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DR Series Software - Administrator Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Documentation Understanding the DR Series System Setting Up the DR Series System Hardware Configuring the DR Series System Settings Managing DR Series Storage Operations Monitoring the DR Series System Using Global View Using the DR Series System Support Options Configuring and Using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and Using Rapid Data Access with Dell NetVault Backup and with Dell vRanger Configuring and Using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST Software and Components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting Client-Side Optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST Plug-In Configuring DR Series System Information Using NetBackup Backing Up Data From a DR Series System (NetBackup) Using Backup Exec With a DR Series System (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI Commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting Diagnostics Using a Linux Utility Guidelines for Gathering Media Server Information
Configuring and Using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Troubleshooting and Maintenance Supported Ports in a DR Series System Getting Help

Creating Backups on the DR Series System Using Backup Exec

Creating Backups on the DR Series System Using Backup Exec

This topic describes how to use Backup Exec to create backups on the DR Series system.

To create backups on the DR Series system using Backup Exec, complete the following:

Launch the Backup Exec Administrator console, and select the Job Setup tab.
Click Backup Tasks in the left navigation panel, and select New job.
The Backup Job Properties page is displayed.
In the left navigation pane of the Backup Job Properties page, select Source, and select Selections.
The Selections page is displayed.
Select the system or node name in the center pane of the Selections page, and click the check boxes that correspond to the files you want backed up.
In the left navigation pane of the Backup Job Properties page, select Destination, and select Device and Media.
The Device and Media page is displayed.
In the Device pane in the Device and Media page, select the DELL OST device in the drop-down list, and click Run Now to start the backup job.
Click the Job Monitor tab to view the progress of the backup job you created.

Optimizing Duplication Between DR Series Systems Using Backup Exec

Optimizing Duplication Between DR Series Systems Using Backup Exec

Backup Exec can replicate backups between two DR Series systems that are part of a defined source and target replication pair. This process uses the deduplication and replication features of the DR Series system via RDA with OST.

Using RDA with OST, backed up data is catalogued which makes it available from the designated media server so that a seamless restore can be performed from either the target or source DR Series system. This is considered an integrated replication, where the appliance does the replication. It is considered to be “optimized” because the data flows from the local appliance directly to the remote appliance in a deduplicated format, and it does not travel through the media server.

When the data is in a deduplicated format (in an optimized form), only new or unique data is copied between the two DR Series systems. Because the duplication job is initiated by Backup Exec, there are two entries in its catalog: one entry is for the source file, while the other entry is for the target file. The backup administrator can restore backup data from either appliance in case of data loss or disaster.

To optimize duplication between DR Series systems, create an additional OST device that points to the target DR Series system, and complete the following steps:

Launch the Backup Exec Administrator console, select the Devices tab, and right-click the target DR Series system.
Select Add OpenStorage in the drop-down list.
The Add OpenStorage Device page is displayed
Configure the Add OpenStorage Device page with the following information:
Server—enter the host name or IP address of the DR Series system.
Logon account—select the account from the drop-down list (or click ... and browse to the account location), which has credentials for accessing the DR Series system.
Server type—select the type of server from the drop-down list (DELL).
Logical storage unit—enter the name of the logical storage unit (LSU), also known as a DR Series system container, to use.
Click Yes in response to the prompt if you want to make the new device the default destination for new jobs.
Close the Add OpenStorage Device page.
Click the Job Setup tab.
In the left navigation pane, select Backup Tasks, and click New job to duplicate backup sets.
The New Job to Duplicate Backup Sets page is displayed.
Select Duplicate existing backup sets, and click OK.
Click the View by Resource tab in the Selections page, and select the dataset you want copied.
In the left navigation pane, select Destination, and select Device and Media.
In Device, select the destination device from the drop-down list (that was created in this procedure), and click Run Now to start the replication operation between the two DR Series systems.
Click the Job Monitor tab to view the progress of the replication operation you created.

Restoring Data from a DR Series System Using Backup Exec

Restoring Data from a DR Series System Using Backup Exec

This topic describes how to use Backup Exec to restore data from a DR Series system.

To restore data from a DR Series system using Backup Exec, complete the following:

Launch the Backup Exec Administrator console, and select the Job Setup tab.
In the left navigation pane, select Restore Tasks, and click New job.
The Restore Job Properties page is displayed.
Click the View by Resource tab in the Selections pane, and select the dataset to be restored.
Click Run Now to start the restore job.
Click the Job Monitor tab to view the progress of the restore job operation you created.

Understanding the OST CLI Commands

Understanding the OST CLI Commands

The --mode component supported in the DR Series system command line interface (CLI) command supports three values, which represent optimized writes done via:

deduplication (--mode dedupe) The client will process hashing on data, so deduplication processing occurs on the server side (client-side deduplication).
passthrough (--mode passthrough) The client will pass all data to DR for deduplication processing (appliance-side deduplication).
auto (--mode auto)

DR will set the deduplication to Dedupe or Passthrough, based on the client’s number of cores and whether it is 32– or 64–bit.

These OST commands are used in the following format: ost --update_client --name --mode.

NOTE: If a RDA with OST client has four or more CPU cores, it is considered to be dedupe-capable. However, the client operating mode depends upon how it is configured in the DR Series system (Dedupe is the default RDA with OST client mode). If the administrator did not configure a client to operate in a specific mode and it is dedupe-capable, it will run in the Dedupe mode. If a client is not dedupe-capable (meaning the client has less than four CPU cores), and the administrator sets it to run in the Dedupe mode, it will only run in the Passthrough mode. If a client is set to run in Auto mode, the client will run in the mode setting determined by the media server. The following table shows the relationship between the configured client mode types and the supported client mode based on client architecture type and corresponding number of CPU cores.

Table 3. Supported RDA with OST Client Modes and Settings

Client Mode Settings

32–Bit Client (4 or more CPU cores)

64–Bit Client (4 or more CPU cores)

32–Bit Client (Less than 4 CPU cores)

64–Bit Client (Less than 4 CPU cores)







Not Supported


Not Supported

Not Supported






Supported DR Series System CLI Commands for RDA with OST

The following are the supported DR Series system CLI commands for RDA with OST operations:

administrator@acme100 > ost
ost --show [--config]
[--file_history] [--name <name>]

ost --setpassword
ost --delete_client --name <OST Client Hostname>

ost --update_client --name <OST Client Hostname>
--mode <auto|passthrough|dedupe>

ost --limit --speed <<num><kbps|mbps|gbps> | default>
--target <ip address | hostname>

ost --help

ost <command> <command-arguments>
<command> can be one of:
--show Displays command specific information.
--setpassword Updates the OST user password.
--delete_client Deletes the OST client.
--update_client Updates attributes of the OST client.
--limit Limits bandwidth consumed by ost.

For command-specific help, please type ost --help <command>
For example:
ost --help show
NOTE: The --files in the ost --show --file_history command represents replicated files that were processed via the DMA optimized duplication operation. This command displays only up to the last 10 such files. The --name in the ost --show --name command represents the OST container name.
NOTE: For more information about OST-related DR Series system CLI commands, see the Dell DR Series System Command Line Reference Guide.
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DR Series Software -
Administrator Guide
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Release Notes
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