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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

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Input Error Packets Flow Alarm

The Input Error Flow represents the number of erroneous network packets coming in to the machine per second.

The Input Error Packets Flow alarm may warrant investigation as even a low error rate can indicate network problems.

The type of alarm that is activated is determined by the number of erroneous network packets coming in to the machine every second.


Related Topics

Output Error Packets Flow Alarm

The Output Error Flow represents the number of erroneous network packets sent by the machine per second.

The Output Error Packets Flow alarm may warrant investigation as even a low error rate can indicate network problems.

The type of alarm that is activated is determined by the number of erroneous network packets sent by the machine every second.


Related Topics

Page In Alarm

A large number of page-ins may be a symptom of a large number of recent page-outs. To find out what process is reading these pages in, check the resident size of the processes you are running, and see which ones are increasing in size.

A large number of page-ins may also occur when a large process has just stopped, and the kernel decides to fill that space with memory pages owned by other processes. Make sure that an important process hasn't died unexpectedly.


Page Out Alarm

If an active process asks the kernel for more memory than there is immediately available, the kernel will write old memory pages out to swap space. This is known as paging.

To stop paging, make sure that there is enough RAM available to support the size of the processes you want to run.


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