Group Mapping tab
Link Tracking tab
To enable link tracking, select the Enable the Quest Link Tracking Service check box. You can also perform the Link Tracking Finalizer/Updater operations from the Console rather than from the Migrator for Notes to SharePoint Services configuration page.
The following Link Tracking settings are now available:
• Server – The SQL Server instance that contains the Link Tracking database.
• Database – The SQL Server name for the Link Tracking database.
• Execution time-out – The maximum time in seconds the Link Tracking Service is allowed to run. The default value is 30. For no time limit, set it to 0.
• Authentication – The credentials that the client should use when accessing the Link Tracking database. This can be your Window’s account, a different user’s Window’s account, or your SQL Server login.
• Test Connection - Click on this button to verify your settings.
• Use default Redirector URL– Link Tracking for SharePoint migrations will use the default redirector page.
• User Defined Redirection URL – This option allows you to define your own user defined redirection URLs if you want the redirection to be handled in some other way.
Publish Status tab
Notification tab
• Job: Job name.
• Status: The job status after migration.
• Documents Read: The number of documents read during the migration.
• Documents Written: The number of documents written during the migration.
• Error: The number of errors occurred during the migration.
• Warning: The number of warnings occurred during the migration.To send the notification email, select the check box Send email after migration has finished first, and then fill in the fields on this tab for the mail settings and recipients.
Once you complete the mail settings, you can send a notification email for test. To do so, click Test, then fill in the Recipient field with one or more email addresses (separated by semicolon) to receive the test email, and click Send Now.
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