or ... Failed to add objectSid of ... ... The domain is not allowing access while specifying credentials by UPN for the service account. ... This happens when the Domain Suffixes don't match the service account UPN Suffix.
How do we fix and avoid these errors? ... Antivirus application has locked this folder from use, or user does not have permissions to access the folder ... The following link to online help explains the process, and lists the default folders excluded from ReACL
My transaction log database is getting really large - How do I shrink this? ... I am using SQL Express and am near the 10GB Limit. ... <p>There is a multitude of housekeeping options available within DS Pro such as automatic purging of Sync/Audit logs after X time but in this situation - due to Full recovery mode being the default install option for SQL of Directory Sync Pro and the tool being heavily transaction based.
Is there a silent option for the Migrator Pro agent installer? ... In this case, the agent can be installed Silently as it is packaged in a .MSI format. ... Please use the quiet mode option for the installation
ODM AD read workflow does not read AD Object from the source and target tenant if LDAP filter been added into the environment. ... Possible typo or LDAP query is not valid. ... Double-confirm by running the LDAP query on a domain to confirm the Query output the value as expected before applying the LDAP query on the filter<br><br>One of the troubleshooting steps is to Utilize ADUC to verify by creating an LDAP query test <br>1) Right-click on Saved Queries > New > Query ( <em>Sample screenshot below</em>)
Questions about the O365 service account type accounts that start with "BinaryTreeCDSPowershell". ... We have 3 accounts in our tenant that begin with that name. ... How are the accounts are being used?
This application has encountered an unexpected problem accessing the SQL database. ... The timeout period elapsed prior to completion or the server is not responding. ... The BT_Log2 table exceeded in size, this usually happens if you have profiles logging set to High.
In this case, sync is not working Found objects by sAMAccountName with value 'username' ... This occurs when there is an account in the target Domain with the same "samaccountname" ... In this case the recommendation is"
When setting up the Organization Unit for Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory, the customer is unable to see the Target Organizational Unit (OU) structure for selection. ... The Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory is unable to retrieve the domain name associated with the server entered under Connections > Target > Target Global Catalog.
User migration fails with error "A value in the request is invalid" Custom non-default address lists configured for all Address book. ... Also, the value used for the DefaultGlobalAddressList was incorrect.
While trying to map the attribute userAccountControl but it does not appear to even try to update this attribute. ... We can update all other attributes we have tried.
Performing Sync of Group from source and target domain, but Checkbox of "Manager can update membership list" is not sync/set to target.<br>This is causing issues and the owner is unable to update the group membership.<br>sample screenshot of the option<br><img src="https://prod-support-images-cfm.s3.amazonaws.com/KB_kA0RP0000002Y0n0AE_4377172_ManagerCanUpdateMembershiplist.png" style="width: 335px;height: 137px;"></img> The checkbox option for "Manager can update membership list" is an ACL permission. However, Directory Sync does not synchronize ACLs for objects (such as users and groups), <strong>except</strong> for OU permissions. Enabling "Manager can update membership list" will translate to ACL of the object sample Screenshot as below.<br><br><img src="https://prod-support-images-cfm.s3.amazonaws.com/KB_kA0RP0000002Y0n0AE_4377172_ACLpermissions.png" style="width: 349px;height: 209px;"></img><br><br>only OU Permission can be synced. where you can enabled it from Profile>Settings>OU>Target>SyncOU Permissions . Sample screenshot below.<br><br><img src="https://prod-support-images-cfm.s3.amazonaws.com/KB_kA0RP0000002Y0n0AE_4377172_OUPermission settings.png" style="width: 590px;height: 256px;"></img>
Where to get BT agent log. ... %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Binary Tree\ADPro Agent\Files ... c:\Program files (x86)\Binary Tree\ADPro Agent\Files ... DirSync log
at BinaryTree.DirSync.Exchange.ADConnection.#Zq(DirectoryRequest #0q, String #Yq, BT_Object #1q) at BinaryTree.DirSync.Exchange.ADConnection.SendRequest(DeleteRequest request, ADEndpoint ep, BT_Object bto) at BinaryTree.DirSync.Exchange.ADEndpoint.DeleteObject(String objectDN, String& message, BT_Object bto)
Error migrating SIDHistory for XXX Unable to locate the PDC emulator in the Source DCs list - cannot migrate SID History. ... Active Directory will prevent SID History migration in event that PDC servers were not used during migration.
Recreate Deleted Target Objects option is not working after the user is deleted on the Target In this case, the user needs to update the USN on the source object to get that function working<br><br>The user can achieve this by updating an attribute in the source object.<br><br>i,e<br>Description<br>phone<br>office
Usually when it gets to this point - you will be unable to export or clear the logs from the UI. ... <p>The fix is to manually clear the logs from the sql server.</p> ... <p>Once the logs are cleared the next sync should produce log sets that are able to be exported.</p>
The following information required for Directory sync Pro for Active Directory if customer having sync issue with object from source to target.
When utilizing 3 rd party Password copy software in correlation with DirSync Pro profile you will run into Error: “There was an error reading passwords”. ... This will cause a conflict with the LSAAS.exe and inhibit initiation of the password copy process.
<p><strong>Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Binary Tree\DirSync</strong></p> ... During reinstallation, you need to enter a passphrase, do not leave it blank.<br><br><br><em>* Note: This is going to be fixed in a future release, to make the passphrase a required value to enter during installation.</em></p> If you have installed SQL Express as a standard installation with Migrator Pro for AD, please contact Support for the default sa password (if need to).
at BinaryTree.ReACL.Lib.ServiceMgr.GetServiceAccount(String serviceName) at BinaryTree.ReACL.Engine.ServiceUpdater.#4h(Mode #Je, String #tf, UpdateStats #ph) at BinaryTree.ReACL.Engine.ServiceUpdater.UpdateServices(Mode mode, UpdateStats stats)
The customer is required to synchronic the SAMaccountName from the source to the target.
Powershell Script runs after Profile-Finish with delay of 300sec. ... How can I set it to 30 sec? >> jQuery35107089349668581149_1693311762563 Adjustable by adding config key <h2>Set the delay period before running a post sync PowerShell script</h2>
We are trying to run a post migration script in order to re register bitlocker in AD. ... The problem is it is not working, bcs i think the scrpt is executed with the local credential on the computer.
For example, if your domain's NetBIOS name is ADM, you must create a domain local group named ADM$$$.<br><br>If the group is already created but is not domain local.
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