The Email on Events section determines which actions trigger an email to the various appliance users. Email templates determine the content of the messages.
The following email events trigger the appliance to send email immediately:
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Comment: The system sends email notifications for comments when users add comments and click Submit on the ticket form. When users add comments and click Save on the ticket form, however, only the Any Change notification is sent. |
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Ticket Closed: If the Satisfaction Survey is enabled, an email that describes the Satisfaction Survey is sent immediately when tickets are closed. |
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
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2. |
On the Queue Detail page, under Email Address, click Configure Queue Email Settings link to display the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page. |
3. |
On the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page, in the Email on Events section, select the options for sending email when the specified events occur. Each column represents a type of Service Desk user (role) and each row represents a ticket event. |
The person who can approve or reject the ticket for processing. | |
One or more email addresses that are stored in the CC field of the ticket. | |
One or more email addresses that are stored in the CC List of the Category Value of the ticket. See Configure CC lists for ticket categories. | |
One or more owners of the ticket queue, as specified by the Owner label. This only applies to the New Ticket Via Email and New Ticket via Portal events. |
When a ticket event occurs, email is sent to the selected roles or users. For example, if you select the Any Change box in the Owner column, email is sent to the ticket owner whenever the ticket is changed. For the Comment and Ticket Closed triggers, email is sent immediately. For other ticket changes, however, email is sent every few minutes to prevent email overload.
The ticket's Owner field is changed. | |
The ticket's Status field is changed. | |
Information, attachments, or screen shots are added to the ticket's Comments section. The system sends email notifications for comments when users add comments and click Submit on the ticket form. When users add comments and click Save on the ticket form, however, only the Any Change notification is sent. | |
The ticket's Status field is changed to Closed. This event is used to present a Satisfaction Survey to submitters. See Using the Satisfaction Survey. | |
A user sends an email message to the Service Desk and a ticket is created. | |
A ticket is created through the User Console. |
4. |
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
b. |
c. |
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2. |
On the Queue Detail page, under Email Address, click Configure Queue Email Settings link to display the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page. |
3. |
◦ |
To edit all email templates, click Customize All Emails. |
◦ |
To edit a specific email template, in the Events area, in the row containing the email template you want to edit, in the Customize Email column, click |
The following email template are available:
Used to notify senders that the ticket could not be created for reasons other than unknown email address. |
The email address associated with the Service Desk queue. This address is configured on the Queue Detail page. | |
The name of the Service Desk queue. This name is configured on the Queue Detail page. | |
A link to the User Console. Access to the User Console requires login credentials. |
The type of the process. In a default installation, only the Service Desk process type is included. You can create new process types, as required. For example, you can create a process type for accessing a specific application, or a group of applications. For more information, see Define process types. | |||
The email address of the ticket approver. Having this address is especially useful for Comments email notifications. | |||
The name of the ticket approver. | |||
The label and value used for a custom field, where X represents the index number of the custom field. For example, if a queue has a ticket field labeled, CUSTOM_5, and that field is configured with the label Location Name, the system replaces $ticket_custom_5_label with the text, Location Name. The token, $ticket_custom_5_value is replaced with the ticket value that was saved for the Location Name field, such as, Topeka or Albuquerque. | |||
The time, in minutes, between periodic notifications. This time is determined by the Escalation Time configured for the ticket priority in the queue. For example, if tickets with the priority of High have an Escalation Time of 30 minutes, this email is sent every 30 minutes for High priority tickets until the ticket priority changes or until the ticket is closed. This token is typically used in the Ticket Escalated email template, to inform recipients of the frequency of email notifications. | |||
Include all the ticket fields that are visible for the user who is forwarding the ticket by email.
| |||
The complete history of the ticket.
