The updaterepository
command adds a new storage location to an existing DVM repository.
NOTE: This command is deprecated.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/updaterepository -name [repository name] -size [size of the repository] [-datapath [data path] -metadatapath [metadata path] | [-uncpath [UNC path] -shareusername [share user name] -sharepassword [share password] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the updaterepository
Table 77: UpdateRepository command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-name |
Repository name. |
-size |
Size of repository storage location. Available units are b, Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, and Pb. |
-datapath |
For local location only. Determines data path of repository storage location. |
-metadatapath |
For local location only. Determines metadata path of repository storage location. |
-uncpath |
For share location only. Determines data and metadata paths of repository storage location. |
-shareusername |
For share location only. Determines user name to share location. |
-sharepassword |
For share location only. Determines password to share location. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
Create a new storage location in a local DVM repository:
>cmdutil /updaterepository -name “Repository 1” -size 200Gb -datapath d:\repository -metadatapath d:\repository -core -username administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd
Create a storage location for a DVM repository at a shared location:
>cmdutil /updaterepository -name “Repository 1” -size 200Gb -uncpath \\share\repository -shareusername login -sharepassword 23WE@#$sdd -core -username administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd
The version
command displays information about the version of the Rapid Recovery software installed on the specified server. If you do not specify a core or protected server, the information returned applies to the Core on which you are currently working.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/[version | ver] -protectedserver [name | IP address]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the version
Table 78: Version command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-protectedserver |
Optional. The protected machine for which you want to view version information. If you do not specify a protect machine, the return is information about the Core machine on which you are working. |
Display information about the version of Rapid Recovery installed on the current Rapid Recovery Core:
>cmdutil /version
You can use the virtualstandby
command to export data from a Rapid Recovery protected machine to a compatible virtual machine.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/virtualstandby -edit -exporttype [esxi | vm | hyperv | vb] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -protectedserver [name | IP address] -volumes [volume names] -vmname [virtual machine name] -gen2 -hostname [virtual host name] -hostport [virtual host port number] -hostusername [virtual host user name] -hostpassword [virtual host password] [-ram [total megabytes] | -usesourceram] -diskprovisioning [thin | thick] -diskmapping [automatic | manual | withvm] -targetpath [location] -pathusername [user name] -pathpassword [password] [-uselocal machine] -initialexport
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the virtualstandby
Table 79: VirtualStandby command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-exporttype |
This option exports data from a protected machine to one of the following specified virtual servers:
- esxi (ESXi)
- vm (VMware Workstation)
- hyperv (Hyper-V)
- vb (VirtualBox)
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. The user name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. The password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-protectedserver |
Use this option to specify the protected machine whose recovery points you want to export. |
-volumes |
Optional. Use this option to list the names of the volumes that you want to export. If you do not specify volumes, then all volumes in the recovery point will export. Enclose values in double quotes and separate them with a space; for example: "c:" "d:". Do not use trailing slashes in volumes names. |
-ram |
Use this option to allocate a specific amount of RAM on the virtual server. |
-usesourceram |
Optional. Use this option to allocate the same amount of RAM on the virtual server that the source machine contains. |
-vmname |
The Windows name of the virtual machine. |
-gen2 |
Optional. This option specifies Generation 2 of the VM server. If you do not specify the generation, the command uses Generation 1. The following operating systems support Generation 2:
- Windows
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows 8.1
- Ubuntu Linux
- CentOs
- Oracle Linux 7
-hostname |
For ESXi and Hyper-V virtual exports only. The virtual server host name. |
-linuxhostname |
For VirtualBox exports only. The virtual server host name. |
-hostport |
For ESXi and Hyper-V virtual exports only. The virtual server port number. |
-hostusername |
For ESXi and Hyper-V virtual exports only. The user name for the virtual server host. |
-hostpassword |
For ESXi and Hyper-V virtual exports only. The password for the virtual server host. |
-diskprovisioning |
For ESXi exports only. Optional. The amount of disk space that you want to allocate on the virtual machine. Use one of the two following specifications:
- Thick - This specification makes the virtual disk as large as the original drive on the protected machine.
- Thin - This specification allocates the amount of actual disk space occupied on the original drive with a few additional megabytes.
The default specification is "thin." |
-diskmapping |
For ESXi exports only. Optional. This option determines how to map the disks from the protected machine to the virtual machine. Use one of the following values:
- auto - This value automatically maps the disks.
- manual - This value lets you map the disks manually.
- withvm - This value stores the virtual disks in a datastore that you select.
The default value is "auto." |
-targetpath |
For VMware Workstation and VirtualBox exports only. This option specifies the local or network path—or Linux path, for VirtualBox only—to the folder where you want to store the virtual machine files. |
-pathusername |
For VMware Workstation exports only. It is the user name for the network machine. It is only required when you specify a network path in the -targetpath option. |
-pathpassword |
For VMware Workstation exports only. It is the password for the network machine. It is only required when you specify a network path in the -targetpath option. |
-uselocalmachine |
For Hyper-V exports only. Optional. Use this command to connect to the local Hyper-V server. This option ignores the -hostname , -hostport , -hostusername , and -hostpassword options. |
-edit |
Optional. This option lets you edit existing virtual machines. It ignores the -exporttype and -initialexport options. |
-initialexport |
Optional. This option specifies whether to start an initial on-demand virtual machine export after you configure a continuous virtual standby. |
Set up a virtual standby export to an ESXi virtual machine with the name, amount of RAM, and disk size of the source protected server:
>cmdutil /virtualstandby -exporttype esxi -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -vmname Win2008-Smith -hostname -hostport 443 -hostusername root -hostpassword 12QWsdxc@# -usesourceram -diskprovisioning thick
Set up a virtual standby export to a VMware Workstation machine file on the local drive:
>cmdutil /virtualstandby -exporttype vm -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -vmname Win2008-Smith -targetpath c:\virtualmachines -ram 4096
Set up a virtual standby export to a Hyper-V machine files and store them on a remote machine:
>cmdutil /virtualstandby -exporttype hyperv -core -user adminstrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -vmname Win20008-Smith -vmlocation \\WIN7-Bobby\virtualmachines -hostname -hostport 443 -hostusername root -hostpassword 12QWsdxc@# -ram 4096
When running on the same machine on which Rapid Recovery Core is installed, the Rapid Recovery Command Line Management utility bases its display language on the language set for the Rapid Recovery Core. In this release, supported languages include English, Chinese (Simplified), French, Korean, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), and Spanish.
If the Rapid Recovery Command Line Management utility is installed on a separate machine, English is the only language supported.