If you scheduled Rapid Recovery to regularly archive recovery points for a specific machine, you can use the Remove-ScheduledArchive
PowerShell command to remove that scheduled archive from the Core.
The usage for the command is as follows:
Remove-ScheduledArchive -core [host name] -user [login] -password [password] -all -ids [id | id1 id2]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the Remove-ScheduledArchive
Table 151: Remove-ScheduledArchive command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you also have to provide a password.
If none are provided, then the logged-on user's credentials will be used. |
-password |
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a log on.
If none are provided, then the logged-on user's credentials will be used. |
-all |
Remove all archives associated with this Core. |
-id |
The identifier of the archive that you want to remove. To list more than one archive, separate each ID with a space. |
Remove several scheduled archives from the local Core:
>Remove-ScheduledArchive -ids 799138c8-3dfc-4398-9711-1823733c2a31, 26c29bb7-b320-47f5-b5a8-dffc49f50e25
If you scheduled Rapid Recovery to continuously export data to a virtual machine, then you can use the Remove-VirtualStandby
PowerShell command to cancel and delete this scheduled job.
The usage for the command is as follows:
Remove-VirtualStandby -core [host name] -user [login] -password [password] -all | -protectedserver [name(s) | IP ad
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the Remove-VirtualStandby
Table 152: Remove-VirtualStandby command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you also have to provide a password.
If none are provided, then the logged-on user's credentials will be used. |
-password |
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a log on.
If none are provided, then the logged-on user's credentials will be used. |
-all |
Remove all virtual standby jobs associated with this Core. |
-protectedserver |
The name or IP address for the protected machine for which you want to remove virtual standby. |
Remove all virtual standby jobs associated with this Core:
>Remove-VirtualStandby -all
If the Core service on the Core machine is stopped, use the Restart-CoreService
command to start it again.
The usage for the command is as follows:
Restart-CoreService -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -cancelactivejobs [true | false] -wait [time in seconds]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the Restart-CoreService
Table 153: Restart-CoreService command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-cancelactivejobs |
Optional. Use this option to cancel all active jobs on the Core. The default setting is "false." |
-wait |
Optional. This option indicates that the command should wait until the Core service is fully restarted for the specified period of time in seconds before canceling active jobs. |
Restart the Core service:
>Restart-CoreService -core -user admin -password 676df#df -cancelactivejobs true -wait 600
The Resume-Replication
command lets you resume replication. See Suspend-Replication for more details.
The usage for the command is as follows:
Resume-Replication -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -all | -protectedserver [machine name | IP address] -incoming [host name] | -outgoing [host name]
Command Options
The following table describes the options available for the Resume-Replication
Table 154: Resume-Replication command options
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-password |
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none are provided, then the logged-on user's credentials will be used. |
-user |
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you also have to provide a password. If none are provided, then the logged-on user's credentials will be used. |
-all |
All protected servers. |
-protectedserver |
Resume replication for the specified machine. |
-incoming |
Host name of the remote Core that replicates to the Core machine. Replication is resumed for all protected machines on the remote Core. |
-outgoing |
Host name of the remote target core to which data is replicating. Replication is resumed for all protected machines on the remote core. |
Resume replication for the protected machine with IP for the local Core, specifying the repository being used:
>Resume-Replication replicationname Replication1 -targetserver,Administrator,123asdQ -protectedserver
# Repository
- ----------
1 Repository A
2 Repository B
Please, input number of Repository from the list above or type 'exit' to exit:
Script pauses, requiring user to specify an index number for the appropriate repository. Enter the index number for the script to complete (in this case, 2). Example continues:
Replication job was started.
PS C:\Users\Administrator>