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Client Profile Updating Utility 5.9 - Release Notes

Release Notes

Quest® Client Profile Updating Utility 5.9.0

Release Notes

December 2024

These release notes provide information about the Quest® Client Profile Updating Utility release.


New features and resolved issues

Known issues

System requirements

Product licensing

Upgrade and installation instructions

About this release

The Client Profile Updating Utility (CPUU) is used to update end-user Microsoft Outlook profiles settings, migrate additional features of user mailboxes and finally switch the profiles from the source to the target Exchange server once the user's mailbox is migrated and switched either manually or by the Migration Manager's Mail Agent.

CPUU supports Microsoft Outlook 2013/2016/2019 and Outlook for Office 365. It can be used only in conjunction with the following products:

  • Migration Manager 8.15 or later
  • On Demand Migration for Email

Refer to the Supported Configurations for details

Supported Configurations

Mail Clients
  • Microsoft Outlook 2013
  • Microsoft Outlook 2016
  • Microsoft Outlook 2019
  • Microsoft Outlook for Office 365

NOTE: Microsoft Outlook for Office 365 (installed as a part of Office 365 ProPlus suite) is also supported.

Operating Systems
  • Microsoft Windows 8
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1
  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows 11
Additional Software Requirements
  • The Client Profile Updating Utility Configuration wizard requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later to be installed.
Important Considerations
  • Processing profiles for Microsoft Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments is not supported.
  • CPUU does not support Outlook installed using application virtualization systems such as Microsoft App-V.
  • Outdated versions of Outlook 2013 which do not support MAPI Over HTTP (KB3114349) should be updated for migration to Office 365 or to Exchange 2016/2019
  • CPUU should be excluded from any active Antivirus software processes when being run on an end user workstation. Please contact your anti-virus vendor for further instructions on how to exclude this application and process.

New Features

New features and resolved issues

This release introduces the following new feature:

End of support for Basic Authentication. Previous releases of CPUU supported Modern Authentication, but relied on the Basic Authentication protocols for access to Autodiscover. This version of CPUU replaces this process with use of a modern Microsoft Authentication library. A future release of CPUU will make further changes to this area, as Microsoft continues to make changes and improvements to authentication libraries and processes.

Two new INI file parameters are provided in case the default authentication URLs need to be overridden, see the CPUU Administrator Guide > Technical Reference for details if necessary.

The "Logon Through Outlook" mode, formerly activated by the -LogonThroughOutlook command line parameter, is now the default behavior. Should it be necessary to disable this behavior for any reason, the new -DisableLogonThroughOutlook command line parameter can be used.

Release History

New in 5.8.7 version

The following issue is fixed in this release:

  • To address an issue where the utility could not switch profiles because it could not open online target message stores, the utility no longer attempts to open the online message stores when the Use Cached Exchange Mode for new and existing Outlook profiles Group Policy is enabled.

New in 5.8.6 version

This release introduces the following enhancement for CPUU:

  • The UPN and primary SMTP address do not need to match if the Manually provide credentials option is selected when using the -LogonThroughOutlook command line parameter. The restrictions for the -LogonThroughOutlook parameter have been updated. Refer to Known Issues for details.

New in 5.8.5 version

This release introduces the following new feature:

  • Added Microsoft Windows 11 to Supported Configurations.

New in 5.8.4 version

IMPORTANT: After this update is installed, CPUU.ini should be recreated for existing projects due to deprecation of the following configuration parameters:

  • BypassModernAuthentication
  • CleanupCredentialManager

Or the parameters mentioned above should be removed from existing INI file.


The following known issues are fixed in this release:

Defect ID Issue Description

Addresses two cases where CPUU would fail to open the mailbox store even with -LogonThroughOutlook:

  • where UPN was not equal to the user's SMTP address
  • when admin credentials were used instead of the user's own credentials.
CPUU-1529 In the ClientProfileUpdatingUtilityConfiguration Wizard, the Help button on the Encryption Modes dialog now opens the Encryption Modes topic in the help file.
CPUU-226152 -226161 Minor optimizations to performance and stability, to handle unusual edge cases identified by static code analysis.

New in 5.8.3 version

This release introduced the following new feature:

  • Support for migration to Microsoft Office 365 tenants with modern authentication enabled and optionally Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled.

