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Foglight 5.9.1 - Administration and Configuration Guide

Administering and Configuring Foglight Extending Your Monitoring Reach with Foglight Cartridges Administering Foglight Configure Rules and Metric Calculations to Discover Bottlenecks Customizing Your Foglight Environment with Tooling

Connection Status

The Connection Status dashboard lists the users that are logged in to the Management Server. For each user, the list shows the client IP address, login time, request name, and request time.

On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, click Administration. In the Investigate column, Server section, click Connections.

View Audit Information

Use the View Audit Information dashboard to explore log entries. Log entries show the users that are logged in, changes made to user security settings, or any changes made to rules, schedules, or registry variables. Select a time period for which you want to view the logs, and optionally, print the desired set of entries to a file.

On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, click Administration > Setup > View Audit Information.
Time Range: Displays the date and time at which the specified action occurred.
User Name: Displays the user name for the user who caused the action to be performed.
Service Name: Displays the name of the Foglight service that performed the action.
Operation Name (Name): Displays the operation that was performed by Foglight. If applicable, the name of the item that was changed is also displayed in this column.
Entity ID: Displays the entity ID.
Click the Show/Hide columns button to the right of the Search box, and then indicate which columns you want to display.
Click the Show/Hide columns button. At the bottom of the list, under Actions, click Export. Select the desired output format: Export as PDF, Export as CSV, Export as Excel, or Export as XML.
Clicking Export as PDF opens the PDF output in your web browser.
Clicking Export as CSV, Export as Excel, or Export as XML opens a dialog box, allowing you open the exported file, or to save it to disk.

The following table lists the operations that are audited by Foglight. In addition to the operations listed below, Foglight audits the following operations:

cloneConfigModel(PropertyPath, String)

cloneConfigModel(String, String, String, String)


deleteClonedConfigModel(String, String, String)


removePrivateProperty(String, String, String)

saveConfigModel(PersistableConfigModel, Boolean)










activateCartridges(Collection<String>, boolean)












cancelScheduledTasks(String, String)

migrateAgent(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>)

migrateData(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>)

migrateDcm(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>)

refreshFgl4Server(String, boolean)

registerFgl4Server(String, String, String, Integer, String, String, String, File, boolean)

registerHostNameMapping(String, String, String)


unregisterHostNameMapping(String, String)
























downloadClientFile(String, String, File)

initializeAgent(String, String, String)

initializeAgentAsync(String, String, String)

installAgentPackage(String, String)






generateReport(ReportContext, String)





suspendRuleActions(String, Date)

suspendRuleAlarms(String, Date)






runNamedScript(String, ScriptExecutionParams)

runScript(String, ScriptExecutionParams)

runScript(String, String, Object[])

runScript(String, String, TopologyObject)

runScript(String, String)



addGroupToUser(SecUser, SecGroup)

addRoleToGroup(SecGroup, SecRole)

addRoleToUser(SecUser, SecRole)

changeOwnPassword(String, String, String)

changeUserPassword(String, String, String)

createGroup(String, String, String, boolean)

createGroupNesting(SecGroup, SecGroup)

createRole(String, String, String, boolean)

createUser(String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean)







setObjAceByIds(String, String, int, boolean, String)

setObjAceByNames(String, String, int, boolean, String)

setUserObjAceByIds(String, String, int, boolean, String)

setUserObjAceByNames(String, String, int, boolean, String)















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Cartridge Inventory and Components for Download

The Cartridge Inventory dashboard lists the cartridge that exist in your system and contains controls for installing, enabling, disabling, and uninstalling cartridges.

Installation is the first step in adding a cartridge to the Foglight Management Server. A cartridge file has the Installing the CAR file causes the Management Server to be aware of all cartridges in the CAR file.

Use the Cartridge Inventory dashboard to install a cartridge. Alternatively, use the cartridge:install command. This fglcmd command allows you to install one or more cartridges at a time. For more information, see the Command-Line Reference Guide.

