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erwin Evolve 2024.0.0 - User Guide

erwin Evolve 2024.0.0 User Help Guide
erwin Evolve User Help Guide Legal Notices Getting Started Creating Sites and Pages Data Layout Options Filtering Data Property Groups Data Visualizations Displaying Diagrams Using Web Modeler Automatic Diagrams (Diagram Designer) Navigating your Site Enhanced erwin Evolve Plugins Workflow Explained Social Interaction Features Questionnaires Reference Configuration and Administration Customizing Your Site Troubleshooting Upgrading

Questionnaires Explained

Questionnaires Explained

Questionnaires enable you to get feedback and opinion from your users. In Evolve you can create simple questionnaires that gather users' answers, or you can weight questions and answers to determine business values of responses.

There are two types of questionnaire available in Evolve:

1.Standalone questionnaires that gather the answers each user provides

2.Object questionnaires that are displayed as a Page View on all Object Pages for a specified Object Type, such as Application, and can aggregate the responses from users and work out a Business Value.

Whether a questionnaire is standalone or tied to an object is a simple setting in the questionnaire itself which can be edited after it is created - so the process for creating a questionnaire is the same for both types.

Object questionnaires require a specific property to be created on the Object Type itself to store the aggregated Business Value against the object in question.

This should be a Decimal Number property.

What do you want to do?

Create a questionnaire

Edit a questionnaire

Delete a questionnaire

View questionnaire responses

Question Weights and Values

Question Weights and Values


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Using weights and values to determine an overall Business Value for an object is only really applicable to Single or Multiple choice questions.

Object questionnaires allow you to gather information from your users about individual objects, such as an application.

Evolve allows you to weight each question, and put value scores against the possible answers. When users complete the questionnaire, Evolve works out a Business Value score for the object which is based on the values assigned to the answers they provided, measured against the question weighting.

The Business Value is aggregated across all responses and is stored as a property of the object itself, for example you could call it 'User Assessment Score' so you can display is on your Object Page.

As a best practice, we recommend aiming to capture a Business Value of between 0 and 100 - so you can represent the value as a gauge on your Object Page.

Each question in the questionnaire can be given a weight of 0.0 to 1.0. The total of which must equal 1.0 in order for it to work. In addition, each answer to each question is given a score – according to your scale. If we are following the best practice guideline, this again would be between 0 and 100.

The formula for the Business Value is quite simple. The score for a given questionnaire response is (Question Weight * Answer Value)+(Question Weight * Answer Value) + .


In this example we are using a questionnaire to ask users for their assessment of an application.

The application object has a numeric property called 'User Assessment Score' which will be used to store the Business Value.

In the example, let’s assume that the questionnaire has three questions and each question has five possible responses.

Following the best practice of aiming to create a score of 0 to 100, and remembering we need to make the combined weights add up to 1.0, I might set the weighting for Question 1 at .5, Question 2 at .3, and Question 3 at .2.

This means I judge that Question 1 should have more impact on the result than Questions 2 and 3.

Each question has the same possible answers, we're asking users how they rate the application, so the answers to all the questions are Very Poor (0), Below Average (25), Average (50), Above Average (75) and Superior (100). Following our best practice, they can only have a maximum value of 100.

Without weighting, or with equal weighting, scores of 100 for Question 1, 50 for Question 2, and 0 for Question 3 would average out to 50 without weighting or with equal weighting. But with our weighting of .5, .3 and .2, the weighted average score is 65 – a higher score because of the weighting.

The score is calculated using the formula (.5 * 100) + (.3 * 50) + (.2 * 0) = 65.

To determine the total score for that application, Evolve tracks the number of questionnaire responses for that application and comes up with a straight average score of all user responses. So if only one other person filled out the survey in our example and their weighted score was 75, the average score would be 70 ((65+75)/2=70).

Create a Questionnaire

Create a Questionnaire


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The only way you can create a questionnaire is by using the Create Questionnaire built-in administration page on your live Evolve Site.

To create a new questionnaire:

1.On your Evolve Site, follow the menu link to the Create a Questionnaire built-in administration page.

A new questionnaire is created.

2.Enter a Title for your questionnaire.

3.If you want to make this an Object Questionnaire - to link it to a specific Object Type - enter the following:

oUse Property To Update to enter the scriptname of the Object Type you want to link to, followed by the scriptname of the Property Type you will use to store the Business Value, separated by a colon.

For example: 'application:businessvalue'

oUse Cw Questionnaire Object Type Scriptname to enter the scriptname of the Object Type you are linking to

This should be the same as the first part of the Property To Update value - for example: 'application'

4.Add your questions

There are three types of question you can add, and you can add as many as you like.

oUse a single choice question to show one or more possible answers, but only allow the user to select one.

oUse a multiple-choice question to show one or more possible answers and allow users to choose more than one answer.

oUse a text question when you want the user to enter some text as the answer, such as a comment or more qualitative answer.

How to add a single choice or multiple-choice question

i.Click the Add single choice or Add multiple choice button

ii.Enter a Question Title

iii.Enter a Question Weight - see Question Weights and Values

iv.Click Add an answer

v.Enter the answer

vi.If you entered a Question Weight, enter a Value for the answer by editing the zero to the right

How to add a text question

i.Click the Add text button

ii.Enter a Question Title

iii.Enter a Question Weight - see Question Weights and Values

iv.Click Add an answer

v.Enter any text in the answer - you must enter some text here, any text will do

vi.If you entered a Question Weight, enter a Value for the answer by editing the zero to the right

5.Click the Save icon in the top-right of the page to Save your questionnaire.

Once saved, you can edit your questionnaire using the built-in Questionnaire Index Page.


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If the Cw Questionnaire Object Type Scriptname value is changed when creating or editing a questionnaire then you must Save & Deploy the Site.

View Questionnaire Results

View Questionnaire Results

How you view questionnaire results depends on whether it is an Object Page questionnaire or a standalone questionnaire.

View the results of a standalone questionnaire

To view the results of a standalone questionnaire:

1.On your Evolve Site, follow the menu link to the built-in 'Questionnaires' Index Page

2.Select the questionnaire you want to view

3.Click the Results sub-menu item to view the results

The page displays a pie chart for each question, showing how many users chose each answer.

View the results of an Object Page questionnaire

When you view the results of an Object Page questionnaire, the results you see are for a specific object instance.

If you want to view the Business Value for the object, you must configure the Object Page to display the Business Value property.

To view the results of an Object Page questionnaire:

1.On your Evolve Site, browse to the object you want to view the questionnaire results for

2.Click the Questionnaire link in the page menu

3.Click the Results sub-menu item to view the results

The page displays a pie chart for each question, showing how many users chose each answer.

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