This issue may occur when running the RemoteScan server on Windows 11 24H2, or if the following Windows updates are installed on earlier versions of Windows 11: KB5044284, KB5044384, or KB5046617.
RemoteScan will connect to the RemoteApp virtual channel connection which was launched first, but will not connect through the virtual channel to subsequent Windows RemoteApp connections. ... This issue only applies to Windows RemoteApp connections which utilize a common instance of mstsc.exe and does not apply to Windows Remote Desktop connections which each have their own individual instance of mstsc.exe.
Certain Windows security products and features are known to impair the functionality of RemoteScan, causing one or more of the following symptoms: ... User sees the following RemoteScan error message: "IP is responding but the RemoteScan software is not running.
Need to transfer the license to another machine or machines. ... Or, login to the <a href="" target="_blank">RemoteScan Customer</a> site and click T<strong>ransfer License.</strong><br> </p>
The RemoteScan application handles these scenarios without any problem and the configuration is fairly simple and straight forward. ... To setup the double hop scenario to make the scanning seamless for users, please perform the following steps:
Remote Desktop app from the Microsoft Store does not support custom virtual channels. ... To work around this issue, you can use Windows built-in Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc.exe) that supports custom virtual channels.</div>
No check mark and Feeder or Feed 1 selected in drop down- flatbed will be used ... Check mark and Feeder selected in drop down- document feeder will be used and all pages will be scanned ... Check mark and Feed 1 selected in drop down- document feeder will be used and 1 page will be scanned
Typically IP of workstation - also see server broadcasting note below. ... If this IP is different than the actual IP of the computer, it will cause connection problems. ... Make sure they match up.
RemoteScan does not appear to be running. ... RemoteScan server application is running on the local PC, but as a different user or background service ... On the local PC, look for a RemoteScan Server icon in the system tray.
Cannot complete the scanning after some pages get a pop-up saying: "Error: Clearing images on Workstation". ... This error can be either caused by: ... Old RemoteScan version running on the workstation and the terminal server.
A scan region has been selected and needs to adjust the region every time when trying to scan. ... How can this be clear? ... Somebody selected a scan region in the Preview window and will still be there until it's cleared.
A critical vulnerability was recently discovered related to systems/software that run Apache Log4j ... More information about this vulnerability can be found here. ... National Vulnerability Ddatabase - CVE-2021-44228 (
Need to review the list of the RemoteScan registered licenses. ... This window will show the registration date, the machine MAC Address, the machine Name, and the current Unlock key.
RemoteScanEnterpriseASP.exe is safe to use. ... This is the installation file used to install RemoteScan Enterprise. ... We are currently addressing these security reports with these vendors as false positives.
Certain imaging programs (such as NAPS2) can import documents from a scanner where individual pages can be saved as either portrait or landscape: ... Users don't need to manually rotate the pages in the imaging program.
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"><strong>Important Note:</strong></div> ... <div style="margin-left: 40px;"><strong>It is strongly recommended the customer utilize a VPN to route TCP traffic between the user's PC and the Windows Server, as RemoteScan TCP traffic is not encrypted</strong></div>
There is a red circle with a slash on the RemoteScan icon. ... What does it mean? ... The computer has no scanners installed, RemoteScan cannot find a scanner to use, or there is not a selected scanner to use.
There is a green bar under my RemoteScan icon. ... RemoteScan icon will show a green bar when there is at least one virtual channel connection detected. ... If the green bar is missing, then there are no virtual channel connections detected.
There is a Red X in the RemoteScan icon in the system tray. ... RemoteScan software is unregistered or has expired. ... The software can be used for 14 days if it is unregistered before it expires.
This is a known issue where RemoteScan may not completely launch when RemoteScanServer.exe is executed, and shows SOCKET LISTENING ERROR with a red X over the RemoteScan tray icon. ... This issue is typically caused by a malfunctioning Twain or WIA driver.
RemoteScan silent installation configuration is useful for creating .msi files for deploying RemoteScan onto several workstations or installing ... RemoteScan via a scripted install. ... <br><br> <p><strong>RemoteScanEnterpriseASP.exe</strong> - The name of the installer, keep in mind that this may be slightly different depending on the version of RemoteScan that you have purchased.
RemoteScan Server proxy log: Reports communication between RemoteScanServer.exe and a local connection proxy on the user's local PC, such as a remote connection client or RemoteScan scannerless redirection utility.
RemoteScan version 10.829 release notes This release only contains minor UI work, please refer to the release notes of the previous release (10.828) for the changes that were done: ... <ul><li>Enable Skip Blank Pages option for Epson FF-640</li><li>No longer make updates to Citrix module.ini file.</li><li>Change registry setting AllowVirtualDriverExLagacy to True so other third-party drivers could be used.</li><li>ICA packet size change to fix freezing issue.</li><li>"Native" word changed to "System-provided"</li><li>Copy right year is added to RemoteScanEnterprise Client About dialog box.</li></ul>
Need to know the difference between RemoteScan products. ... This product supports most customer environments and utilizes localized hardware-based licensing, where a unique unlock key is associated with a physical MAC address on the local endpoint.
Users may encounter an issue where images captured from webcams using RemoteScan are either completely black or completely green. ... This issue is caused by a video pixel depth and compression format configured within the local webcam driver which is not compatible with RemoteScan.
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