Some Foglight cartridges are license-protected, while others do not require a license. You can install any cartridges, regardless of their license requirements. However, installing a license-protected cartridge without adding its license results in that cartridge being disabled by default. For more information, see Managing Licenses.

A cartridge must also be enabled before it is added to the Management Server. You can enable a cartridge before or after its installation.

TIP: To view only cartridges which are enabled, click the View only Enabled Cartridges check box at the bottom of the screen. In addition, you can sort by the Version and Creation Date columns.
On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, click Administration > Cartridges > Cartridge Inventory.
In the Install Cartridge dialog box, click Browse, and navigate to the cartridge file that you want to install.
Ensure that the Enable on install check box is selected.
Click Install Cartridge.
In addition to the message in the top-right corner, the Operation(s) Complete message box opens, indicating a success.
In addition to the message in the top-right corner, the Operation(s) Complete message box opens, providing more information about the failure.
Click OK to close the Operation(s) Complete message box.
The Status column contains icons that indicate if a cartridge is enabled , enabled pending dependency , partially enabled , or disabled .
License-protected cartridges only. Install the cartridge license.

Enabling a cartridge completes the process of adding it to Foglight by making the cartridge’s components available for use by the Foglight Management Server.

Disabling a cartridge causes its components to no longer be available for use by the Foglight Management Server. A disabled cartridge remains installed on the Management Server. For example, Foglight automatically disables older versions of cartridges when newer versions are installed.

A cartridge can be in one of the following states:

You can install any cartridge, regardless of the contents of your Foglight license. Installing a license-protected cartridge without adding its license results in that cartridge being disabled by default. Before enabling a license-protected cartridge, ensure that its license is installed and current. For more information, see Managing Licenses.

When you install a newer version of an existing cartridge, Foglight detects that, and automatically disables the older version.

On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, click Administration > Cartridges > Cartridge Inventory.
License-protected cartridges only. Ensure that the appropriate cartridge license is installed and valid. For more information, see Managing Licenses.
TIP: The Status column contains icons that indicate if a cartridge is enabled , enabled pending dependency , partially enabled , or disabled .
Click Enable.
In addition to the message in the top-right corner, the Operation(s) Complete message box appears, indicating a success.
In addition to the message in the top-right corner, the Operation(s) Complete message box appears, providing more information about the failure.
Click OK to close the Operation(s) Complete message box.
Observe the Status column of the newly enabled cartridge. This column contains the Enabled icon , indicating a success.
On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, select Administration > Cartridges > Cartridge Inventory.
TIP: The Status column contains icons that indicate if a cartridge is enabled , enabled pending dependency , partially enabled , or disabled . To view only cartridges which are enabled, click the View only Activiated Cartridges check box at the bottom of the screen.
Click Disable.
In the Cartridge Confirmation message box, click OK.
The Cartridge Confirmation message box closes and a progress message appears.
In addition to the message in the top-right corner, Operation(s) Complete message box appears, indicating a success.
Click OK to close the Operation(s) Complete message box.
Observe the Status column of the newly disabled cartridge.

Uninstalling a cartridge removes the cartridge files from the Foglight Management Server installation.

A .car file can contain multiple cartridges. When you remove all of the cartridges that come in a .car file, the .car file is deleted.

Before removing a cartridge, make sure that the cartridge is disabled, and that any agent instances that come with the cartridge do not collect data. Uninstalling a cartridge while its agents are still collecting data prevents the Foglight Management Server from recognizing the data that the agents collect. For more information about disabling a cartridge, see Enable or disable Foglight cartridges.

On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, select Administration > Cartridges > Cartridge Inventory.
TIP: The Status column contains icons that indicate if a cartridge is enabled , enabled pending dependency , partially enabled , or disabled .
Click Uninstall.
In the Cartridge Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
A progress message appears, and affter a few moments, the Operation(s) Complete message box opens, indicating a success.
Click OK to close the Operation(s) Complete message box.

The Components for Download dashboard lists the agent components that are included with the Foglight Management Server or any of the installed cartridges, and are available for download. It also provides access to any files that you may need to download following a cartridge installation. If you have access to the browser interface, use this dashboard to view information about the available components, and to download them.

