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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - General

Displaying Diagrams

Display a CW Modeler Diagram

Any diagram in your model created in CW Modeler can be displayed in your Evolve Site.

You can display diagrams on any Object Page where the focus is the Diagram Object Type, or on Object Pages where the focus is a different Object Type, but a Tab is used to display diagrams the object appears on or details.

You can also display diagrams on Index Pages where one or more diagrams are returned. For performance and usability reasons it may not be appropriate to display multiple diagrams on one Index Page, however you could easily use the page filters so that only one diagram is returned in the results.

The default method for displaying CW Modeler diagrams is to use the CW Modeler Diagram behavior, but you can experiment with a newer behavior - Vector (HTML5) - which provides improved quality and scaling.

Display a CW Modeler diagram


Description automatically generated

These instructions detail how to display a CW Modeler diagram on an Object Page for the Diagram Object Type.

You can of course show Visualization diagrams in other places, such as below an Association node in a Tab on an Object Page, or below an Object Type node on an Index Page.

To display a CW Modeler diagram:

  1. In Evolve Designer, expand the Object Type node

  2. Right-click the Layout node and select Switch Layout > CW > Diagram

A Layout Diagram node is added.

  1. Right-click the Layout Diagram node and select Add Behaviors > CW > CW Modeler Diagram

The CW Modeler Diagram node is added.

  1. Select the CW Modeler Diagram node and edit its properties:

  • Use Full Screen to specify if the diagram should be shown in full-screen mode.

  • Use the Diagram Popouts area to specify any Diagram Popouts you want to configure for this page.

  1. Save and Publish your Site.

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