Select Microsoft 365 Administrative Operations
This screen appears if you selected the Microsoft 365 administrative functions check box on the Operations
screen. It lets you select the following options.
Reset user passwords: Resets the user passwords for mailboxes in the collection. This function assigns random one-time-only passwords that permit a user to log onto Microsoft 365 the first time.The user must reset the password to something more durable and memorable.
Assign user licenses: When this option is selected, MNE performs a new Microsoft 365 userlicensing operation.
NOTE: The Data Migration Wizard can license Microsoft 365 users when the userPrincipalName differs from the primary SMTP address. With this feature, an administrator can use TSV Import feature to assign alternate UPN values to the SQL database. To do this, from the Export Notes Directory screen:
ExportthecollectionSQLdatatoatsv file.
MNE will read the imported UPN values, if they are present in the database, when licensing Microsoft 365 users.
Without this feature, the wizard uses the SMTP address for the userPrincipalName, but this can cause issues in environments where the userPrincipalName is different, since the Microsoft 365 Administrative Operations wizard would not find the users in the target Microsoft 365 environment.
License users: Select this option to assign licenses to users.
Unlicense users: Select this option to remove user licenses.
Usage Location: Use the drop-down list to specify your users’ Usage Location. This is a mandatory designation that Microsoft requires for its Microsoft 365 licenses (see this Microsoft article). Your selection corresponds to a two-letter Usage Location code that is saved in MNE Global Defaults and Task Parameters as the [Exchange] O365UsageLocation=<xx> parameter.
Product License: Microsoft 365 is available in a variety of plans (see this Microsoft article). MNE populates the Product License field with the Microsoft 365 licensing plans available to your organization and the number of licenses available for each plan. If the [Exchange]O365AccountSkuId parameter is set, the specified license plan is the default selection.
Select the licensing plan to apply from the drop-down list. Once a licensing plan is selected, all the services available within the licensing plan are listed. By default, all services are selected. You can clear a service to disable it. Disabled services are listed in the [Exchange]O365DisabledServicePlans parameter.
License plan services can have dependencies on other services. When licensing users, MNE does not validate that the combination of services selected is valid. If you disable a service on which another enabled service is dependent, user licensing will fail with the error Unable to assign the license.