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vRanger 7.8.1 - User Guide

Introduction vRanger overview Configuring vRanger
Configuring vRanger through the Startup Wizard Configuring vRanger manually Supplemental instructions: additional repository types
Using vRanger Backup Restore
Restoring an encrypted VMware VM Performing a full restore for VMware VMs Performing a full restore for Hyper-V® VMs Performing a full restore for VMware vApps Performing a full restore of a physical machine Performing an FLR on Windows Performing an FLR on Linux Restoring from manifest
Replicate VMs Reports Integrating and monitoring vRanger Using the vRanger Console vAPI Cmdlet details About us

Confirming VA deployment selections

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Confirming VA deployment selections

Complete the steps in the following procedure to confirm the VA deployment options displayed are correct.

To confirm VA deployment selections:
[Optional] Select the option to Power on the VA after deployment is complete, and then see Creating a template.
Creating a template

Optionally, if you need to deploy the vRanger VA to multiple hosts, it may be helpful to create a VM template from the configured VA.

To create a template:
From the VI Client, right-click the configured VA, select Template, and then click Clone to Template.
In the Disk Format dialog box, select Same format as source, and click Next.

About deploying multiple VAs

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About deploying multiple VAs

The VA must be deployed to any VMware® ESXi™ host that you want to configure for replication — either as a source or a destination. For hosts in a cluster, you may deploy the VA to just one host in the cluster; the VA is shared among the cluster’s hosts.

In addition, replication by way of a VA requires that if a VA is used on one host or cluster in a replication job, a VA must be used on both the source and destination host or cluster. In other words, VAs, when used for replication, must be used in pairs.

For a few VAs, using the vRanger UI to deploy the VAs is sufficient. To streamline the process of deploying a high number of VAs, Quest recommends that you deploy and configure the VA once, and save it as a template to be used for additional deployments using the VMware vSphere® PowerCLI™. The Creating a template procedures include an optional step for creating a template from the configured VA.

Changing the VA configuration

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Changing the VA configuration

After a VA is deployed, you may change its configuration from the vRanger UI.

To change the VA configuration:
In the My Inventory view, right-click the VA you want to change, and then click Virtual Appliance Configuration.
Click Tools, and then click Options.
In the Configuration Options dialog box, select Virtual Appliance.
Under Configure Existing Virtual Appliances, select the VA to change, and then click Edit.

The Modify Virtual Appliance Configuration dialog box appears.

In the Virtual Appliance Properties section, do the following:
Next to VA Name, confirm the name of the VA.
Next to IP Address, confirm the IP vRanger uses to connect to the VA.

By default, vRanger connects to the vRanger VA using the first IP address reported by the VMware vSphere® API. This IP is displayed under Virtual Appliance Properties in the IP Address field. If you have only one NIC configured on the VA, continue to the next step.

If you have more than one NIC configured on the VA, you may not want vRanger to connect to the first NIC. Select Override IP Address to configure vRanger with the IP address for the NIC to which vRanger should connect.

For example, if you have two NICs configured on the VA, and want vRanger to connect to the second NIC, select Override IP Address to enable the IP Address field, and then enter the IP for the second NIC in the IP Address field.

In the Virtual Appliance Options section, use the Select an option drop-down list to change the resources allocated to the VA as needed.

You may select from one of the following options:

Minimum Requirement: This setting allocates one CPU and 512 MB of RAM. This entry is sufficient for two concurrent tasks per VA.
Quest Recommended: This setting allocates two CPUs and 1 GB of RAM. This entry is sufficient for four concurrent tasks per VA.
Custom Setting: Select this value to configure the VA with your own preferred settings; for example, higher resources for more concurrent tasks per VA.
NOTE: If you are using a VMware® vCenter™ version lower than 6.0, the ability to change the datastore of the VA scratch disk used for replication is not available.

Select Use this virtual appliance for replication and configure the scratch disk size using the up-and-down arrows and the drop-down list. For more information about sizing a scratch disk, see Strategies for sizing the scratch disk.

[Optional] Enter a new password for the VA in the VA Password field, and then re-enter it in the Confirm password field.
If you want to perform FLR from backups of Linux® VMs, select Use virtual appliance for Linux File Level Restore to configure a VA to use for Linux FLR.

If you select this option for a different VA in the future, that VA is used for Linux FLR.

Configuring VA networking

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Configuring VA networking

If you have deployed one or more VAs using a static IP configuration, and you need to change that configuration after deployment, you must do so from within the VA.

To configure VA networking, complete the following tasks:

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