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Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory 20.11 - User Guide

Attribute Mapping

The mappings page controls where and how the values of a source attribute should be placed in the target attribute. By default this is a one-to-one mapping, but you can change it. For example, whatever the value is for company name for all objects in the source that have that value will be used to the fill the company name value for all objects that have that attribute in the target. However, you can edit and customize the mappings to fit any special needs.

As an example, suppose that you are doing an inter-forest migration where the target company has acquired the source company. The source company uses the Employee Number field as a unique identifier. However, the target company uses the Employee ID for this same purpose. We can modify the mappings to make this adjustment. First, we will make sure that the Employee ID field in the source does NOT get mapped to the EmployeeID field in the target as we plan to have a different source field mapping to that. we can just empty it out, or we could remove the entire mapping.

Now we will map the Employee Number source field to the employee ID target field. If you need to get more granular, you can specify the source and target object types that this should only occur with. Such as just user target objects. In my example, there is no need because this attribute is only found on user objects anyway.

You can control the number of items included in the window here. You can search for a particular mapping with the search box. You can filter the attributes by object type to narrow your listing.

Click on the advanced button for more options, including the ability to reset everything.

Reset Mappings

Choose default mappings to return all mappings to the default. All standard AD attributes will be mapped, any manually added mappings or attributes discovered as part of the AutoMap process will be deleted.

Choose Discover Custom Attributes if you are using software that has extended the schema. Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory will populate the source and target field column with any newly-discovered attributes. You can then manually choose the ones that you want to map.

Or, choose Auto Map, and Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory will map these extended attributes wherever it find a match between the source and target fields.

As a final option, you can import a CSV file that contains only the mappings that you would like to use. If you import mappings, be sure that the file contain all of the mappings that you intend to use, as importing this file will completely overwrite all existing mappings.

Sync Types

Synchronization is the process of making changes to the SQL database. You can run synchronization on a regular schedule as part of your profile settings, or you can manually run a synchronization here at any time.

Before we examine these choices, let's look at the terminology used for synchronization. Extracting information from the source and putting it into the SQL database is called a PUSH. Extracting information from SQL to create objects in the TARGET is call a PULL.

The most common action is a Push Pull. This will update or PUSH, the SQL database with any changes to the source, and then the target will pull those changes from SQL into itself. This will cause any new objects to be created in the target, and updates to existing source objects to be updated in the matching target object, depending on your matching action choices. If you are using our Migrator Pro for Active Directory product, a Push Pull sync is what happens when you press the Sync button in that console.

Another common action is to run a simulation. This will do a PUSH into the SQL database, but no changes will be made in the target. This will result in a sync report appearing in the logs and reports page. It's a good idea to run a simulation before you actually do a real Push/Pull. This will allow you to look for any errors or issues and fix them before the real thing.

Rarely, you may choose to perform only a PUSH or only a Pull action if need to made some corrections to help SQL match the actual environment without a complete sync ,or as instructed by Support.

A profile must be in the Active state before you can perform any type of synchronization.

Profile Actions

Once you have configured and saved a profile, you can optionally export it for reuse later. You can then import again and make only the needed changes for your next profile, instead of starting from scratch.

Resetting a profile will remove all objects from SQL that were "pushed" into SQL by the profile. If this includes devices, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to remove devices also, as this is not typical. Resetting a profile is not common. If you reset a profile without removing the objects "pulled" into the target by that profile, consider the relink and "Mark as ready to sync" options on the Matching Options settings page.

Removing a profile is the most extreme profile action. It resets the profile as just mentioned, and then, removes the profile entirely.

You can Validate a profile to run a pre-check on your profile connectivity settings.

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