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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - General

Page Search

The Page Search feature enables you to configure the filter properties of the search box on all object pages.

Hover over to view the feature description.

To configure the Page Search feature:

  1. Open the browser and login to erwin Evolve Web Platform.

  2. Click a model. For example, EA Foundation – Sample Model.

  3. Click Administration.

  4. Click Page Search.

    The Page Search screen appears.

  5. Enable appropriate filter configurations. Refer to the following table for descriptions.


    Match Text Specifies whether the search results return only those results where all terms in a search string occur
    Ignore case and accent Specifies whether the case and accent common in non-English languages are ignored
  6. Click .
    You will be notified that "Configuration draft has been saved".
  7. Click .
    You will be notified that "Configuration published successfully". The page search filter feature takes effect.
    For example, if you enable Match Text property and search for the term prod mon, the search results will display only those results that contain both words, prod and mon.

    If you enable the Ignore case and accent property, an é will be considered as an e.
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