You can use the DeleteTieredRepository
command to remove a tiering repository created from a Rapid Recovery Core.
NOTE: This command is deprecated.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/deletetieredrepository -name [repository name] -deletecontent [delete all repository content] -rdshost [tiered repository host name]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the DeleteTieredRepository
Table 14: DeleteTieredRepository command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-name |
Required. The name of the tiered repository. |
-deletecontent |
Required. Specifies whether all repository content should be deleted. If you want to delete all, use true ; if you do not want to delete all content, use false . |
-rdshost |
Optional. The name of the tiered repository host, such as the DR server. Use this option when the repository does not exist on the current Core. |
Delete tiering repository:
>cmdutil /deletetieredrepository -name NewTieredRepo -deletecontent true -rdshost localhost
You can use the deploytoazure
command to export a virtual machine (VM) to a Microsoft Azure cloud account.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/deploytoazure -core [host name] -user [user name for Core]
-password [password for Core] -protectedserver [name | IP address] -volumes
[volume names | all] -destinationcontainer [Azure destination container]
-deploymentname [name of deployment] -subscriptionid [Azure subscription ID]
-cloudservicename [cloud service name] -vmname [virtual machine name] -vmsize
[virtual machine size] -endpointname [rdp | ssh] -protocol [tcp | udp]
-publicremoteaccessport [public port number] -privateremoteaccessport [private
port number]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the DeployToAzure
Table 15: DeployToAzure command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. The user name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. The password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-protectedserver |
Protected machine with recovery points that you want to export. |
-volumes |
Optional. List of additional volume names for the deploy. If you use the value all or use no value, then all volumes deploy. |
-destinationcontainer |
The name of the Azure destination container you want to use for the deploy. |
-deploymentname |
The name of the deployment. |
-subscriptionid |
The Azure subscription ID. |
-cloudservicename |
The name of the Azure cloud service. |
-vmname |
The name of the virtual machine. |
-vmsize |
The size of the virtual machine; for example, A0 , Basic_A4 , or Standard_G1 . |
-endpointname |
The Azure endpoint protocol used only for remote access rdp or ssh . The default value is rdp . |
-protocol |
The protocol used only for remote access tcp or udp . The default value is tcp . |
-publicremoteaccessport |
The public port for using remote access. The default value is 3389 . |
-privateremoteaccessport |
The private port for using remote access. The default value is 3389 . |
-privateagentport |
Optional. The Agent port. If the port value is 0, then the value is determined by the Agent configuration.

NOTE: If neither the parameter -publicagentport nor -privateagentport is specified, then no endpoint is added. | |
-publicagentport |
Optional. The external Agent port. If the port value is 0, then the value is determined by the Agent configuration.

NOTE: If neither the parameter -publicagentport nor -privateagentport is specified, then no endpoint is added. | |
-privatetransferport |
Optional. The TCP port upon which to accept connections from the Core for the transfer of data from the Agent. If the port value is 0, then the value is determined by the Agent configuration.

NOTE: If neither the parameter -publictransferport nor -privatetransferport is specified, then no endpoint is added. | |
-publictransferport |
Optional. The external TCP port upon which to accept connections from the Core for the transfer of data from the Agent. If the port value is 0, then the value is determined by the Agent configuration.

NOTE: If neither the parameter -publictransferport nor -privatetransferport is specified, then no endpoint is added. | |
Deploy data to Azure:
>cmdutil /deploytoazure -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -deploymentname Deploy1 -destinationcontainer container1 -subscriptionid "111111-22222-33333-4444-555555" -cloudservicename Service1 -vmname VirtualMachine -vmsize A0
Deploy data to Azure using a specified endpoint:
>cmdutil /deploytoazure -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -deploymentname Deploy1 -destinationcontainer container1 -subscriptionid "111111-22222-33333-4444-555555" -cloudservicename Service1 -vmname VirtualMachine -vmsize A0 -endpointname ssh -protocol udp -publicremoteaccessport 1555 -privateremoteaccessport 22
Deploy data to Azure with specified Agent and transfer endpoint when the -privateagentport
option has a user-defined value of 8006
. The parameter for -publicagentport
uses the special value 0
, which is copied from -privateagentport
. The parameter for -privatetransferport
uses the special value 0
, which is taken from the Agent configuration. The parameter for -publictransferport
uses the special value 0
, which is copied from -privatetransferport
>cmdutil /deploytoazure -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -deploymentname Deploy1 -destinationcontainer container1 -subscriptionid "111111-22222-33333-4444-555555" -cloudservicename Service1 -vmname VirtualMachine -vmsize A0 -privateagentport 8006 -publicagentport 0 -privatetransferport 0 -publictransferport 0
Deploy data to Azure using all available disks:
>cmdutil /deploytoazure -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -deploymentname Deploy1 -destinationcontainer container1 -subscriptionid "111111-22222-33333-4444-555555" -cloudservicename Service1 -vmname VirtualMachine -vmsize A0 -privateagentport 8006 -publicagentport 0 -privatetransferport 0 -publictransferport 0 -Volumes all
Use the dismount
command to dismount a mounted recovery point specified by the -path
option, dismount points for the selected agent by the -protectedserver
parameter, or dismount all mounted recovery points—-all
The usage for the command is as follows:
/dis[mount] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] [-all | -protectedserver [name | IP address] | -path [location]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the dismount
Table 16: Dismount command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-all |
Dismount all mounted recovery points. |
-protectedserver |
Dismount all mounted recovery points for current agent. |
-path |
Dismount selected mount point. |
Dismount a recovery point that was mounted to folder c:\mountedrecoverypoint:
>cmdutil /dismount -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -path c:\mountedRecoveryPoint
Use this command to dismount a selected mounted repository.
The usage for the command is as follows:
Dismount-Repository -core [host name] -user [login] -password [password] -name [repository name]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for this command:
Table 17: Dismount command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-name |
Name of a repository you want to dismount. |
Dismount repository "Repository 2":
>Dismount-Repository -name "Repository 2"