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DateRelevanceViews Exibindo 1-25 de 1796
Error in Toad: "Source: JavaScript runtime error" in various areas of Toad Data Modeler. (4377904)

We are facing JavaScript runtime error in Toad Data Modeler after updating Windows 11 24H2 patch in various areas of the application. ... As a workaround, apply the following steps: ... Right Click on the file and select “Run as administrator”

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 10/01/2025
4 rating | 626 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Checking for Existing Toad Product License Keys Without User Interaction (4378098)

Administrators or automated systems may need to verify the presence and validity of Toad product licenses without requiring user intervention. ... Manually checking each user's license information can be time-consuming and inefficient, especially in large deployments.

Produtos: Toad Data Point, Toad for Oracle, SQL Navigator for Oracle, Toad Data...
Última atualização em: 09/01/2025
NA rating | 1507 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Red cross appears Entity icons (4377250)

In the Physical Model Explorer view | Entities, there is a small red cross in the bottom right hand corner of the icon for some entities in the model. ... On verifying the model, no Errors or Warnings are displayed.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 11/10/2024
NA rating | 419 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to create History Table in a different Filegroup - SQL Server with Toad Data Modeler (4307920)

Looking to implement SQL Server Temporal tables, but prefer to store the History table on a separate filegroup. ... Unable to see any way to do this. ... How do I specify an alternate Filegroup for the History table?

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 07/08/2024
NA rating | 2647 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Getting error "Invalid Data type" when trying to save model (4332954)

The model contains control characters than cannot be saved as xml. ... Adding a char between these chars can help. ... WORKAROUND 1 ... Save the model as binary ... WORKAROUND 2 ... Add a space between the chars.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 06/08/2024
NA rating | 859 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Getting error " XML document C:\1.txp contains invalid characters and cannot be opened" when trying to open a model created by Toad Data Modeler (4334626)

Getting error below when trying to open a model created by Toad Data Modeler: ... XML document C:1.txp contains invalid characters and cannot be opened. ... Replacing invalid characters with spaces allows you to open the damaged file.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 06/08/2024
NA rating | 742 visualizações
Knowledge Article
The generated DDL script does not create the entities in the correct order (4364400)

The generated DDL script does not create the entities / relationships in the correct order. ... It creates the objects out of dependency order. ... For example, the view WaterUseView relies on WaterUseNonCentralView.

Produtos: Toad for Oracle Subscription, Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 07/08/2024
NA rating | 871 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Change Script Generate a field called ID for each FK defined (4344982)

Generating a Change Script creates an additional field called [ID] for each FK defined in each table. ... The extra [ID] columns on the change script appears because the tool is not relating the PK correctly.<br>This is because there is a mismatch between the PK Name from the Source Model and the PK of Name from the Target Database.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 774 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How before and after script works in Toad Data Modeler (4376371)

When using before and after script, the before script is not at the top and the after script is not at the bottom of the whole script. ... Before and After script are placed at the top and bottom of the respective Entity, not the whole script.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 11/07/2024
NA rating | 748 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Can not add index from Gallery to a new table (4376374)

If I add to the gallery and index with an Item (key item) and I add the index to another entity without that column it gets the column created but it does not create it as a key. ... Can not add index from Gallery to a new table.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 11/07/2024
NA rating | 634 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Error accessing the OLE registry (4361271)

We are sorry for the inconvenience." ... Error accessing the OLE registry Not running the command with Admin-Rights. ... 1.Open the CMD with Admin-Rights ... 2.Find the .exe path

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 807 visualizações
Knowledge Article
After Model Update, how to select selected relationships to display (4364166)

I cannot find a method to select certain relationships on workspaces. ... Only workaround I have found is to click entity and select show all parent and child objects. ... The problem is there are over a hundred relationships on screen when the model update process is done versus the ten relationships I really want.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 235 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Line AutoLayout system, not saving changes after clicking on autolayout button again. (4363810)

