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Spotlight on SAP ASE 2.11 - User Guide

Spotlight on SAP ASE
Background Information Desktop Features Connect to SAP ASE Spotlight® on SAP ASE Drilldowns Spotlight® on SAP ASE Alarms Glossary
Spotlight Basics
Spotlight Connections Monitor Spotlight Connections Alarms Charts, Grids And Home Page Components View | Options Troubleshooting
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Cache Page

The Memory | Cache page shows detailed information about system cache.

To open the Cache page

  1. Select the Spotlight connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Memory | Cache.

Charts on the Cache page


  • Every chart has a legend (list of symbols) to its right that describes the various series (line graphs) on the chart.
  • Click an item in the legend to highlight its series (line) in the chart. Click a second time to return the series to its normal appearance.
  • Move the mouse pointer over an item in the legend to view the current value for that series within the chart.
Chart Description
Cache Hit Rate

Shows a recent summary of the percentage of file requests that are satisfied by the file cache, and that do not require a disk read.

Cache Size

Shows the recent history of memory allocated to the file cache.

Memory allocated to the file cache is dynamic. This is controlled by the Disk Cache Manager, and will alter the level of memory based upon how much physical memory is being used by other applications and is available in the system.

Physical Cache I/O Shows the rate of Reads and Writes being made to the file cache.
Cache Faults

This chart displays the number of faults that occur when a requested page is not found in the file system cache, and must be retrieved from elsewhere.

The chart displays the number of faults, NOT the number of pages faulted in each operation.


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Disks Drilldown

Spotlight on Windows

Spotlight is a powerful diagnostic and problem-resolution tool for Windows operating systems. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the host machine.

For information on Spotlight on Windows, see these sections



Background Information

Introductory material to Spotlight on Windows.

Connect to a Windows System Create / Modify / Delete connections to Windows systems.
Home Page The Spotlight home page shows the flow of information and commands between various sub-components and the size and status of internal resources such as processes, disk files and memory structures.

Spotlight alerts you to problems with your system by issuing an alarm. You can configure Spotlight in the level of severity that constitutes an alarm, to disable an alarm, and the actions Spotlight takes on raising the alarm.

Drilldowns When you have isolated a problem, you can display a drilldown page, whose charts and tables provide a detailed breakdown of the underlying statistics.
View | Options Customize Spotlight.
Troubleshooting Solve problems using Spotlight.

For information on using Spotlight applications See

Spotlight Basics


Logical Disk Activity Page

The Disks | Logical Disk Activity page shows information about the logical disks on this system. It includes I/O information, as well as disk space usage.

To open the Logical Disk Activity page

  1. Select the Spotlight connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Disks | Logical Disk Activity.

To view charts on the Logical Disk Activity page

Right-click the Logical Disk Activity page and select View as Chart.


  • Each disk is represented by a single line on the chart, and by an item in the legend at the right of the chart.
  • Click an item in the legend to highlight its series (line) in the chart. Click a second time to return the series to its normal appearance.
  • Move the mouse pointer over an item in the legend to view the current value for that series within the chart.
Chart Description
Disk Reads

Shows a recent summary of the rate at which read requests have been sent to each logical disk.

Disk Writes

Shows a recent summary of the rate at which write requests have been sent to each logical disk.

Disk I/O

Shows a recent summary of the rate at which read and write requests have been sent to each logical disk. This chart is the sum of the Disk Reads and Disk Writes.

Disk Queue

The Disk Queue chart shows the number of I/O requests that were queued for each logical disk.

Disk queue length indicates how heavily loaded a disk subsystem is. High queue lengths mean the disks are struggling to process the I/O load being put on them.

Transfer Time

The Transfer Time chart shows how long it is taking for data to be transferred between disk and memory, and includes both Disk Reads and Disk Writes.

If disk transfers are taking consistently longer than 50 ms, a disk bottleneck may be developing.

Disk Load

Shows how busy overall the individual logical disks are.

To view the Logical Disk Activity page as a table

Right-click the Logical Disk Activity page and select View as Grid.

In table (grid) mode, the page displays the information contained in the charts, plus additional information in the following columns:

Column Description
KBs Read/s The rate (in kilobytes/s) at which data is read from the specified logical disk.
KBs Written/s The rate (in kilobytes/s) at which data is written to the specified logical disk.


Related Topics

Physical Disk Activity Page

The Disks | Physical Disk Activity page shows information about the logical disks on this system. It includes I/O information, as well as disk space usage.

To open the Logical Disk Activity page

  1. Select the Spotlight connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Disks | Physical Disk Activity.

To view charts on the Physical Disk Activity page

Right-click the Physical Disk Activity page and select View as Chart.


  • Each disk is represented by a single line on the chart, and by an item in the legend at the right of the chart.
  • Click an item in the legend to highlight its series (line) in the chart. Click a second time to return the series to its normal appearance.
  • Move the mouse pointer over an item in the legend to view the current value for that series within the chart.
Chart Description
Disk Reads

Shows a recent summary of the rate at which read requests have been sent to each physical disk.

Disk Writes

Shows a recent summary of the rate at which write requests have been sent to each physical disk.

Disk I/O

Shows a recent summary of the rate at which read and write requests have been sent to each physical disk.

Disk Queue

The Disk Queue chart shows the number of I/O requests that were queued for each physical disk.

Disk queue length indicates how heavily loaded a disk subsystem is. High queue lengths mean the disks are struggling to process the I/O load being put on them.

Transfer Time

The Transfer Time chart shows how long it is taking for data to be transferred between disk and memory, and includes both Disk Reads and Disk Writes.

If disk transfers are taking consistently longer than 50 ms, a disk bottleneck may be developing.

Disk Load

Shows how busy overall the individual physical disks are.

To view the Physical Disk Activity page as a table

Right-click the Physical Disk Activity page and select View as Grid.

In table (grid) mode, the page displays the information contained in the charts, plus additional information in the following columns:

Column Description
KBs Read per sec The rate (in kilobytes/s) at which data is read from the specified physical disk.
KBs Written per sec The rate (in kilobytes/s) at which data is written to the specified physical disk.


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Spotlight on SAP ASE - 2.11
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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