On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, choose Administration > Cartridges > Components for Download.
OptionalView the component details. On the Components for Download dashboard, click the Name column of the row containing the cartridge component that you want to download.
The Download Message dialog box opens, showing additional information about the selected cartridge component.
TIP: The Component for Download URL contains a direct link to the component file that is accessible without needing to login. This can be used to download components in headless environments when browser access is not possible.
On the Components for Download dashboard, click the Installer column of the row containing the cartridge component that you want to download.
The Installer column indicates which components are installers. Some components are not, they are typically agent packages or any files that may be useful for a particular business need that can be extracted from the Management Server.

If you do not have access to the browser interface, use the Components for Download view to download agent components. The Components for Download view lists the agent components that come with the Foglight Management Server or any of the installed cartridges, and are available for download. Use this view to see which agent components are available for download, obtain more information about each component, and to download them.

host is the name of the computer on which the Foglight Management Server is running.
port is the HTTP port number used by the Foglight Management Server.
The Components for Download view lists agent components that are available for download.
In the Components for Download view, click the Name column of the row containing the agent component that you want to download.
The Selected Installer Details view appears in the web browser, showing the details about the selected agent component.
Click Download Installer to download the cartridge component.

If you do not have access to the browser interface and want to use a direct URL to download agent components, you can do that either by typing the URL into the web browser address field, or use it in combination with a command-line utility such as wget.

host is the name of the computer on which the Foglight Management Server is running.
port is the HTTP port number used by the Foglight Management Server. The default port number is 8080. For more information about port assignments, see Default port assignments.
file_name is the name of the file that you want to download.
command http://host:port/console/installer/download-
command is the name of the command-line utility that you are using to download the agent component.
host is the name of the computer on which the Foglight Management Server is running.
port is the HTTP port number used by the Foglight Management Server. The default port number is 8080.
file_name is the name of the file that you want to update.
For example, if you are using wget to retrieve the Foglight Agent Manager installer Windows XP-based HostA, type the following:

Some Foglight dashboards have reports associated with them. This allows you to run a report based on the current dashboard. You can generate the report using the Reports menu in the top-right corner.

The Cartridge Inventory dashboard is associated with the Cartridge Inventory Report. Run this report by choosing Cartridge Inventory Report from the Reports menu.

The report wizard provides more information about the Cartridge Inventory Report. For more information about reports in Foglight, see the Foglight User Help.

This dashboard is a starting point for viewing and managing Foglight Agent Managers. It displays a list of all Agent Managers that exist in your environment, and allows you to manage them. To access the Agent Managers dashboard, from the navigation panel, click Dashboards > Administration > Agents > Agent Managers.

You can select one or more hosts and click a button just above the table to perform a desired operation on the selected host. For example, to create an agent instance and manage it by a specific Agent Manager, select an Agent Manager, and click Create Agent. The following commands are available:

Create Agent: Click to create an agent on one or more selected hosts. For more information, see Create agent instances on monitored hosts.
Deploy Agent Package: Click to deploy an agent package to one or more selected hosts. For more information, see Deploy an agent package to a monitored host.
Undeploy Agent Package: Click to remove an agent package from one or more selected hosts. For more information, see Undeploy an agent package.
Upgrade: Click to upgrade one or more selected Agent Managers. For more information, see Upgrade an Agent Manager.
Restart: Click to restart one or more selected Agent Managers.
Edit Tags: Choose Edit Tags to add or edit the tags of one or more selected Agent Managers. For more information, see Edit agent tags.

The upper part of this dashboard lists the connected Agent Manager hosts. Some columns are hidden by default You can control the appearance of columns using the Customizer .

