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DateRelevanceViews Exibindo 1-25 de 746
Essentials for O365 - Connection failed: bound must be positive (4377473)

SPO connections from Drives tab fails with the error message: Connection failed: bound must be positive ... This issue is resolved in the latest version 2.15 of Essentials for Office 365, available for download here: Download Essentials for Office 365 2.15 x86 & x64 Offline

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 24/01/2025
1 rating | 325 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Microsoft Enforces SourceType Field in Migration API (4369473)

Beginning April 1, 2023, the SourceType field will be mandatory when calling the Migration API. ... What does this new SourceType property provide? ... Microsoft has stated that this property will help them with configuring throughput performance for different content source types.

Produtos: Content Matrix, On Demand Migration, Essentials for Office 365, Migrator...
Última atualização em: 20/01/2025
4 rating | 2936 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Essentials for O365 | Box - Unsupported Objects (4378162)

Can Essentials for O365 migrate box annotations when migrating data to SharePoint? ... Migrating Box Notes or Comments is not supported by Essentials for O365, find below a full list of unsupported objects:

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 16/01/2025
NA rating | 289 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Shared with Me Content not visible in OneDrive (4234284)

When migrating to OneDrive for Business, Shared content is not immediately visible to users that the content has been shared with in the "Shared with Me" area of OneDrive. ... Shared with me content has not been successfully crawled by the Office 365 Search Service yet.

Produtos: On Demand Migration, Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 16/12/2024
NA rating | 1446 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How do I purchase additional licenses? (4044588)

I need to purchase additional licenses.

Produtos: KACE Desktop Authority, KACE Systems Deployment Appliance, KACE Systems...
Última atualização em: 27/09/2024
1 rating | 9745 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Box to Microsoft Migration Fails with Error Code 400 (4376583)

When trying to Migrate from Box a folder with over 1000 items the migrations migrate the first 1000 files but the rest are missing<br>Error on the logs: The API returned an error code [400] This was resolved in newer versions Please upgrade to 2.14.03 and up 550589

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 02/08/2024
NA rating | 342 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Are Google Recurring Meeting Preserved? (4334776)

Are Recurring meetings preserved when migrating from Google Drive to Office 365? <div>Essentials for O365 only migrates files from Google Drive. ... <div> </div> ... <div>The issue is that we need to download the items to then upload them.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 07/05/2024
NA rating | 811 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Unable to launch Essentials. the console crashes with a memory error (4351319)

While opening Essentials tool the console crashes with memory issue as below: ... Unfortunately, there are 1 instances of the application currently running and there is not enough memory to start another.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 07/05/2024
NA rating | 903 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to migrate Google Shared Drive to O365 Group/SharePoint? (4334760)

Need to migrate Google Shared Drives to Office 365. Essentials for O365 supports the following Google Share Drive migration scenarios: ... <p id="TOPIC-1892843"><a href="" target="_blank">Google Shared Drive to an Office 365 Group</a></p>

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 07/05/2024
5 rating | 2000 visualizações
Knowledge Article
FS to OD Error: "Specific source path does not exist" (4323475)

Error: "Specific source path does not exist" when migrating File Share to One Drive for Business The path Essentials is trying to migrate is not visible within the elevated administrator account when running the application using "Run As Administrator"

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 07/05/2024
NA rating | 443 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to connect dropbox with Essentials for O365? (4368877)

3) After the connection is made, navigating the contents of Dropbox folders shows the message " No data found " as shown in the screenshot below: ... !MESSAGE Cannot refresh becasue there is no refresh token

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 07/05/2024
NA rating | 995 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Unable to run the Essentials for O365 application unless "Run as Administrator" is selected (4315968)

<div> </div> <div>In the event that the tool only successfully launches when run as an admin, this could be occurring because the non-admin user that is launching the tool does not have permissions for the installation folder, to the run tool components, or to the workspace.</div>

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 07/05/2024
NA rating | 672 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Unable to launch Essentials for O365 (4315770)

