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What are the differences between "Stage 1" and "Stage 2" in ArchiveShuttle? (4377699)

What happens during the stages of migration 1 and 2 precisely? ... In Quest Archive Shuttle, Stage 1 and Stage 2 refer to different phases of the migration process. ... These stages are designed to ensure a smooth and efficient transition of data from the source to the target archive.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 21/11/2024
NA rating | 325 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Can Archive Shuttle migrate encrypted data? (4377700)

Understanding what Archive Shuttle can and cannot do when it comes to encrypted data. ... Issues can arise with encryption depending on how the systems involved encrypt data. ... Archive Shuttle can migrate encrypted emails as long as the encrypted content is readable (e.g., metadata is accessible, and the encryption method is supported by the target system).

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 21/11/2024
NA rating | 282 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Quadrotech Archive Shuttle - Reproducing an Issue (4372724)

One of the things that is important in a migration is the ability to reproduce an issue.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 13/08/2024
NA rating | 1626 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Journal transformation user not found (4376515)

at QUADROtech.PowerShell.PowerShellWrapperModern.ExecutePsCommand(PSCommandBase command, Boolean throwExceptionOnError, Int32 retryCount) at QUADROtech.PowerShell.Exchange.ExchangePowerShell.GetMailboxCommandLimited(String identity) at ArchiveShuttle.Module.Office365.Office365UserRemover.RemoveUser(Office365RemoveUser commandParameter)

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 25/07/2024
NA rating | 336 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Troubleshooting Metalogix Archive Manager export failures. (4376511)

For the further troubleshooting, support will require the

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 25/07/2024
NA rating | 304 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Supported sources and targets (4307496)

NOTE: The information below may be out of date. ... Please click here for the latest sources and targets that Archive Shuttle supports. ... These sources are supported: ... Enterprise Vault

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 24/06/2024
NA rating | 342 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Export not working, High Watermark warning is seen in the Core Log file (4270047)

No further exports are seen in the console, there are warnings in the Core log. ... If the amount of data which has been exported, but not imported for a particular link exceeds this value, exporting of new data will be suspended.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 30/05/2024
NA rating | 415 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Items migrated from SourceOne or EmailXtender are not placed in the expected folder within a target mailbox (4300016)

Items exported from EmailXtender or SourceOne to Exchange or Exchange Online mailboxes are not placed in the folder a user’s item originated from. ... <p>Items exported from EmailXtender or SourceOne to Exchange or Exchange Online mailboxes are not placed in the folder a user’s item originated from.</p> <p>Archive Shuttle uses a shortcut collection process to derive desired folder structure for items that have archives.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 31/05/2024
NA rating | 326 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Error: SMTP Resolver is not set or unable to find record for (4315280)

at Timefinity.ConnectorFramework.SourceOne.SourceOneConnector.ExtractItems[T](String bucketId, IList`1 itemIds, Nullable`1 messageSizeLimit)</pre> ... <p><strong>Solution</strong><br>During the reconstruction of P1 journal message header, Archive Shuttle is trying to reconstruct the sender SMTP address.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 17/05/2024
NA rating | 287 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Items stuck at 'Importing' (4375476)

Items are stuck at importing&#39;. Error in EV Import Core log states it cannot check target VS Backup Mode.<br><br>2024-04-19 06:30:42Z|39980|server|148| INFO| SetCommandResult|EVImport | server -&gt; Starting getting result: commandQueueId: [0] | commandId: [304] [CheckBackupMode] | commandResult: [Error]<br>2024-04-19 06:30:42Z|39980|server|148| INFO| SetCommandResultImpl|EVImport | server -&gt; Getting result: commandQueueId: 0 | commandId: 304 (CheckBackupMode) | commandResult: Error<br><br>EV import client log :<br> <br>2024-04-19 15:01:22Z| 8444|server| 31| INFO| Get| -&gt; Got 2 commands (CheckBackupMode, CheckIndexComplete) <br>2024-04-19 15:02:07Z| 8444|server| 26|ERROR| CheckBackupMode|Error while checking for Backup Mode. Void Get()<br>Enterprise Vault is not running.<br> at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Interop.IVaultStore.Get()<br> at ArchiveShuttle.Modules.EnterpriseVault.EVVaultStore.IsVaultStoreInBackupMode(String vaultStoreId)<br> at ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVImportModule.CommandExecution.CheckBackupModeCommandExecutor.CheckBackupMode(EVCheckVSBackupMode checkBackupModeCommand)<br>2024-04-19 15:02:07Z| 8444|server| 10| INFO| CheckBackupMode|Checking Backup Mode for [1] Vault Stores. <span><span class="ui-provider a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak" dir="ltr">Issue &quot;Enterprise Vault is not running&quot; was fixed by adding the Firewall inbound/outbound rules.</span></span><br><br>Note: EV 15 is not supported by Archive Shuttle in 11.4

