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DateRelevanceViews 표시 26-50 / 3686
No backup. No error message. No failed task (4039484)

Scheduled backup job fails to run but received no warning or error message in failed tasks. ... Check in 'Recent Jobs' view verified job creation had failed as a result of the vCenter being unavailable/disconnected.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 204 보기
Knowledge Article
Confirm vss tools operation (4040335)

If log truncation is required during creation of a Quiesced snapshot. ... then VSS tools can be installed to provide application consistency to the snapshot. ... The steps below can be used to confirm the correct operation.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 487 보기
Knowledge Article
Replication performance issues (4041154)

Replication via vRanger is having performance issues. ... How to troubleshoot and diagnose the issue? ... Network bandwidth between 2 sites are running on point to point VPN or slow performance issue for replication.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 270 보기
Knowledge Article
Trial licence cannot be added (4040291)

A new trial licence that has been supplied to allow for an extension of the trial period will not add to vRanger. ... vRanger will not accept a 2nd trial licence with the same resources as in previous version.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 287 보기
Knowledge Article
All replication jobs failing with "2535 - FATAL phys_cant_create_detail PHYS can't create 1:/scratch/sdb/" (4040295)

It is observed that all Replication jobs are failing with &quot;2535 - FATAL phys_cant_create_detail PHYS can&#39;t create 1:/scratch/sdb/42008411-0e26-940b-40a7-55f99fe3e112/vzundo-script (Read-only file system)&quot; <p>Target Virtual Appliance had it&#39;s filesystem in Read-only mode.</p><p>While logged in as Root, it was not possible to create a directory in the /scratch/sdb location.</p><p>Error message was (Read-only file system)</p> <p>Reboot the Virtual Appliance</p><p>Test creating a directory with &quot;mkdir test&quot; command in /scratch/sdb to confirm Read-Only mode is no longer in place.</p><p>After confirming, run the replication job again</p>

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 324 보기
Knowledge Article
Backup fails with "Task could not complete due to unexpected system shutdown." (4039441)

It is observed that the vRanger application crashed and the backup fails with "Task could not complete due to unexpected system shutdown." ... Application: Vizioncore.vRanger.exe ... Framework Version: v4.0.30319

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 236 보기
Knowledge Article
vRanger operating system compatibility requirements. (4041214)

What are the current supported operating systems for installation of vRanger 7.2? <div>Please review the current list of <a href="https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/vRanger/7.2.1/installation-and-upgrade-guide/system-requirements-and-compatibility/requirements-for-the-vranger-machine/supported-operating-systems-for-installation" target="_blank">supported operating systems</a> for vRanger 7.2</div><div></div><div>A complete list of system requirements and compatibility are posted in the vRanger <a href="https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/vRanger/7.2.1/installation-and-upgrade-guide" target="_blank">installation and upgrade guide</a><br>– please use this information to confirm vRanger is supported in your environment.</div>

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 456 보기
Knowledge Article
All backups are failing after the upgrade to 7.2.1 (4038506)

After the upgrade from version 7 to 7.2.1, all backups are failing with &#39;Error: -1 Backup process had an unexpected failure&#39;. ... Backup the vRanger DB and catalog first or do not remove the existing databases during the vRanger 7.2.1 uninstallation.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 175 보기
Knowledge Article
Restored VM will not boot up on ESXi 5.0 server (4038523)

Upon the successful Restore of a VM to ESXi 5.0 Express Patch 3 version, VM will not boot up. ... Upgrade the ESXi 5.0 host to the most recent version to resolve the issue.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 194 보기
Knowledge Article
Backups fail with Error: 2916 - CIFS cannot connect to share (4041125)

One or two backups run and then the next backup gets the error “Error:2916 – CIFS cannot connect to share” Server is rebooted, one or two backups work, and then same error occurs. ... vRanger Virtual Machine was running out of memory due to another program installed on the VM using half of the available memory.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 107 보기
Knowledge Article
HotAdd backups fail over with Backup failed: Error: 2760 - [vix_cant_open_detail] VIX can't open [Datastore] VMname/VMname.vmdk (You do not have access rights to this file) (4041131)

Windows Event log on the vRanger machine reports disk errors reading volumes during the backups. ... Automount needs to be disabled and old automount information needs to be purged. ... 1. Open a cmd prompt as Administrator.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 1719 보기
Knowledge Article
error P_VSSUTIL_PROVIDER_VETO with Hyper-V or Physical backup. (4039386)

When job is running and creating the snapshot, the user will get an error &quot;P_VSSUTIL_PROVIDER_VETO&quot; on VM or physical server event viewer. ... <p>When the backup job starts, no snapshot is being created and you can see VSS errors in the event log.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 400 보기
Knowledge Article
SAN Restore fails with "2813 (You do not have access rights to this file)" (4041137)

