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KACE Systems Management Appliance - Serviços Educacionais

KACE Systems Management Appliances Training
As soluções de gerenciamento de sistemas KACE têm a fama de serem a alternativa mais fácil de usar, abrangente e acessível ao software de gerenciamento de computadores disponível hoje, poupando seu tempo e o dinheiro de sua organização. Como qualquer tecnologia, o conhecimento especializado e o treinamento desde cedo podem ajudar você a aproveitar ao máximo os seus benefícios.
  • Treinamento gratuito com base na web

    KACE Kontinuing Educação (KKE) é uma série de sessões de treinamentos gratuitos.Estas sessões on-line são realizadas semanalmente e cobrem uma variedade de tópicos. Projetadas para a interatividade, a audência é incentivada a tirar suas dúvidas com o instrutor KACE durante as sessões. Clique aqui para ver as sessões anteriores gravadas.Clique no calendário suspenso abaixo para visualizar os tópicos das sessões e as datas de inscrição.
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  • Programa JumpStart da Solução Gerenciamento KACE K1000

    Fornecido pela Dell KACE ou um parceiro certificado Dell KACE, o Programa JumpStart garante que a sua Solução KACE será instalada corretamente e configurada para o seu ambiente. E você e sua equipe contarão com treinamento personalizado e prático para que o valor máximo do investimento seja obtido com o menor compromisso de tempo de sua equipe.O JumpStart está disponível em duas versões, Standard JumpStart, para visão geral dos recursos e funções mais comuns dos appliances KACE, e Enterprise JumpStart, para um conhecimento de produto mais profundo em um conjunto mais abrangente de recursos...
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  • KACE Academy

    <section><input checked="checked" class="tab" id="tab4" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab4">Course Description</label> <input class="tab" id="tab5" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab5">What to Expect</label> <input class="tab" id="tab6" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab6">Schedule of Events</label> <input class="tab" id="tab7" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab7">Course Agenda</label> <input class="tab" id="tab8" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab8">Additional Info</label> Is KACE Academy right for you?KACE Academy is a...
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    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

    Duração: See your region under "Schedule of Events"

    Comprar on-line $2730 por aluno
  • Getting Started with KACE as a Service - Free

    Free with maintenance. This web-based training course will help clarify what is different and what is needed to implement the KACE SMA or AMA using the KACE as a Service offering.
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA 10.2 What's New - Free

    This course will focus on some of the new features in the 10.2 release.
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Version 11 What's New - Free

    Overview of the new features in the KACE Systems Management Appliance version 11.0.
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SDA What's New in Version 8.1 - Free

    This course will provide an overview of the changes that will occur in an upgrade to version 8.1 of the KACE Systems Deployment Appliance (SDA).
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA What's New in Version 11.1-Free

    This course will provide an overview of the changes that will occur in an upgrade to version 11.1 of the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA).
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA What's New in version 12.0-Free

    This course will provide information regarding new features and improvements available in the v12.0 Release of the KACE SMA.
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SDA Version 9.x What's New

    Provide an overview of new features and enhancements in version 9.x of the KACE Systems Deployment Appliance.
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA What's New in 13.x - Free

    This course will provide an overview of enhancements and changes made in the 13.x releases.
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    Público: Customer

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA What's New in Version 14.x

    This course will provide a quick overview of changes to the KACE Systems Management Appliance in the version 14 release.
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 1 Installing the KACE SMA: Module 1: Initial Setup Overview - Free

    Free with Maintenance. Applicable to the KACE SMA, KACE AMA and KaaS. This is the first course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administering the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. This course is divided into three modules. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. During this course we will discuss the KACE SMA interface and all of its components. Additionally, you will learn about the various components present within Security Settings and how they are used. Finally, we...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 1 Installing the KACE SMA: Module 2: Settings and Security Settings - Free

    Free with Maintenance. Applicable to the KACE SMA, KACE AMA and KaaS. This is the first course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administering the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. This course is divided into three modules. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. During this course we will discuss the KACE SMA interface and all of its components. Additionally, you will learn about the various components present within Security Settings and how they are used. Finally, we will...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 1 Installing the KACE SMA: Module 3: Users and Roles - Free