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 23/04/2024
NA rating | 583 visualizações
Knowledge Article
tempExo folders not removed from Temp folder even after version 11.3 (4375379)

These folders are not being deleted and continues to increase in number. ... An enhancement is created to check and remove those folders in an upcoming release. ... In the meantime, attached is a sample PowerShell script that deletes temporary folders.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 16/04/2024
NA rating | 1244 visualizações
Knowledge Article
The impact of virus scanning activities in the Archive Shuttle Staging Area (4307460)

This page outlines the side-effects of having antivirus scanning active in the Staging Area during migration. ... This page outlines the side-effects of having antivirus scanning active in the Staging Area during migration.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 24/11/2023
NA rating | 744 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Generating Self-Signed Certificate in Windows Server 2016 (4305217)

How to generate a self-signed certificate ... You will need a SHA-1 certificate that will be used to establish a secure connection from this workstation to Office 365. ... This can be done with a certificate from a trusted certificate authority OR a self-signed certificate.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 26/07/2023
NA rating | 1732 visualizações
Knowledge Article
INFO: Examples of PowerShell scripts that can run during Stage 2 of Archive Shuttle (4289192)

<p>Add the following parameters</p> ... <p><code>smtp</code><br>– any valid SMTP server inside the organization<br><code>emailSendAccount</code><br>– an email address that the service account running the PowerShell Execution module has access to<br><code>userName</code><br>– Token: {UserFirstName}<br><code>userEmail</code><br>– Token: {PrimarySMTPAddress}</p>

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/08/2023
NA rating | 343 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Determine SourceOne Base Path (4254909)

You may get similar results from the query above, and those should represent the BasePaths in the SourceOne environment: ... These are the share paths for each archive folder. ... Multiple paths should be semicolon separated and entered as a single string with no return characters.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/08/2023
NA rating | 470 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Working with email templates (4293836)

You can create email templates within Archive Shuttle that can be used to send emails about the migration process. ... The templates can be customized with text and tokens specific to your migration.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 687 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Info: Modules report as 64-bit with 32-bit installer (4285022)

Only modules that need access to, for example, MAPI need to have a specific bitness.</div>

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 199 visualizações
Knowledge Article
ERROR: MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than or equal to current size (4274489)

Specified size is less than or equal to current size. ... at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ConnectionManager.ExecuteTSql(ExecuteTSqlAction action, Object execObject, DataSet fillDataSet, Boolean catchException) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType)

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1618 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to manage ‘FixShortcuts’ process for large EV archives (4301121)

How to manage ‘FixShortcuts’ process for large EV archives <div class="pf-content"><h2>Overview</h2> ... <p>Stage 2 command FixShortcuts with option ‘Use EWS for Processing’ selected may fail or even the whole Shortcut Process module may crash due to OutOfMemoryExceptions error.<br>This issue may occur in case FixShortcuts command is executed on large EV archives with the count of items 500,000 and higher.<br>Examples of error messages in Shortcut Process module log file on trace:</p>

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 177 visualizações
Knowledge Article
ISSUE: Routing hangs after 100k of routed items (4307282)

ISSUE: Routing hangs after 100k of routed items ... When trying to migrate large archive, e.g. journal archive, routing may hang after 100k of routed items. ... Explanation Below SQL queries can help to investigate this specific issue.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 92 visualizações
Knowledge Article
ERROR: Stage2 workflow PowerShell script execution (4301292)

Sometimes there is a need to add Stage2 workflow step executing PowerShell script calling for a specific parameter like user PrimarySMTPaddress. ... Explanation Execution may fail if parameter Token PrimarySMTPaddress is not available in Archive Shuttle database for source EV archive, e.g. in case of Ownerless archives.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 172 visualizações
Knowledge Article
SourceOne module may log: Unable to retrieve Transport Message Headers (4249009)

SourceOne module may log: Unable to retrieve Transport Message Headers <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>You may encounter the error <strong>Unable to retrieve Transport Message Headers </strong>during a migration from Source One archive manager. <strong><br></strong><br>Here’s an example of the error:</p>

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 148 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Archive Shuttle modules may log: Internal error: There is not enough memory on the device running (4242534)

Void Open(Boolean) There is not enough memory on the device running SQL Server Compact to complete this operation. ... at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Open(Boolean silent) at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Open() at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 203 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Mapping automatically disabled (4293915)

When migrating to Exchange/Office 365 and facing error “the smtp address has no mailbox associated with it” mapping can be automatically disabled without any notification in logs. ... Explanation Disabling such mapping automatically should help to avoid performance degradation.

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 141 visualizações
Knowledge Article
HOWTO: Determine Exchange Online server which is giving Archive Shuttle "Exchange service is busy (4274573)

GetIngestItemResponseStream|Web exception response content: [;&gt; ...;&gt;a:ErrorServerBusy

Produtos: Archive Shuttle
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 171 visualizações
Knowledge Article
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