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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)
New in This Release Getting started with Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Desktop features specific to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns
About Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns Buffer Pool Analysis drilldown Client Application Analysis drilldown Database Analysis drilldown Database Manager Summary drilldown Diagnostic Log drilldown FCM Analysis drilldown Tablespace Analysis drilldown Top SQL drilldown Operating System drilldown Workload Management Analysis drilldown
Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW alarms Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Options Tuning SQL statements in Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW
Spotlight Basics
Spotlight Connections Monitor Spotlight Connections Alarms Charts, Grids And Home Page Components View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight History Spotlight on Windows
Connect to Windows Systems Background Information Home Page Alarms Drilldowns View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight on Unix About us Third-party contributions Copyright

Tables tab

The Tables tab on the Buffer Pools drilldown shows a list of the tables that use the selected buffer pool. The list provides the following information for each table in a grid format. Since you can choose to hide, display, or rearrange any column in the grid, some columns below might not display in your current list view, or be in the order in which they are listed here.


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Tablespaces tab

The Tablespaces tab on the Buffer Pools drilldown breaks down the activity for the selected buffer pool by each tablespace associated with the buffer pool. The tab shows a list of these tablespaces and provides the following information about each in a grid format. Since you can choose to hide, display, or rearrange any column in the grid, some columns below might not display in your current list view, or be in the order in which they are listed here.


Related topics

Client Application Analysis drilldown

Welcome to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows). The help topics in this book cover features available in the interface when Spotlight is connected to a version 9 database.

Spotlight is a powerful database monitoring and diagnostic tool. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the DB2 databases and database partitions that you choose to monitor. Graphical flows and line and fill graphs illustrate the activity on and between database components. Icons display the value of key statistics. Using the Spotlight browser, you can switch your monitoring focus between the various databases and partitions. Additionally, you can view activity at the DB2 instance level for any of these systems.  

The power of Spotlight lies in its ability to provide visual and audible warnings if the performance metrics exceed acceptable thresholds. The components and dataflows on the home page change color to show you the source of the problem.

A range of reports and graphs provide you with detailed information about a DB2 database, database partition, or the instance to which the database belongs. This information can be viewed on the screen or be printed.

You can set Spotlight options to warn you when a threshold is reached. You can define a number of thresholds so that warning messages are displayed well before the traffic levels into or out of databases become critical.

Spotlight uses a number of different techniques to warn you when your DB2 instance or a database is exceeding a threshold. For example, to issue a warning, you can configure Spotlight to change a color on the home page or drilldown, provide an audible signal, or perform an action, such as send an email message.


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Client Application Analysis drilldown

The Client Application Analysis drilldown displays key performance statistics for all applications connected to monitored databases and partitions. At its top level, the drilldown provides an overview of performance during the current monitoring session. This is shown in the Client Applications tab.

From the Client Applications tab, you can drill down to detailed information on caching, sorting, locks, lock chains, units of work, and more for a certain application. This is shown in sub drilldown tabs, which are displayed in the lower half of the window when an application is selected. The additional statistics can be used to diagnose any problems detected in the Client Applications tab.

Using the Client Application Analysis drilldown

The steps below outline the basic workflow involved in using the Client Application Analysis drilldown.

To use the Client Application Analysis drilldown

  1. View top level tabs to detect performance problems in client applications. Work from the Client Applications tab to check statistics. Work from Criteria tab to filter the list in the Client Applications tab based on criteria such as number of lock waits or timeouts.

    Tip: To reduce the overhead incurred by this drilldown, show only active applications on the Client Applications tab. Right-click within the list of applications on the tab, and select Show only 'active' applications. This feature is not available on IBM DB2 10.5 and later if Monitor Functions Method is used to retrieve data.

  2. View rows in the Client Applications tab to focus on a application. Check columns in the Client Applications tab to see statistics for an application.
  3. View sub drilldown tabs to see additional statistics for a certain application. Click the row for the application to display the tabs. The information they contain can help you diagnose problems detected in the Client Applications tab.
  4. If the drilldown reveals problems with certain SQL statements, you can tune the statements using SQL Optimizer for DB2. (You must have either product licensed and installed on the on the same computer where the Spotlight for DB2 client resides.) SQL Tuning sessions can be opened from the Unit of Work - SQL sub drilldown.
  5. If the drilldown reveals that certain applications are having a major impact on a database, you can force the applications to disconnect from the DB2 instance.


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관련 문서
Spotlight on DB2 - 6.9.3
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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