    Free with Maintenance. Applicable to the KACE SMA, KACE AMA and KaaS. This is the first course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administering the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. This course is divided into three modules. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. During this course we will discuss the KACE SMA interface and all of its components. Additionally, you will learn about the various components present within Security Settings and how they are used. Finally, we will...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 2 Installing the KACE SMA Agent - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA, KACE AMA, and KaaS. This web-based training course is the second course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance in their environment. This course will focus on the process of KACE SMA Agent deployment. This includes preparation of the KACE SMA and target devices, automated and manual KACE SMA Agent installation. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 3 Appliance Fundamentals - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA, KACE AMA, and KaaS. This web-based training course is the third course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. This course will focus on the concepts and configurations of KACE SMA inventory and labels, which are essential for the successful use and automation of the KACE SMA functions discussed in subsequent implementation courses. After completing the entire series of courses, you will...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 4 Agent Managed Device Security - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA and KaaS SMA. This web-based training course is the fourth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. This course will focus on the device security features available in the KACE SMA. This includes Patching and Dell Updates. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 5 Perform Distributions: MIs, File Syncs, Task Chains and Calendar - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA and KaaS. This web-based training course is the fifth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000.The Performing Distributions course has been split into multiple modules to make the subject matter easier to consume. This subset will focus on the distribution features Managed Installations, File Synchronizations, Task Chains and Task Calendar...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 5 Performing Distributions: Replication Shares - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA and KaaS. This web-based training course is the fifth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000.The Performing Distributions course has been split into multiple modules to make the subject matter easier to consume. This subset will focus on the distribution features Managed Installations, File Synchronizations, Task Chains and Task Calendar...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 5 Performing Distributions Wake-on-LAN - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA and KaaS. This web-based training course is the fifth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. The Performing Distributions course has been split into multiple modules to make the subject matter easier to consume. This subset will focus on the distribution feature Wake-on-LAN available on the KACE SMA. After completing the entire series of...
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    Público: Customers.

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 5 Performing Distributions: Scripting and Mac Profiles - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA and KaaS. This web-based training course is the fifth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. The Performing Distributions course has been split into multiple modules to make the subject matter easier to consume. This subset will focus on the distribution features Scripting and Mac Profiles available on the KACE SMA. After completing the...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 5 Performing Distributions: Alerts - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA and KaaS. This web-based training course is the fifth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. The Performing Distributions course has been split into multiple modules to make the subject matter easier to consume. This subset will focus on the distribution feature Alerts available on the KACE SMA. After completing the entire series of KACE...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 6 Agentless Device Management Module 1: Agentless Device Management - Free

    This is the sixth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. This course will focus on Agentless concepts and configurations, including discovery schedules, SNMP inventory configurations, and data and functions specific to Agentless devices. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management Appliance implementation and...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 6 Agentless Device Management Module 2: SNMP and Server Monitoring - Free

    This is the sixth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. This course will focus on Agentless concepts and configurations, including discovery schedules, SNMP inventory configurations, and data and functions specific to Agentless devices. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management Appliance implementation and...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 7 Module 1: Basic Service Desk Settings - Free

    This is the first module of the seventh course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA formerly known as the K1000. This course will focus on the basic settings used during the initial configuration of the Service Desk feature. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management Appliance implementation and administration skills, as well as some best...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 7 Module 2: Configuring Mail Flow - Free

    This is the second module of the seventh course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA formerly known as the K1000. This course will focus on the configuration of the available options for Service Desk email. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management Appliance implementation and administration skills, as well as some best practices.
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 8 Asset Management Module 1: Metering and Blacklisting - Free

    Free with Maintenance. Applicable to the KACE SMA, KACE AMA and KaaS. This is the eighth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. This course will focus on the concepts and configurations of KACE SMA Asset Management features. This course has been separated into three modules to make it easier to consume. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 8 Asset Management Module 2: Software License Compliance - Free

    Free with Maintenance. Applicable to the KACE SMA, KACE AMA and KaaS. This is the eighth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. This course will focus on the concepts and configurations of KACE SMA Asset Management features. This course has been separated into three modules to make it easier to consume. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 8 Asset Management Module 3: Assets - Free

    Free with Maintenance. Applicable to the KACE SMA, KACE AMA and KaaS. This is the eighth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. This course will focus on the concepts and configurations of KACE SMA Asset Management features. This course has been separated into three modules to make it easier to consume. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management...
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    Público: Customer

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 9 - Vulnerability Scanning - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA and KaaS SMA. This web-based training course is the ninth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. This course will focus on the vulnerability scanning features available in the SMA. This includes OVAL and SCAP. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management Appliance...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 10: Reporting and Notifications - Free

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA and KaaS.

    This is the tenth course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000.

    After completing the entire series of KACE SMA/AMA implementation courses (including course 10), you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management Appliance implementation and administration skills, as well as some best practices.
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE SMA Course 11 KACE GO

    Free with maintenance. Applicable to KACE SMA, KACE AMA, and KaaS.This is the eleventh course in a series of implementation courses designed to instruct students on the essentials of deploying, configuring and administrating the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) in their environment. The KACE SMA was formerly known as the K1000. This course will focus on the KACE GO mobile app how it is able to interact with the KACE SMA. After completing the entire series of courses, you will have received detailed instructions on KACE Systems Management Appliance implementation and administration...
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    Público: Customers

    Pré-requisitos: Exibir pré-requisitos do curso

  • KACE Kontinuing Education

    KACE Kontinuing Education (KKE) is a series of FREE on-going educational sessions. Pre-recorded sessions are released periodically and cover a variety of topics. 
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