Previously this functionality was partially supported by means of disabling modern authentication in Outlook settings for the time of profile processing, but this method cannot be used now due to recent changes made by Microsoft in updates for Microsoft Outlook for Office 365 / Outlook 2016 and in Outlook 2019. Now authentication process can be delegated to Outlook that allows Client Profile Updating Utility to access target mailbox with modern authentication and MFA. To enable this behavior the -LogonThroughOutlook command line parameter is introduced in this release. If this parameter is specified in Client Profile Updating Utility command line, Client Profile Updating Utility is allowed to initiate start of Outlook for prompting target user credentials and performing authentication process. Some restrictions may apply. Refer to the Workaround 1 specified in Known Issue CPUU-1266 for details.


The following known issues are fixed in this release:

Defect ID Issue Description

Source display name may retain in switched profile on the target in the account properties and in From field.

Fix: Now correct target email address is displayed.


Profile cannot be processed, when the Prompt for credentials option is selected in case of source and target user passwords does not match.

Fix: Now profile will be processed in the case of source and target user passwords does not match.


In case of unsuccessful access to the target in case the Prompt for credentials option is selected, rollback will be started and CPUU asks for source credentials again.

Fix: Now rollback does not require credentials for the case.

New in 5.8.2 version

This release introduces the following new feature:

  • Quest Migration Manager version 8.15 support.

New in 5.8.1 version

This release introduces the following enhancements for CPUU:

Defect ID Enhancement
CPUU-1360 CPUU disables Autodiscover SCP lookup for all Outlooks by default. DoNotModifyExcludeSCPLookup (previously ExcludeScpLookupNewer) parameter can be used to turn off this behavior, if necessary.

Now the Switch Message handling procedure has been optimized, and CPUU uses the following parameters retrieved from the message:

  • Version of the Switch Message
  • Target mailbox DN
  • Target mailbox SMTP address
  • Parameter that specified whether the target server is the Office 365 server

The rest of the Switch Message data is skipped.


If the source and target domain part of SMTP addresses match, CPUU now checks that the UseLocalAutodiscoverXMLs parameter is set to 1. Otherwise CPUU stops and the error is reported.


In case of any issues with getting Autodiscover response for the target Public Folders and Additional mailboxes, CPUU now makes three attempt to get Autodiscover response.

N/A SkipPing is now removed from configuration parameters.
CPUU-1343 Switch Message section format in SwitchResMB.ini is now simplified. It is recommended to re-create configuration files from previous versions of the product, but obsolete SwitchResMB.ini is still workable, you can use whatever you want.

Client Profile Updating Utility is now enhanced to pre-check if MAPI is disabled on the target to stop profile processing in this case. As a result, time is saved and redundant errors in log are prevented.

CPUU-1265 Client Profile Updating Utility Configuration wizard may not preserve some advanced tuning settings in case these settings were selected and then cleared. Configuration wizard is now enhanced to avoid the issue.
CPUU-1371 If UseLocalAutodiscoverXMLs=1, target user mailbox and public folders SMTP domain part names are not specified in ProcessedDomainsFQDNs, CPUU now stop processing and the error is reported.

The following known issues are fixed in this release:

Defect ID Issue Description

CPUU cannot process more than one profile at a time if it was launched without the SkipAutodiscoverChecking parameter.

Fix: Now CPUU can process several profiles at the same time.


CPUU does not update links pointed to any objects in “Outlook contact groups” for Nicks (Autocomplete list) on the target.

Fix: Now CPUU clears links pointed to any objects in “Outlook contact groups” for Nicks (Autocomplete list) on the target.


In case CPUU is redirected to another Autodiscover URL, CPUU repeats Autodiscover URL discovery procedure instead of Autodiscover response usage.

Fix: The value of the stored Autodiscover URL now is updated if the CPUU is redirected to another Autodiscover URL using Autodiscover response.


CPUU uses target credentials instead of source credentials for sending notification under a default profile after Rollback.

Fix: CPUU chooses credentials for sending notification depending on result of default profile update.

CPUU-1292 In some rare cases CPUU cannot update AutoComplete List for the processed profile. The following error message is reported: Cannot get Nicks from the source. Unspecified exception….

Fix: Now CPUU makes up to 5 attempts to resolve the recipient in the Address Book in case of an error if Exchange limits are exceeded or some user environment prevents Autocomplete list processing.


Public Folder processing may fail for Outlook 2013.

Scope:Migration to Office 365 in case MAPI Over HTTP is disabled (MapiHttpDisabled is set to 1) on the client host.

Fix: Public Folder processing now works for all supported configurations.


In case the DlgHookHandler.dll is not found this results in log on errors only without any record that this module is missing.