It is observed that a SAN Restore failed with &quot;2813 (You do not have access rights to this file)&quot; <p>LUNs that are presented to vRanger in Disk Management do not have permissions set up correctly.</p><p></p> <p>vRanger requires Read&amp;Write access to the LUNs in order to perform SAN Restores.</p><p>Follow the <a href="https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/DOC241436" target="_blank">Documentation</a> to set up the permissions correctly</p>

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 194 보기
Knowledge Article
Unexpected Problem vRanger has encountered a problem and needs to be closed. When trying to access Virtual Appliance Configuration (4041142)

When trying to access Virtual Appliance Configuration get &quot;Unexpected Problem vRanger has encountered a problem and needs to be closed. ... Parameter name: Value&quot; Specific cause is not known at this time other than some corruption on the Virtual Appliance.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 193 보기
Knowledge Article
Issues sending email to office 365 (4038358)

Unable to get emails notifications from vRanger server using office 365. ... </p><p> </p> <p>Office 365 is not natively supported. ... Populate the SMTP Server field.</p><p>4. ... Leave the default (25) in the Port field.</p><p>5.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 1778 보기
Knowledge Article
vRanger VA upgrade to 7.8.2 version will create a VM with an E1000 vNIC (4042031)

After upgrading vRanger to version 7.8.2, the vRanger virtual appliance is created with an E1000 virtual network interface. ... It is not possible to add a new VMXNET3 virtual network interface to the virtual machine.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 467 보기
Knowledge Article
vRanger task fails with API Call Failed: The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created (4044610)

When running a backup or replication task, it fails with the following message: ... Error: API Call failed with message: An error occurred while taking a snapshot: The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 953 보기
Knowledge Article
System Event Log shows Event ID 157 "Disk # has been surprise removed" for Hyper-V guests (4041159)

When using vRanger to backup Hyper-V VM's, Event Viewer warning with the 157 ID is present in guest's system log. ... This Event occurs after a backup task completes and it refers to a disk that is currently not connected to the VM.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 2061 보기
Knowledge Article
Repository becomes inaccessible during backups when attached to Windows workstation machine (4041169)

Repository connect to a Windows 7 or 8.1 workstation fails during backup with various errors, such as, "2034 - FATAL cifs_cant_use_detail CIFS cannot connect to share" or "Error 2258: FATAL cifs_cant_mkdir CIFS can't create the directory (Connection timed out)", or sometimes the backup does not run and there is no error.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 373 보기
Knowledge Article
API Call failed with message: A specified parameter was not correct: (4041301)

After upgrading ESXi and virtual center to 6.7 update 2 restore jobs and new replication jobs fail with error Error: API Call failed with message: A specified parameter was not correct: ... Replication jobs are running successfully if their Replica exists.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 606 보기
Knowledge Article
Restore fails with "The job Restore 'Name of the job' has completed with a status of Failed" (4040271)

It is observed that a Restore job fails immediately with "The job Restore 'Name of the job' has completed with a status of Failed" ... Following line is also present in Recent Jobs view in vRanger:

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 311 보기
Knowledge Article
Cannot replicate virtual machins (VM) in Hyper-V (4041166)

There is no Replication option for Hyper-V VMs. Replication is not supported for Hyper-V <p>WORKAROUND </p><p>None</p><p>STATUS</p><p>An enhancement request FT-780 has been submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of vRanger</p> FT-780

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 586 보기
Knowledge Article
Remove Catalog service from installation. (4038516)

Would like to remove the installed catalog service from version 7.x. ... To remove the catalog service from the current installation, I would recommend the following: ... Go to the control Panel ... Select 'vRanger backup & replication'

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 408 보기
Knowledge Article
Hyper-V system Center VMM is not showing Hosts in inventory view. (4039405)

When looking at inventory in vRanger the hosts associated with the Hyper-V system center are not showing. ... Hosts can be added individually to the inventory. ... Hyper-V cluster is offline. ... Open Failover Cluster Manager.

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 299 보기
Knowledge Article
Backup failure: Error: -1 - chown changing ownership... Read-only file system (4036313)

Read-only file system chown: changing ownership of &#39;/root/vzva/201409250900/libvzvfr.so&#39;: Read-only file system chown: changing ownership of &#39;/root/vzva/201409250900/ssh&#39;: Read-only file system chown: changing ownership of &#39;/root/vzva/201409250900/iorofs.so&#39;: Read-only file system chown: changing ownership of &#39;/root/vzva/201409250900/remotereplicate&#39;: Read-only file system chown: changing ownership of &#39;/root/vzva/201409250900/lzo.so&#39;: Read-only file system

제품: vRanger
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 644 보기
Knowledge Article
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