Alarms State: The highest severity alarm generated against the Agent Manager: Normal , Warning , Critical , or Fatal .
Host Name: The name of the machine on which the Agent Manager is installed.
IP Address: The IP address of the machine on which the Agent Manager is installed.
Type: The type of the Agent Manager. FglAM stands for the Foglight Agent Manager.
Version: The version number of the Agent Manager installed on the host.
Build: The build ID of the installed Agent Manager.
OS Name: The OS running on the Agent Manager host.
OS Architecture: The architecture of the host OS: x86_64 (64-bit) or ia32 (32-bit).
Secure Mode: Indicates the type of the connection between the Agent Manager and the Management Server: HTTPS (secure) or HTTP (non-secure).
Upgradeable, Host: Indicates if an upgrade is available for the Agent Manager.
Upgradeable, Agent: Indicates if an upgrade is available for one or more agents running on the Agent Manager.
Concentrator: Indicates whether the Agent Manager is configured to accept downstream connections (Yes or No).
Latest Log File: Click to obtain a copy of the latest Agent Manager log file.
Last Data Submission: Displays the last date submission time when any of the agents running on this agent manager submits the data.
High Availability: Indicates if the Agent Manager is running in High Availability (HA) mode, which includes the following attributes:
Partition Name: Displays the name of the HA partition in which the agent manager locates.
State: Shows current HA state of the agent manager, including PRIMARY, STANDBY, OUT_SYNC, CONFIGURING, MISSING_LOCKBOX, and BROKEN.
PRIMARY: The primary agent manager manages the HA agents and synchronizes its state to other agent managers in the same HA partition.
STANDBY: The agent manager has fully synchronized its state with the primary agent manager and is eligible for fail-over.
OUT_SYNC: The agent manager is out of synchronization with the primary agent manager and is not eligible for fail-over.
CONFIGURING: The agent manager is synchronizing its state with the primary agent manager and is not eligible for fail-over.
MISSING_LOCKBOX: The agent manager is missing some lockboxes compared to the primary agent manager and is not eligible for fail-over.
BROKEN: The agent manager has failed to deploy one or more agent packages during synchronization and is not eligible for fail-over.
Click either Partition Name or State to display the HA Partition Summary dialog box.
In the HA Partition Summary dialog box, move the mouse pointer over either the Lockboxes or Deploy Packages column.
Hover over or click the Lockboxes column to show detailed information of the lockboxes deployed on the target agent manager.
Hover over or click the Deploy Packages column to show the list of packages.
Support Bundle: Click to create an Agent Manager support bundle, if instructed by Quest Support.
Agents: The information of the selected agent host, which includes the following attributes:
Agents Count: Shows the total count of agents.
Agents Summary: Click or hover over this column to see which agents are deployed to the Agent Manager.
Agent Status: Click to navigate to the Agent Status dashboard. For more information about this dashboard, see Explore the Agent Status dashboard.
Debug Level: Click to edit the debug level of logs from the Agent Manager dashboard. For more information, see Edit the debug level.
Tags: The tags of the selected Agent Manager. Click Edit Tags above the table to edit the tag of selected Agent Manager(s). For more information, see Edit agent tags.

This area provides information about any running tasks initiated from this dashboard. For example, when you deploy an agent package, the status of that task appears in this area.

Refresh: Refreshes the Tasks table to reflect the current status of any running or completed tasks.
Clean Completed Tasks: Removes any completed tasks from the table.

The lower part of the Agent Managers dashboard provides information about any completed or running tasks that are initiated on this dashboard. By default, the following columns are displayed:

Status: The task status.
Action: The action performed by the tasks.
Details: Any details related to the task.
Host Name: The name of the host on which the task is running.
Status Message: A message associated with the task status.
Duration Time: The amount of time needed to complete the task.

Two additional columns are not hidden by default. You can display them in the Customizer :

Start Time: The time when the task started.
End Time: The time when the task ended.

This dashboard is a starting point for viewing and managing Foglight Agents. It displays a list of all monitoring agent instances that exist in your environment, and allows you to manage them. To access the Agent Status dashboard, from the navigation panel, click Dashboards > Administration > Agents > Agent Status.

