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vRanger 7.8.1 - User Guide

Introduction vRanger overview Configuring vRanger
Configuring vRanger through the Startup Wizard Configuring vRanger manually Supplemental instructions: additional repository types
Using vRanger Backup Restore
Restoring an encrypted VMware VM Performing a full restore for VMware VMs Performing a full restore for Hyper-V® VMs Performing a full restore for VMware vApps Performing a full restore of a physical machine Performing an FLR on Windows Performing an FLR on Linux Restoring from manifest
Replicate VMs Reports Integrating and monitoring vRanger Using the vRanger Console vAPI Cmdlet details About us

Enabling network-enabled Test Failover

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Enabling network-enabled Test Failover

This feature is enabled by way of the configuration file for the vRanger client, Vizioncore.vRanger.Client.Shell.exe.config. This file is located in the vRanger installation directory. The default is C:\Program Files\Quest\vRanger.

To enable network-enabled test failover:
Open the Vizioncore.vRanger.Client.Shell.exe.config file with your text editor of choice.
Change the value for ShowTestFailoverDialog from “false” to “true”, ensuring the quotation marks remain.

Performing a network-enabled Test Failover

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Performing a network-enabled Test Failover

After it is enabled, you are prompted to perform a test failover; you can do so with or without networking enabled during the test.

To perform a test failover:
Click the Test Failover icon.
Continue with networking on the replica disabled: When performing a test failover with networking disabled, the replica VM is powered on with the network adapter disconnected. This option protects the production environment, but eliminates the ability of testing your replica VM as part of a larger environment.
Continue with networking on the replica enabled: When performing a network enabled test failover, your replica VM is powered on with the network adaptor connected.
When testing is complete, select the Test Failover task in the Current Jobs node, and click Resume.

Performing a failover

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Replicate VMs > Using replication failover > Performing a failover

Performing a failover

If the production site becomes unavailable, or you need to move the workload to the disaster recovery (DR) site, you can perform a failover operation from the vRanger UI.

A failover operation consists of the following actions:

To perform a failover:
Click the Failover icon.
When the Confirm Synchronization dialog box appears, select one of the following:
Yes: This option shuts down the production VM and perform a final synchronization to the DR site. This option ensures that no data is lost, but also transfers any virus or corruption to the replica VM. View the replication progress in the Running Tasks section of the vRanger UI.
No: The production VM is turned off, but no changes are sent to the DR replica.

After the failover completes, the Destination of the original replication job is now the Source, and the original Source is now the Destination. In other words, the job is now set to replicate from the DR site to the Production site. This change is not reflected in the vRanger UI. Jobs that have been failed over are indicated by a failover icon and tool-tip message.

Performing failback

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Performing failback

When the production server has been returned to proper operation, you usually need to failback the replicated VM to the production site. A failback is simply a failover back to the production site.

A failback operation involves the following events:

To perform a failback:
In the My Jobs view, select a replication job.
Click the Failback icon.
When the Confirm Synchronization dialog box appear, select one of the following:
Yes: This option ensures that any data changed on the DR VM is replicated back to the production site. If you do not want to synchronize, data changed since the last replication pass is lost. View the replication progress in the Running Tasks section of the vRanger UI.
No: The DR VM turned off, but no changes are sent to the Production site.

After the failback completes, the direction of replication reverses again, this time returning to the original configuration. The Failover icon is no longer shown.

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