SharePoint Online
To use the adapter for SharePoint Online, fill the field “Web Service Home URL” with the SmartSheet home page URL you want to connect to.
To provide required parameters, please ensure that erwin DT is registered on target tenant Azure Active Directory.
See: about registering a native application.
Register DT with:
Name: erwinCollector
Application Type: Native
Redirect URI: http://erwinCC
and provide all grants to read site list, for specific Microsoft API:
Microsoft Graph:
oRead items in all site collection
oAccess directory as the signed in user
Microsoft Azure Active Directory:
oRead all users' basic profiles
oSign in and read user profile
Office 365 SharePoint Online (Microsoft.SharePoint)
oRead and write items and lists in all site collections
oRead and write items in all site collections
oRead items in all site collections
oRead managed metadata
The button steps into the next window, which requires user to browse to authorization URL and provide grant to the application:
Wait for the browser to complete the request; a new page will be presented, with a URL like:
http://erwinCC/?code= AwABAAAAvPM1KaPlrEqdFSBzjqfTGBCmLdgfSTLEMPGYuNHSUYBrqqf_ZT_p5uEAEJJ_nZ3UmphWygRNy2C3jJ239gV_DBnZ2syeg95Ki-374WHUP-i3yIhv5i-7KU2CEoPXwURQp6IVYMw-DjAOzn7C3JCu5wpngXmbZKtJdWmiBzHpcO2aICJPu1KvJrDLDP20chJBXzVYJtkfjviLNNW7l7Y3ydcHDsBRKZc3GuMQanmcghXPyoDg41g8XbwPudVh7uCmUponBQpIhbuffFP_tbV8SNzsPoFz9CLpBCZagJVXeqWoYMPe2dSsPiLO9Alf_YIe5zpi-zY4C3aLw5g9at35eZTfNd0gBRpR5ojkMIcZZ6IgAA&session_state=7B29111D-C220-4263-99AB-6F6E135D75EF&state=D79E5777-702E-4260-9A62-37F75FF22CCE &session_state=7B29111D-C220-4263-99AB-6F6E135D75EF&state=D79E5777-702E-4260-9A62-37F75FF22CCE
Copy the entire URL to DT text area:
The button steps into the next window that shows the available operation of that Web Service, which is “READ LISTS.
After selecting the desired operation, it is required to enter a name and a description for the adapter in the appropriate fields; the user must browse the file system for the adapter folder (used to save intermediate and result file for adapter execution).
The next button steps into the next window that allows the user to set values for the Web Service parameters.
Select the list – double click on lens icon beside “List GUID” open a list of available lists – and apply the selection, and the desired list GUID (as expected by Sharepoint export API) fills the parameter value
Pressing the button opens a new pop-up window and the response resulting from the Web Service call is displayed.
Pressing the button stores all the entered parameters for the web service adapter in the DT database.
The button closes the data preview window and goes back to Web Service configuration form.
Generic data provider - CSV
To use the adapter for a generic http data provider, fill the field “Web Service Home URL” with the URL to the data provider service, ex:
Then, provide a valid User/Password if service requires (basic) authentication, or select “Anonymous” access option
The button steps into the next window that shows the available operation of that Web Service, which is “GET DATA”, allowing user to query web data.
After selecting the desired operation, it is required to enter a name and a description for the adapter in the appropriate fields; the user must browse the file system for the adapter folder (used to save intermediate and result file for adapter execution).
The next button steps into the next window that allows the user to set values for the Web Service parameters.
When a lens icon shows beside the parameter name:
this means that user may choose the parameter value from a list of available items. In case of this example, with the double-click on the lens icon, a table appears, with the available encoding:
Select and apply the selection, and the desired values for other fields, like the CSV column separator and parameters should the service require them.
Pressing the button opens a new pop-up window and the response resulting from the Web Service call is displayed.
Pressing the button stores all the entered parameters for the web service adapter in the DT database.
The button closes the data preview window and goes back to Web Service configuration form.
To use the adapter for Veracode, to read application list, fill the field “Web Service Home URL” with the Veracode URL you want to connect to. Then, provide a valid username/password to connect, or the API credentials (ID/KEY), that can be generated by a valid account.
Please, make sure that the account has the correct permissions to use Veracode API:
The button steps into the next window that shows the available operations of this Web Service; choose “READ APPLICATION LIST”, to get the list of application names and their Veracode ID.
After selecting the desired operation, it is required to enter a name and a description for the adapter into the appropriate fields; the user must browse the file system for the adapter folder (used to save intermediate and result file for adapter execution).
The next button steps into the next window that allows the user to set values for the Web Service parameters, not required for this operation.
Pressing the button and a pop-up window is opened and the response resulting from the Web Service call is displayed.
Pressing the button will store all the entered parameters for the web service adapter in the DT database.
The button closes the data preview window and goes back to the Web Service configuration form.
To use the adapter for Veracode, to import application data, fill the field “Web Service Home URL” with the Veracode URL you want to connect to. Then, provide a valid username/password to connect, or the API credentials (ID/KEY), that can be generated by a valid account.
Please, make sure that the account has the correct permissions to use Veracode API:
The button steps into the next window that shows the available operations of this Web Service; choose “IMPORT APPLICATION DATA”, to configure an adapter that can be used in a workflow to push application metadata to Veracode (see later).
After selecting the desired operation, it is required to enter a name and a description for the adapter in the appropriate fields; the user must browse the file system for the adapter folder (used to save intermediate and result file for adapter execution).
The next button steps into the next window that allows the user to set values for the Web Service parameters, not required for this operation.
Pressing the button will store all the entered parameters for the web service adapter in the DT database.
The button closes the data preview window and goes back to Web Service configuration form.
The Adapter, as mentioned, can be used to push data to Veracode and fill applications metadata. For example, if the application object type in Veracode has two custom fields named “Casewise ID” and “Development Manager”, the alignment can be done configuring a workflow, with a source providing values for the fields, and with the target operation “Web Service POST”, using the configured adapter. To provide mappings between source and target field, use a “Data Formatting: Rename and Order Columns” transformation, with the required “app_id” and “app_name” fields, and all others desired fields. Where “app_id” (numeric) value is null or 0, the application with provided name will be created, or updated, if an existing Veracode application with the same name already exists.
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