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Rapid Recovery 6.9 - Commands and Scripting Reference Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery Command Line Management utility PowerShell module
Prerequisites for using PowerShell Working with commands and cmdlets Rapid Recovery PowerShell module cmdlets
Add-EsxAutoProtectObjects Add-EsxVirtualMachines Add-HyperVClusterSharedVirtualDisks Add-HyperVClusterVirtualMachines Add-HyperVVirtualMachines Disable-HyperVAutoProtection Edit-AzureVirtualStandby Edit-EsxiVirtualStandby Edit-HyperVVirtualStandby Edit-OracleDBVerifyNightlyJob Edit-OracleLogTruncationNightlyJob Edit-Replication Edit-ScheduledArchive Edit-VBVirtualStandby Edit-VMVirtualStandby Enable-HyperVAutoProtection Enable-OracleArchiveLogMode Get-ActiveJobs Get-CloudAccounts Get-Clusters Get-CompletedJobs Get-ExchangeMailStores Get-Failed Get-FailedJobs Get-HyperVClusterSharedVirtualDisks Get-ListAzureVMSizes Get-Mounts Get-OracleInstances Get-Passed Get-ProtectedServers Get-ProtectionGroups Get-QueuedJobs Get-RecoveryPoints Get-ReplicatedServers Get-Repositories Get-ScheduledArchives Get-SqlDatabases Get-TransferQueueEntries Get-UnprotectedVolumes Get-Version Get-VirtualizedServers Get-Volumes New-AzureVirtualStandby New-Base New-BootCD New-CloudAccount New-EncryptionKey New-EsxiVirtualStandby New-FileSearch New-HyperVVirtualStandby New-Mount New-Replication New-Repository New-ScheduledArchive New-Snapshot New-VBVirtualStandby New-VMVirtualStandby Push-Replication Push-Rollup Remove-Agent Remove-EsxAutoProtectObjects Remove-HyperVClusterSharedVirtualDisks Remove-HyperVClusterVirtualMachines Remove-HyperVVirtualMachines Remove-Mount Remove-Mounts Remove-RecoveryPoints Remove-RemoteMount Remove-RemoteMounts Remove-Replication Remove-Repository Remove-ScheduledArchive Remove-VirtualStandby Restart-CoreService Resume-Replication Resume-ScheduledArchive Resume-Snapshot Resume-VirtualStandby Set-AgentMetadataCredentials Set-DedupCacheConfiguration Set-License Set-OracleMetadataCredentials Set-ReplicationResponse Start-Archive Start-AttachabilityCheck Start-AzureDeploy Start-AzureExport Start-ChecksumCheck Start-ConsumeSeedDrive Start-CopySeedDrive Start-EsxiExport Start-HypervExport Start-LogTruncation Start-MountabilityCheck Start-OptimizationJob Start-OracleDBVerifyJob Start-OracleLogTruncationJob Start-Protect Start-ProtectCluster Start-ProtectEsxServer Start-ProtectHyperVCluster Start-ProtectHyperVServer Start-RepositoryCheck Start-RestoreAgent Start-RestoreArchive Start-ScheduledArchive Start-VBExport Start-VirtualStandby Start-VMExport Stop-ActiveJobs Stop-CoreService Suspend-Replication Suspend-ScheduledArchive Suspend-Scheduler Suspend-Snapshot Suspend-VirtualStandby Suspend-VMExport Update-Repository
Localization Qualifiers


The help command displays a list of the available commands and their definitions. It also provides copyright and version details.


The usage for the command is as follows:



Request Command Line help:

>cmdutil /help


The list command returns information about all recovery points, active jobs, completed jobs, failed jobs, invalid (failed) recovery points, valid (passed) recovery points, mounts, protected servers, volumes, virtualized servers, unprotected volumes, clusters, protection groups, SQL databases, Exchange databases, replicated servers, and repositories for the specified agent or list of servers currently protected by the Core. The most recent records return by default. You can list all records or specify how many records display by using a number parameter. This parameter should contain the letter "l" for the latest recovery points and "f" for the first recovery point. Each recovery point has its own number, which the administrator can use for mounting.