Fix: If Prompt for credentials or Manually provide credentials are selected, before profile processing is started, CPUU checks if DlgHookHandler.dll ( or DlgHookHandler_x64.dll for Outlook x64) is located in the CPUU installation folder (ClientProfileUpdatingUtility.exe/ ClientProfileUpdatingUtility_x64.exe). In case this module not found, CPUU stops and the error is reported.

New in 5.8 version

This release introduces the following new features and enhancements for CPUU:

  • Microsoft Outlook 2019 is now supported by CPUU.
  • CPUU can now process profiles across Microsoft's cloud offerings, including tenants in Germany and China.
  • MAPI over HTTP support for Outlook 2013 for on-premises migration scenarios
  • Validity of provided service account's credentials is now checked by CPUU before attempting to log to the profiles. The validity check result is reported to log file for troubleshooting purposes.

  • CPUU.ini usability is now improved due to extended Autodiscover usage, the following settings are no longer required because CPUU gets necessary data automatically:

    RPCOverHTTP section:










    DomainCfg section:






IMPORTANT:Configuration files created in previous versions of CPUU are no longer supported and should be re-created.

  • New configuration parameter ProcessedDomainsFQDNs is now used instead the following obsolete parameters:
    • AutodiscoverDomainsFQDNs

    • ApprovedSMTPAddressDomainParts
    • T2TDomainNamesOfMailboxesAllowedToSwitch

Now profiles with Multiple Exchange accounts can be configured for processing in configuration wizard.For details see Configuration Parameters section of Client Profile Updating Utility Administrator Guide.

  • New management parameter -SkipAutodiscoverChecking is now added to prevent CPUU from checking that an autodiscover URL is on a source domain and a target autodiscover URL is on a target domain. For details see Management Parameters section of Client Profile Updating Utility Administrator Guide.
  • RPC over HTTP limited support ( Public Folders processing is not supported) for migration to Office 365 in case of Outlook 2013. For details see Known issues.

This release introduces the following new features and enhancements for Switch Resource Mailboxes utility (SwitchResMB):

  • Microsoft Outlook 2019 is now supported by SwitchResMB.
  • New configuration parameter LeaveTemporaryProfiles is now added for troubleshooting purposes to prevent deleting of MAPI temporary profiles created by SwitchResMB utility for CPUU. For details see Using the Utility section of Client Profile Updating Utility Administrator Guide.

The following known issues are fixed in this release:

Defect ID Issue Description



AutoComplete list (formerly Nicks) processing is now enhanced to support migration in rare case of duplicated nick properties.
CPUU-1058, 4334806-1

Tenant to tenant migration scenario with domain name transfer does not work due to incorrect server name handling.

CPUU-1056, CPUU-1210 CPUU does not restore EnableADAL to original value after Cleanup.




Failed to access Autodiscover URL if Negotiate and NTLM are not specified as the first entries in the supported authentication method list returned by the Autodiscover service server.

Scope : Scenarios where Use the currently logged in user option is selected

New in 5.7.9 version

IMPORTANT: Henceforth, we terminate the support of Microsoft Outlook 2007 due to the fact that Microsoft does not support Microsoft Office 2007 since October 2017, but we do not limit the use of Client Profile Updating Utility for Microsoft Outlook 2007 profile switching.

This release introduces the following new features:

  • CPUU-867: ApprovedExchangeDomains parameter is now replaced with ApprovedSMTPAddressDomainParts parameter to process profiles containing multiple Exchange accounts. ApprovedSMTPAddressDomainParts parameter contains selected domain parts of source SMTP addresses in space-separated list to specify which primary accounts are allowed to be switched. See Configuration Parameters for details.
  • CPUU-1026: Modern Authentication for Outlook 2013 and 2016 is now bypassed by default while Client Profile Updating Utility process Outlook profiles. See BypassModernAuthentication parameter in Configuration Parameters for details.
Defect ID Enhancement
CPUU-699 Though shared folder matching was unsuccessful, Calendar feature can be displayed as OK. Now the case is handled correctly.

Client Profile Updating Utility may not preserve last logged on account name in case User principal name (UPN) doesn’t match the email address. Now Client Profile Updating Utility preserves the last logged on account name in such user environments.

CPUU-108 Client Profile Updating Utility may hang in case of incorrect credentials for target service account.

In rare cases additional mailbox matching may fail and the following message is displayed:

Cannot match the folder. ...

Reason: Source StoreIDS matching failure.

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