You can select one or more hosts and click a button just above the table to perform a desired operation on the selected host. For example, to activate an agent instance, select it in the table, and click Activate. The following commands are available:

Deploy Agent Package: Click to deploy an agent package to one or more selected hosts. For more information, see Deploy an agent package to a monitored host.
Create Agent: Click to create an agent on one or more selected hosts. For more information, see Create agent instances on monitored hosts.
Edit Properties By Tag: Click to select a tag associated with one or more agent instances whose properties you want to edit.
Activate: Click to activate one or more selected agent instances. For more information, see Activate or deactivate agent instances.
Deactivate: Click to deactivate one or more selected agent instances. For more information, see Activate or deactivate agent instances.
Start Data Collection: Click to initiate data collection for one or more selected agent instances. For more information, see Start or stop data collection.
Stop Data Collection: Click to stop data collection for one or more selected agent instances. For more information, see Start or stop data collection.
Edit Properties: Choose Edit Properties to edit the properties of one or more selected agent instances. For more information, see Edit instance-specific agent properties.
Delete: Click to delete one or more selected agent instances. For more information, see Delete an agent instance.
Upgrade: Click to upgrade one or more selected agent instances to a more recent version. For more information, see Upgrade an Agent Manager.
Move: Click to move one or more FglAM agents to the other FglAM host. For more information, see Moving FglAM agents.
Edit Tags: Choose Edit Tags to add or edit the tags of one or more selected agent instances. For more information, see Edit agent tags.

The upper part of this dashboard lists the available agent instances. Some columns are hidden by default. You can display the hidden columns using the Customizer .

State: The highest severity alarm generated against the agent instance: Normal , Warning , Critical , or Fatal .
Status: The status of the agent process: Active , Broken , or Deactivated . For more information, see Activate or deactivate agent instances.
Collecting Data: An indication of whether the agent instance is collecting data: Not Collecting Data , Collecting Data , or if the agent instance is not collecting data due to a blackout . For more information, see Start or stop data collection.
Private Property: An indication of whether the agent instance uses private properties , or not .
Agent Name: The name of the agent instance.
Agent Manager: The name of the machine on which the Agent Manager that manages this agent instance is installed.
Namespace: The Namespace the agent type belongs to. A namespace is a collection of agent types that share the same concept.
Type: The type of the agent instance.
Tags: Any tags associated with the agent instance. For more information, see Edit agent tags.
Version: The version of the agent.
Upgradeable: If a more recent version of the agent package is deployed to the host, the agent can be upgraded. This column indicates if an upgrade exists for the agent instance.
Log File: Click to obtain a copy of the agent log file.For more information, see Retrieve agent logs.
Target Host: Displays the host that is being monitored by the agent instance. When there are multiple hosts being monitored by the agent instance, this column displays the major host or becomes blank.
Last Data Submission: Displays the date and time when the agent instance submits the data the last time.

This area provides information about any running tasks initiated from this dashboard. For example, when you deploy an agent package, the status of that task appears in this area.

Refresh: Refreshes the Tasks table to reflect the current status of any running or completed tasks.
Clean Completed Tasks: Removes any completed tasks from the table.

The lower part of the Agent Managers dashboard provides information about any completed or running tasks that are initiated on this dashboard. By default, the following columns are displayed:

Status: The task status.
Action: The action performed by the tasks.
Details: Any details related to the task.
Host Name: The name of the host on which the task is running.
Status Message: A message associated with the task status.
Duration Time: The amount of time needed to complete the task.

Two additional columns are hidden by default. You can display them using the Customizer :

Start Time: The time when the task started.
End Time: The time when the task ended.

An administrator uses services to help organize the monitoring environment. The Agent Status dashboard allows you to filter and display the agents that capture data about the monitored objects in the selected service(s). This option helps you better monitor the agent, like checking the agent status, stopping data collection and so on.

To filter agents by services:

On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, select Administration > Agents > Agent Status.
The Agent Status dashboard opens.
On the Agent Status dashboard, click the filter button .
The Filter Agents By Services dialog box opens.
The Agent Status dashboard refreshes automatically to display the agents based on the selected service(s).
Click Close.

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