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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

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Registry tab

The Registry tab on the Database Manager Summary drilldown shows the current DB2 registry settings for all partitions of a database. Information for all partitions is shown when either a partition or the database is selected.

Columns in the Registry tab

All columns available for the Registry tab are listed below in alphabetic order. Initially, the tab contains Spotlight's default column selection. You can choose which columns to display and organize them in any order from left to right using the Organize Columns function. This can be selected from the right-click menu for column headers.



Aggregate Name

The name of the aggregate registry group a DB2 registry variable belongs to. A name is only shown if a variable is configured through an aggregate registry variable. The column is blank if registry variable is not set from an aggregate or is set from an aggregate but has been overridden.


The level at which a DB2 registry variable is given its value. One of the following levels is shown:

  • Database partition

  • Instance

  • Global

  • Environment


The name of the DB2 registry variable.


The partition number of a database partition a registry variable applies to.


The current setting of a DB2 registry variable.



Sorting tab

The Sorting tab on the Database Manager Summary drilldown uses graphs to show sort activity within the selected database and to contrast this activity to overall sorting activity in the instance.

About sorts

An application query often requires that retrieved rows be put in a specific order—that is, be sorted—to satisfy a SQL sort request (as with the ORDER BY clause), to construct an index, or to perform a hash join. Sort heap is a block of memory that the database manager allocates to an application as workspace whenever the application requires a sort. An important factor in the performance of any sort is the size of its sort heap, which is determined by one of these parameters:

  • SORTHEAP—Database configuration parameter

  • SHEAPTHRES—Database manager configuration parameter.

A sort consists of these steps:

  • The actual sort process—If the information being sorted cannot fit into the sort heap, some information is written to temporary database tables. This incident is called a sort overflow. Sorts that do not overflow perform better than those that do.

  • Return of the sorted rows—If sorted information can be returned directly without requiring a temporary table to store the final, sorted list of data, the sort is referred to as a piped sort. If the sorted information requires a table to temporarily store the data before it is returned, the sort is referred to as a non-piped sort. A piped sort always performs better than a non-piped sort.

Sorting problems, such as overflows, non-piped sorts, less than optimal sort heap allocation size, might indicate a need to adjust the SORTHEAP and SHEAPTHRES parameters.


Use the following graph to determine sort activity and problems over consecutive monitoring intervals:

Sort and Hash Join Exceptions


Related topics


Statistics tab

The Statistics tab on the Database Manager Summary drilldown lists performance statistics for events that have occurred in the selected database. Each row in the list identifies a specific event and provides countsfor the event based on these time measurements:

  • Interval—Displays the number of occurrences of the event for the most recent monitoring interval.

  • Interval Rate/Sec—Displays the rate per second during the most recent monitoring interval.

  • Lifetime—Displays the number of occurrences during the life of the event (since the database was activated or performance statistics were reset).


Related topics

Database Manager Summary drilldown System Resource tab

The System Resource tab on the Database Manager Summary drilldown shows system resource information for all partitions of a database.

Review the following for additional information:

Column Description
Partition Partitions in the database.
Resource Attribute Attribute assigned to resource.
Attribute Value Value you assign to the resource attribute


Related topics

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Spotlight on DB2 - 6.9.3
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