step 11.

    NOTE: The default settings ensure that all volumes on the machine are protected with a schedule of every 60 minutes.

  7. In the Protect [Node Name] dialog box, if you want to use a repository other than the default setting, use the drop-down list to select a repository.
  8. If you want to secure the recovery points for this cluster using Core-based encryption, use the drop-down list to select an encryption key.
  9. If you do not want protection to begin immediately after completing this procedure, select Initially pause protection.
  10. To enter custom settings (for example, to customize the protection schedule for the shared volumes), do the following:
    1. To customize settings for an individual volume, next to the volume that you want to customize, click Function next to the relevant volume.
    2. See Creating custom protection schedules in Simple Mode.
  11. Click Protect.

Creating custom protection schedules in Simple Mode

The procedure for creating a custom protection schedule from within a protection wizard is identical to the procedure for creating a protection schedule for an existing machine in Simple Mode. Protection schedules created in a wizard or in Simple Mode are not saved as templates. To create templates or multiple protection schedules, see Creating multiple protection schedule periods in Advanced Mode. Complete the steps in this procedure to create custom schedules for using Rapid Recovery to back up data from protected machines.

To create custom protection schedules in Simple Mode

  1. Complete one of the following options:
    • If using a protection wizard (Protect Machine, Protect Multiple Machines, Protecting a Cluster), on the Protection page of the wizard, select Custom protection, and then click Next.
    • If creating a protection schedule for a machine that is already protected, on the Summary page for the protected machine, expand the volumes of the protected machine, select the applicable volumes, and then click Set a Schedule.
    The Protection Schedule page or dialog appears.
  2. On the Protection Schedule page or dialog, complete one of the following options:
    • To set a protection period that runs on set days and at specified times, select Periods, and then continue to step 3.
    • To set a specific time to back up the machine every day, select Daily protection time, and then continue to step 7.
    • To take a backup after a specific number of days, select Every number of days, and then continue to step 7.
  3. To change the interval schedule for any period, complete the following steps:
    1. Create a span of time by selecting a From time and a To time.
    2. For each period, click in the interval text box, and then enter an appropriate interval in minutes.

      For example, highlight the default interval of 60 and replace it with the value 20 to perform snapshots every 20 minutes during this period.

  4. To customize snapshots for peak and off-peak business hours, complete the following steps: set an optimal interval for the peak range, select Take snapshots for the remaining time, and then set an off-peak interval by doing the following:
    1. Select Weekdays.
    2. Set the From and To times to create a span of time during your peak business hours.
    3. In the Every X minutes box, enter an interval in minutes for how often Rapid Recovery should create recovery points during this span of peak business hours.

      For example, highlight the default interval of 60 and replace it with the value 20 to perform snapshots every 20 minutes during the time range you selected for this period.

    4. To schedule snapshots during off-peak business hours, select Take snapshots for the rest of the time.
    5. In the Every X minutes box, enter an interval in minutes for how often Rapid Recovery Core should create recovery points during this span of off-peak business hours.

      For example, because there is less business activity during these hours, and fewer changes to back up, you may decide to take fewer snapshots and keep the default interval of 60 minutes.

  5. Continue to step 7.
  6. To set a single time of day for a single backup to occur daily, select Daily protection time and then enter a time in format HH:MM AM. For example, to do a daily backup at 9:00 PM, enter 09:00 PM.
  7. To define the schedule without beginning backups, select Initially pause protection.

    After you pause protection from the wizard, it remains paused until you explicitly resume it. Once you resume protection, backups occur based on the schedule you established. For more information on resuming protection, see Pausing and resuming protection.

  8. When you are satisfied with changes made to your protection schedule, click Finish or Next, as appropriate.

    If you are using a wizard, proceed to the next step in the wizard. Refer to the procedure for the appropriate wizard to complete any remaining requirements.

For more information, see the following related topics:

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