The usage for the command is as follows:

/list [rps | passed | failed | mounts | volumes | protectedservers | activejobs | completed jobs | failedjobs | virtualizedservers | unprotectedvolumes | clusters | protectiongroups | sqldatabases | exchangemailstores | replicatedservers | repositories] -protectedserver [name | IP address] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] –number [all | l<number> | f<number> | <number>] -jobtype

Command Options

The following table describes the options available for the list command:

Table 38: List command options
Option Description
Display this help message.
Select one of the following options:
  • all recovery points ('rps')
  • valid recovery points ('passed')
  • invalid recovery points ('failed')
  • mounts ('mounts')
  • protected volumes ('volumes')
  • unprotected volumes ('unprotectedvolumes')
  • protected machines ('protectedservers')
  • active jobs ('activejobs')
  • failed jobs ('failedjobs')
  • completed jobs ('completedjobs')
  • virtualized servers ('virtualizedservers')
  • clusters ('clusters')
  • protection groups ('protectiongroups')
  • SQL Server databases ('sqldatabases')
  • MS Exchange databases ('exchangemailstores')
  • replicated servers ('replicatedservers')
  • repositories (‘repositories’)
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine.
Optional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used.
Optional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used.
For show jobs only. Display al events of a specific type (active/failed/completed) on the core server.
Protected machine with recovery points to display.
Optional. Number of data items to display. Use only with the following specifiers: 'rps', 'activejobs', 'completedjobs', 'failedjobs'. Available values are:
  • all (fetch all data items)
  • l[number] or [number] (fetches top ## data items)
  • f[number] (fetches first ## data items)

    Only takes effect when displaying recovery points and jobs.

Optional. Filter output by job type. Available values include:
  • 'transfer' (data transfer)
  • 'repository' (repository maintenance)
  • 'replication' (local and remote replications)
  • 'backup' (backup and restore)
  • 'bootcdbuilder' (create boot CDs)
  • 'diagnostics' (upload logs)
  • 'exchange' (Exchange Server files check)
  • 'export' (recovery point export)
  • 'pushinstall' (deploy agents)
  • 'restore' (recovery point restores)
  • 'rollup' (protected machine rollups)
  • 'sqlattach' (agent attachability checks)
  • 'mount' (mount repository)


List the 30 most recent recovery points:

>cmdutil /list rps -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -number l30

View all failed data transfer jobs performed by a protected machine:

>cmdutil /list failed jobs -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -number all -jobtype transfer


Use the listazurevmsizes command to determine the size of a virtual machine (VM) that has been deployed to a Microsoft Azure cloud account.


The usage for the command is as follows:

/listazurevmsizes -storageaccountname [Azure storage account name] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -protectedserver [name | IP address] or [IP]

Command Options

The following table describes the options available for the listazurevmsizes command:

Table 39: ListAzureVMSizes command options
Option Description
Display this help message.
Optional when specifying -storageaccountname. Specify the name of the Azure cloud account.
Optional when specifying -cloudaccountname. Specify the name of the Azure storage account.
The Azure subscription ID.
The name of the Azure cloud service.
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine.
Optional. The user name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used.
Optional. The password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used.


View a list of the available virtual machine sizes for the cloud account Account1:

>cmdutil /listazurevmsizes -cloudaccountname Account1 -cloudservicename Service

View a list of the available virtual machine sizes for the storage account named "teststorage:"

>cmdutil /listazurevmsizes -storageaccountname teststorage -cloudservicename Service


The listoracleinstances command lets you retrieve a list of all Oracle instances running on a specified protected machine.


The usage for the command is as follows:

/listoracleinstances -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -protectedserver [name | IP address]

Command Options

The following table describes the options available for the listoraclesinstances command:

Table 40: ListOracleInstances command options
Option Description
Display this help message.
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine.
Optional. The user name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used.
Optional. The password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used.
The name or IP address of the protected machine.


List the Oracle instances running on the specified protected server:

>cmdutil /listoracleinstances -core -user admin -password -676df#df -protectedserver
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