An error has occurred. ... See the log file ... In the log file, we typically see below framework error: ... org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to acquire the state change lock for the module: osgi.identity; osgi.identity="org.eclipse.core.runtime"; type="osgi.bundle";

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 07/05/2024
NA rating | 1048 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Project title not listed part of email notifications from Quest Essentials for Office 365 (4310868)

In Essentials receiving email notifications from Quest Essentials for Office 365, the project/task title isn&#39;t included in the email. ... We see a task and project ID, however these are not intuitive.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 03/05/2024
NA rating | 748 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Can the following commands be used to migrate data from One Drive of Office 365 to One Drive of another Office 365 as indicated in the user-guide? (4283532)

Can the following commands be used to migrate data from OneDrive of Office 365 to OneDrive of another Office 365 using Hyper migration mode as indicated in the user-guide? ... No, for hyper migration mode the job cannot be created through the User Interface wizard.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 03/05/2024
NA rating | 995 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Getting a blank console when trying to use the site copy option from any of the migration option. (4295935)

Getting a blank console when trying to use the site copy option from any of the migration option.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 03/05/2024
NA rating | 558 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: <SharePoint URL> (4283515)

Error 503 means that the server is unreachable, but returned an error status code which is not related to the Essentials for Office 365 tool. ... Please check server and network connectivity. ... Another alternative would be to use the Admin Account Pooling option - it should help.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 03/05/2024
5 rating | 3930 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Can 2 different versions of Essentials for Office 365 be installed on the same server? (4283541)

Can 2 different versions of Essentials for Office 365 be installed on the same server? <ul><li>Installation of 2 different versions Of Essentials in the same server <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>is not encouraged</strong></span>.</li><li>Please uninstall any version of Essentials on the same server <strong>before </strong>installing a newer or older version of the tool.</li></ul>

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 03/05/2024
NA rating | 962 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Hyper Mode FAQ's (4235135)

Hyper Mode performs bulk migration from Non-SharePoint Locations to Office 365 Locations and between Office 365 locations. ... This feature is only available through the Drive's tab migration wizards not directly from the Navigator.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 02/05/2024
NA rating | 1538 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Migrating from FileShare to SharePoint Online (SPO). Is there any version of Server Message Block (SMB) that is used by Essentials tool which is required for the Network Firewall rules? (4283400)

Is there any version of Server Message Block (SMB) that is used by Essentials tool which is required for the Network Firewall rules?

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 03/05/2024
NA rating | 1054 visualizações
Knowledge Article
List items not copied properly using Essentials for Office 365 (4283568)

List items not copied properly using Essentials for Office 365. ... The steps that were performed: ... Run a copy site migration. ... Checked the target SPO. ... Observed many items were not copied properly.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 03/05/2024
NA rating | 873 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to restore back Connections tab in Essentials For Office 365 after closing it? (4269285)

How to restore back Connections tab in Essentials For Office 365 after closing it? ... Steps on how to restore back Connections tab in Essentials For Office 365. ... Click View ... Click Reset Panes

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 25/04/2024
1 rating | 1062 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Is resume option available for On-premise SharePoint migration in Essentials For Office 365? (4274381)

For On-premise SharePoint migration, the tool does not have Hyper Mode migration available, it is always a Copy/Paste migration . ... The difference between Azure Turbo and CSOM can be found here.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 25/04/2024
NA rating | 1412 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Essentials for O365 - Antivirus Scanners and Exceptions (4236260)

Antivirus Scanners and Exceptions, These applications are great for keeping bad things out, but not so great when you are running operations that move large amounts of data quickly (i.e. migrations and backup).

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 25/04/2024
NA rating | 1347 visualizações
Knowledge Article
AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID (4268881)

Unable to migrate the sharepoint Site pages of sharepoint to another sharepoint site page. ... Copy Month Date, Year hh:mm:ss java.lang.Exception: Server Response: AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '30058032-5386-4220-8b06-de76472f32a3' named 'Essential Migration Client'.

Produtos: Essentials for Office 365
Última atualização em: 25/04/2024
NA rating | 1978 visualizações
Knowledge Article
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