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vRanger 7.8.1 - User Guide

Introduction vRanger overview Configuring vRanger
Configuring vRanger through the Startup Wizard Configuring vRanger manually Supplemental instructions: additional repository types
Using vRanger Backup Restore
Restoring an encrypted VMware VM Performing a full restore for VMware VMs Performing a full restore for Hyper-V® VMs Performing a full restore for VMware vApps Performing a full restore of a physical machine Performing an FLR on Windows Performing an FLR on Linux Restoring from manifest
Replicate VMs Reports Integrating and monitoring vRanger Using the vRanger Console vAPI Cmdlet details About us

Performing a manual FLR

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Restore > Performing an FLR on Windows > Performing a manual FLR

Performing a manual FLR

The dialog box for this method of restoring files is made up of the following three panes:

Savepoint pane: In this area, all the files or folders connected to a savepoint are nested. When you click the file or folder that you want to restore, the path is listed above it.
Destination pane: This pane includes a tree structure of all possible destinations for the restored file or folder you select.
Restore Status pane: This area of the dialog box contains data after the restore process starts. It includes a column that indicates the percentage of the job that has completed. The dialog box also features a Stop link that, when clicked, ends the restore process. When a job is stopped or it has completed, a View in Explorer link appears.
To perform a manual FLR:
In the Working Repository pane, right-click the savepoint for which you want an FLR and select File Level Restore.
In the Select the Files/Folders to Restore pane, expand the archive to view the file structure.
In the Destination pane, select the destination to which the selected files should be recovered.

The Destination pane shows the Windows Explorer view for the machine on which vRanger is installed.

Click Restore.
In the Restore Status pane, view the status of the restore activity and the value in the Percent Finished column.

Performing an FLR on Linux

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Restore > Performing an FLR on Linux

Performing an FLR on Linux

FLR from Linux® server savepoints requires that a vRanger virtual appliance (VA) is deployed and configured for Linux FLR. For instructions on deploying and configuring the vRanger VA, see the Quest vRanger Installation/Upgrade Guide.

After you configure the vRanger VA, the FLR process for a Linux VM is the same as the manual FLR process — meaning the process not using a catalog search — for a Windows® VM. For more information, see Performing a manual FLR.

Linux FLR limitations

There are several limitations and requirements that apply to FLRs from Linux® VMs.

Linux: FLR from Linux servers requires the use of the vRanger VA. For more information, see Performing an FLR on Linux.
Linux: Not all Linux file systems are supported for FLR. For a list of supported Linux platforms and file systems, see the Quest vRanger Installation/Upgrade Guide.
Permissions: vRanger requires you to recover the Linux files to an intermediate Windows® machine. When you recover Linux files to a Windows machine, you lose the file permissions.
Source VM Configuration: The source VM properties need to show the operating system (OS) type as Linux. If this setting is not configured properly, vRanger does not identify the savepoint as a Linux VM.

Restoring from manifest

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Restore > Restoring from manifest

Restoring from manifest

vRanger offers the ability to restore a savepoint after it has been moved from a repository. This feature allows for greater flexibility when restoring a file or server after it has been moved to long-term tape backups. You may also use the Restore from Manifest feature to restore a server after transporting the savepoint to a secondary location.

You may perform three different operations when restoring from a manifest file:

Performing a full restore from manifest for VMware VMs

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Restore > Restoring from manifest > Performing a full restore from manifest for VMware VMs

Performing a full restore from manifest for VMware VMs

Each savepoint contains a manifest file that can be used to restore the savepoint without access to the vRanger database. If the vRanger machine is lost, you may install a fresh installation of vRanger, and restore savepoints using this manifest file.

To perform a full restore from manifest for VMs, complete the following tasks:

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