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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)
New in This Release Getting started with Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Desktop features specific to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns
About Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns Buffer Pool Analysis drilldown Client Application Analysis drilldown Database Analysis drilldown Database Manager Summary drilldown Diagnostic Log drilldown FCM Analysis drilldown Tablespace Analysis drilldown Top SQL drilldown Operating System drilldown Workload Management Analysis drilldown
Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW alarms Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Options Tuning SQL statements in Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW
Spotlight Basics
Spotlight Connections Monitor Spotlight Connections Alarms Charts, Grids And Home Page Components View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight History Spotlight on Windows
Connect to Windows Systems Background Information Home Page Alarms Drilldowns View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight on Unix About us Third-party contributions Copyright

Spotlight on Windows - View | Options

You can set a number of options that affect the behavior and display of Spotlight on Windows via the Spotlight on Windows Options window.

To open the Spotlight on Windows Options window

Click View | Options.

Option Description

Windows Disks Metrics

Configure how disks are represented in the Disks panel on the Spotlight on Windows home page.

These options will NOT be displayed if the system you are connected to contains only one logical drive.

Windows Network Card Display

Configure which network card is represented in the Network panel in the Spotlight on Windows home page.

This option will NOT be displayed if the system you are connected to contains only one network card.

Windows Applications Metrics

Specify one or more processes running on the current system for detailed analysis.

Windows Event Log Metrics

Create Event Log rules and configure other Event Log settings.

Windows Files Metrics

Specify one or more files whose file size you want Spotlight to track.


Related Topics


Spotlight is a powerful diagnostic and problem-resolution tool for Windows operating systems. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the host machine.

For information on Spotlight on Windows, see these sections



Background Information

Introductory material to Spotlight on Windows.

Connect to a Windows System Create / Modify / Delete connections to Windows systems.
Home Page The Spotlight home page shows the flow of information and commands between various sub-components and the size and status of internal resources such as processes, disk files and memory structures.

Spotlight alerts you to problems with your system by issuing an alarm. You can configure Spotlight in the level of severity that constitutes an alarm, to disable an alarm, and the actions Spotlight takes on raising the alarm.

Drilldowns When you have isolated a problem, you can display a drilldown page, whose charts and tables provide a detailed breakdown of the underlying statistics.
View | Options Customize Spotlight.
Troubleshooting Solve problems using Spotlight.

For information on using Spotlight applications See

Spotlight Basics


Windows Disks Metrics

Use Windows Disks Metrics to configure how logical disks are represented in the Disks panel on the Spotlight home page.

Note: If the monitored system contains only one logical drive then these options will not be displayed.

To open the Windows Disks Metrics dialog

  1. Click View | Options
  2. Click Data Collection | Windows Disks Metrics

The general appearance of the Disks panel for all Spotlight on Windows connections

Option Description

Allow up to eight disks on home page

By default, the Disks panel on the home page displays the details of four logical disks in the current connection PLUS four "disk container" images that show how full each disk is.

Choose this option to display up to eight disks in the Disks panel. If you do, NO container images are shown.

Disk flow units

Choose how you want to display disk-related dataflows:

  • The number of Read and Write operations performed per second –OR–
  • The amount of data read and written per second (measured in KB/s).

Connection name - How disk performance is shown for the current Spotlight connection

Option Description

Automatically configure disk display

When selected, Spotlight determines which disks are displayed in the Disk panel.

Deselect this option if you want to configure how disks are displayed in the Disks panel.

By Drive letter/

By Lowest % Free Space

By Drive Letter - Display disk information according to the alphabetical label assigned to each disk.

By Lowest % Free Space - Display disk information for disks having the lowest percentage of free space.

Note: This option is enabled when Automatically configure disk display is selected.

Number of disks to show on home page

Type or select the number of disks to be displayed in the Disks panel.

Note: This option is enabled when Automatically configure disk display is deselected.

Disk to edit (numbered top to bottom)

Type or select the number of the disk you want to edit. Disks are numbered from top to bottom starting at one. The number of available disks depends on how many disks you have chosen to display on the home page.

Note: This option is enabled when Automatically configure disk display is deselected.

Display information for

Select the type of information you want to display for the selected disk (Logical Disk, Lowest % Free Space, Smallest Disk Size, Most "Read from" disk, or Most "written to" disk).

Note: This option is enabled when Automatically configure disk display is deselected.

Logical Disk to display

Select the disk whose details you want to display.

Note: This option is visible when Display information for is set to Logical Disk.


Related Topics

Windows Network Card Display

The Windows Network Card Display option lists all the NICs (network interface cards) on the Windows system that Spotlight on Windows is connected to.

To select the NIC whose Theoretical Bandwidth Limit you want to show on the Spotlight on Windows home page

  1. Click View | Options
  2. Click Data Collection | Windows Network Card Display
  3. Select the network card to diagnose.

    Note: Your choice does NOT affect the display of NIC data in any other pages.


Related Topics

관련 문서
Spotlight on DB2 - 6.9.3
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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