| |||
A specified number of records in the ticket history. X indicates the number of records to include, beginning with the most recent. | |||
A formatted version of the ticket ID. This version begins with TICK followed by a minimum of five digits. For example, a ticket with ID 4321 is displayed as TICK:04321. This format is especially useful in email Subject lines to make sure that email replies link to the correct tickets. | |||
The email address of the Service Desk administrator assigned to the ticket. | |||
The name of the Service Desk administrator assigned to the ticket. | |||
Contact information for the Service Desk administrator assigned to the ticket. | |||
Contact information for the Service Desk administrator assigned to the ticket. | |||
Contact information for the Service Desk administrator assigned to the ticket. | |||
Contact information for the Service Desk administrator assigned to the ticket. | |||
The priority assigned to the ticket. Default values include High, Medium, and Low. | |||
Information about what was done to resolve the ticket as described in the ticket’s Resolution field. | |||
| |||
The title of the ticket as it appears on the Ticket Detail page. | |||
A link to the ticket in the User Console. Access to the User Console requires login credentials. | |||
A link to the ticket in the User Console. This format is used for backward compatibility on older systems. Access to the User Console requires login credentials. | |||
A secure link to the ticket in the User Console. Use this token if SSL is enabled on your appliance. This ensures that links sent through email work correctly. | |||
A link to the home page of the User Console. Access to the User Console requires login credentials. |
The title of the merged ticket as it appears on the Ticket Detail page. | |
A link to the merged ticket in the User Console. Access to the User Console requires login credentials. |
Used to identify a problem processing the submitted tokens. This error appears when: | |
NOTE: Tokens that are invalid are ignored and they are not replaced in email messages. For example, if you add an unknown token such as $today, it is ignored, and it appears in the email message as $today. |
5. |
Optional: For each email template, create HTML-based content instead of using plain text. |
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To add images, click |
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Deleting an image from the text field does not remove the associated file attachment. You can manage file attachments in the Attachments section of the ticket page. For more information, see Add or delete screen shots and attachments from Service Desk tickets. |
◦ |
To allow Service Desk to send file attachments, select Include attachments. Then, indicate which attachments you want to send: |
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Most recent change (if applicable): Include only the file attachments that are added with the most recent ticket update. |
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Last uploaded: Include the last uploaded file attachments. |
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All: Include all file attachments. |
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To prevent Service Desk from sending file attachments with ticket-related email, clear the Include attachments check box. |
7. |
For instructions on how to configure the appliance to use SMTP email, see Configuring SMTP email servers.
You can automatically notify users, or groups of users, when tickets are filed in specified categories, such as hardware, software, or networking. To do this, add email addresses to the CC List value of each ticket category.
Configuring the CC List values of ticket categories is useful if you want to notify users, or groups of users, when tickets are filed in categories that interest them. For example, you could add all of your system administrators to the CC List of the Network category to ensure that they are notified of networking issues as they arise.
If you have multiple queues, you configure the ticket category CC List values for each queue separately.
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
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2. |
In the Email on Events section, select all of the check boxes under the Category CC column. See Configure email triggers. |
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b. |
In the CC List field, enter a default email address for the category. Use commas to separate email addresses. To enter multiple email addresses, consider using a distribution list. |
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6. |
Create a default email address for ticket owners. See Create the DefaultTicketOwners account.
You can enable Service Desk to automatically add email addresses to the CC List field of tickets whenever those addresses appear in the To and Cc fields of tickets submitted or updated through email.
When this setting is enabled, any email addresses in the To and Cc fields are automatically added to ticket CC List fields unless those addresses are specified in the System Email Exclusion List. See Exclude addresses from ticket CC List fields.
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
b. |
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2. |
In the Inbound Email section, select the check box next to Add email addresses from the CC List to ticket. |
3. |
Configure the email exclusion list to prevent Service Desk from automatically adding unwanted email addresses to ticket CC List fields. See Exclude addresses from ticket CC List fields.
Service Desk can automatically add email addresses to ticket CC List fields when tickets are submitted or updated through email. However, some addresses, such as distribution lists and general company email addresses, should not be added automatically because they increase unnecessary email traffic. To prevent Service Desk from adding unwanted email addresses, you can specify the email addresses you want to exclude.
NOTE: The email addresses associated with Service Desk queues are never automatically added to ticket CC List fields, because sending messages to these addresses could result in new tickets being opened inadvertently. You do not need to add these addresses to the exclusion list. |
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
b. |
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2. |
In the Inbound Email section, click Define System Email Exclusion List to display the Define System Email Exclusion List page. |
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