Clicking the line autolayout and make changes and then click OK. ... When clicking on the button again, any changes that werer made have not been saved. ... This is OK.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 315 visualizações
Knowledge Article
The descriptions are not visible in the HTML report for the logical data model (4376007)

When creating a HTML report from a logical data model, the attribute descriptions in the entity are missing. ... None ... STATUS ... Enhancement request TDM-6153 has been submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of Toad for Oracle

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 11/06/2024
NA rating | 606 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Errors connecting to PostgreSQL database to reverse engineer (4374761)

Please ensure the Port number being used in the connection details to the PostgreSQL database is correct, as set at the time of database creation.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 04/06/2024
NA rating | 837 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Can you view custom attributes in the HTML report? (4375533)

After adding a custom attribute to a model, how can this be seen in the HTML report?

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 26/04/2024
NA rating | 573 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Toad Data Modeler can't initialize and start when there is no 'My Documents' folder allowed on the machine (4375527)

Toad Data Modeler can&#39;t initialize and start when there is no &#39;My Documents&#39; folder allowed on the machine. ... By default it saves files during the installation into the Windows default My Documents folder, but in environments where this folder is not allowed to be on the machine, the application won&#39;t start up.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 26/04/2024
NA rating | 506 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Is it possible to generate more granular DDLs from Toad Data Modeler? (4375534)

Is it possible to generate more granular DDLs from Toad Data Modeler?<br><br>The current Dialog is limited, but is it possible to generate &quot;Primary Keys&quot;, &quot;Indexes&quot; or &quot;Comments&quot; without also generating the parent Create Table/View? WORKAROUND:<br>None<br><br>STATUS:<br>Enhancement request TDM-6109 has been submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of Toad Data Modeler TDM-6109

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 26/04/2024
NA rating | 580 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Toad Data Modeler times out when reverse engineering a large SQLServer2014 database (4375531)

When there are over 30,000 tables in a SQL 2014 database, when you run the reverse engineering wizard, there is eventually a Timeout error.<br>Toad Data Modeler also seems to be running statements that are intended for SQL 2012.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 26/04/2024
NA rating | 530 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Does Toad Data Modeler support GIT integration? (4266399)

Does Toad Data Modeler support GIT integration and branches?<br> <p>At this moment Toad Data Modeler is not capable of switching branches. ... You could setup the repository and one branch in the configuration.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 27/10/2023
NA rating | 1542 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Can't login to Toad. What is the Toad password? Where do I get my login credentials? What is my user name and password? (4226333)

Cannot or unable to login. ... Where do I get my login credentials? ... What is my username and password? ... The account is locked so it needs to be unlocked and the password reset. ... There is a prompt that the password has expired, and to reset, the old password is needed, but what is the old password?

Produtos: Toad Data Point, Toad Edge, Toad for Oracle, SQL Navigator for Oracle...
Última atualização em: 04/07/2023
1 rating | 12169 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to save custom Object Type Preferences (OTPs) in Compare and Generate Report (4308718)

In previous version of Toad, it was possible to save selected object type preferences. ... Saving custom settings is only available with Expert Mode enabled.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 305 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Bugs in Generate Change Script (4315870)

<div>It is not a bug it is designed. ... When a user does Change script by popup menu, so you do it only on one table without surround information. ... When user want to generate with surround(Relationships etc.) please use change script wizard.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 237 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Having issues with Reverse Engineering for MySQL 8.0 database (4244663)

There are issues when doing a Reverse Engineer of a MySQL 8.0 database. ... For example, Foreign Keys do not come across due to case sensitivity issues. ... MySQL 8.0 is not supported by Toad Data Modeler 6.5 or any earlier version.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 592 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Open a model gives Script RESettingsDBOR12 has not been found (4315992)

When open a model with another model already open, I get the error "Script RESettingsDBOR12 has not been found". ... 1) close all models ... 3) start the application ... 4) load the model. ... This particular model will only open if the application has freshly started and it's the first model opened.

Produtos: Toad Data Modeler
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 559 visualizações
Knowledge Article
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