This section identifies general problems that you may encounter when using Spotlight on Unix, and details how to address those problems. If you do not find a solution in this section then check the Spotlight on Unix Release Notes.
When you contact Questsupport to seek assistance on a Spotlight issue, you can use Spotlight tracing to include additional information in the support bundle that you send to us.
To turn on Spotlight tracing
With tracing turned on, Spotlight can collect additional information (such as the output from operating-system commands) for the rest of the current session.
When you create a support bundle with tracing turned on, the support bundle contains the additional information that Questcan use to investigate your support issue.
Note: All tracing information gathered for Spotlight on Unix is from the Spotlight client. There is no server tracing capability.
Spotlight works with full functionality only when the iostat command is installed on the Unix system. This is NOT true for (HP-UX).
If iostat is NOT installed, Spotlight may display an error message such as iostat: command not found. If you encounter this error, you can:
Some data is unavailable for certain Unix configurations. See the Spotlight on Unix Release Notes for more information.
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