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DR Series Software - Administrator Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Documentation Understanding the DR Series System Setting Up the DR Series System Hardware Configuring the DR Series System Settings Managing DR Series Storage Operations Monitoring the DR Series System Using Global View Using the DR Series System Support Options Configuring and Using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and Using Rapid Data Access with Dell NetVault Backup and with Dell vRanger Configuring and Using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST Software and Components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting Client-Side Optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST Plug-In Configuring DR Series System Information Using NetBackup Backing Up Data From a DR Series System (NetBackup) Using Backup Exec With a DR Series System (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI Commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting Diagnostics Using a Linux Utility Guidelines for Gathering Media Server Information
Configuring and Using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Troubleshooting and Maintenance Supported Ports in a DR Series System Getting Help

Adding an Email Relay Host

Adding an Email Relay Host

To configure a new email relay host for your DR Series system, complete the following:

Select System Configuration > Email Relay Host.
The Email Relay Host page is displayed.
Click Add Relay Host on the options bar.
The Add Relay Host dialog is displayed.
In Relay Host, type the hostname or IP address of an external mail server that will act as the email relay host for your DR Series system.
Click Submit (or click Cancel to display the Email Alerts page).
The Email Relay Host page is displayed, and an Updated external email server information dialog is displayed when successful.

Editing an Email Relay Host

Editing an Email Relay Host

To edit an existing email relay host for your DR Series system, complete the following:

Select System Configuration→ Email Relay Host.
The Email Relay Host page is displayed.
Click Edit Relay Host on the options bar.
The Edit Relay Host dialog is displayed.
In Relay Host, modify the email relay hostname or IP address of the external mail server as needed.
Click Submit (or click Cancel to display the Email Alerts page).
The Email Relay Host page is displayed, and an Updated external email server information dialog is displayed when successful.

Configuring System Date and Time Settings

Configuring System Date and Time Settings

If you need to configure or manage the date and time settings used by your system that synchronize it with other DR Series systems or clients running in your domain, navigate to the Date and Time page, and click Edit. The Date and Time page displays a Settings pane that contains the following date and time-related settings (by default, the system has the following date and time settings as default values in an initial system startup):

Mode—select from two types: Manual and Network Time Protocol (NTP).
Time Zone—when in NTP mode, select from a list of time zone options based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); for example, GMT-8:00, Pacific Time (US and Canada).
NTP Servers—when in NTP mode, select from an Internet pool of NTP servers (you can define up to three NTP servers) when using the NTP mode. If this setting is not visible in the Settings pane, verify that the Mode indicates it is joined to an Active Directory Services (ADS) domain. When joined to a domain, NTP is disabled for the DR Series system.
Set Date and Time—when in Manual mode, click the calendar icon, and configure the date and time by making month, day, and time in a 24-hour time format selections. Use the controls on the calendar to select the month, the day of the month, and the hours and minutes using the slider controls. To set the current time, click Now. When done with setting your date and time values, click Done (and the time appears for example, as 12/12/12 14:05:45). When all date and time settings are configured, click Submit for the DR Series system to accept the new values.

By using the NTP mode, you synchronize your system clock whereby NTP ensures that your system has a reliable time stamp. This is critical for successful file exchanges, network log coordination and validation, and resource access requests within a workgroup.

NOTE: Dell recommends that you use the NTP mode to ensure better replication service operations when part of a workgroup. You can set or modify existing date and time settings for your DR Series system by using the Edit option in the Date and Time page. However, the NTP service is disabled when you join a domain, at which point the domain time management is used and you cannot enable NTP.

Editing System Date and Time Settings

Editing System Date and Time Settings

To modify the default time and date settings for your DR Series system, complete the following:

Select System Configuration → Date and Time.
The Date and Time page is displayed.
Click Edit on the options bar.
The Edit Date and Time dialog is displayed.
NOTE: If the DR Series system is joined to a Microsoft Active Directory Services (ADS) domain, the Edit option will be disabled (grayed out) and the Mode, Time Zone, or Date and Time values cannot be changed in the Settings pane. This is because whenever a DR Series system is joined to a domain, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) is disabled and the DR Series system uses the domain-based time service. NTP is used in the Mode setting when the DR Series system is part of a workgroup and not joined to a domain. To be able to modify or edit any of the Settings pane values when the DR Series system is joined to an ADS domain, you would first need to leave the ADS domain before you could modify any of the date and time settings. For more information, see Configuring Active Directory Settings.
In Mode, select either Manual or NTP.
If you select Manual, continue on with the tasks in step 3.

If you select NTP, skip to step 4.

Select Manual.
The Edit Date and Time dialog is displayed.
Click the Time Zone drop-down list and choose the desired time zone.
Click the Calendar icon (adjacent to Set Date and Time), and select the desired day in the month (the system prevents the selection of unsupported days).
Adjust the Hour and Minute sliders to the desired time (or click Now to set the date and time to be the current date and time in hours and minutes).
Click Done.
The Edit Date and Time dialog is displayed with your new settings.
The Edit Date and Time dialog is displayed.
Click the Time Zone drop-down list and select the desired time.
Click Submit (or click Cancel).
The Date and Time page is displayed, and an Enabled NTP service dialog is displayed when successful (and this was your selected mode).
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