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Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) - Release Notes

Foglight ® for DB2 LUW

Foglight ® for DB2 LUW

Welcome to Foglight for DB2 LUW

Foglight ® for DB2 LUW utilizes a lightweight agent that provides real-time monitoring of all layers of an enterprise application (systems, networks, Internet, and databases) and captures pertinent infrastructure application usage, service, and availability level data used to continually assess the state of an DB2® LUW installation. Using this collected data, Foglight Management Server provides a multi-dimensional view of resource utilization for capacity planning, problem determination, and trend analysis, both real-time and historically.

These Release Notes cover the resolved issues, known issues, workarounds, and other important information about the release of Foglight for DB2 LUW. Review all sections before starting the installation.

New in this release

Resolved issues and enhancements


Fixed an issue when the customers have hundreds agents, the table records grow very fast. And 'registry_registry_value' and 'registry_registry_variable' take more than 1TB.


Fixed an issue where the DB agent log might print password information as Pa$$word, even if the value has been encrypted.


Fixed an issue where on-demand data connections might fail unless more TCP ports are opened.


Fixed an issue where DB2 Top Tables collection might not submit with the maximum rows defined in ASP.

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