The Alarms view enables you to modify global settings and agent-specific settings for alarms.
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Click Alarms. |
In previous versions, Foglight for DB2 LUW offered four sensitivity levels that controlled which alarms were reported:
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Normal — Store and display most alarms — essential and best practices; only critical and fatal statistical alarms. |
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Tuning — Store and display all DB2 alarms sent to Foglight. |
Foglight uses alarm templates to gather alarm rules into a domain-specific template that is easily modified and applied to targets. You can customize how the alarms generated by the default Foglight for DB2 LUW rules are triggered and displayed in by assigning alarm templates via the Alarm Template Settings tab. You can apply an existing template, create a new template using an existing template as reference, or create a template based on an agent. All changes to alarm templates apply to the selected agents.
Refer to Viewing, Creating, and Managing Alarm Templates in the Foglight User Guide for more information.
IMPORTANT: Avoid editing Foglight for DB2 LUW rules in the Administration > Rules & Notifications > Rule Management dashboard. Default rules may be modified during regular software updates and your edits are lost. Always use the Alarm Templates dashboard. |
The Alarms list controls the contents displayed to the right and the tasks that are available.
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All Alarms — Displays all rules with configured alarms and indicates whether alarms are enabled. In this view, you can enable or disable alarms for all the rules at once. You can also set email notifications and define mail server settings.W hen viewing all alarms, the Alarm Template Settings tab is displayed, enabling configuration of alarm templates. |
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Category of rules — Displays a set of related rules with configured alarms. In this view, you can set email notifications for the category of rules. |
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Rule name — Displays the email notification status for the selected rule. If the rule has multiple severity levels, displays the notification configured for each severity level. In this view, you can enable or disable email notifications for the alarm and edit alarm messages. |
To see descriptions of the rules, follow the steps described in Reviewing Rule Definitions .
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In the Alarms view, click the Alarm Template Settings tab. |
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Select Assign a template to selected agent(s), |
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Click Save and Navigate. |
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Select Create a new template from the drop-down. This will allow you to create a new template based of an existing template. |
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In the Clone from field, select the template to copy. |
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Click Save and Navigate. |
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The template will be displayed in the Alarm Template dashboard. Refer to Viewing, Creating, and Managing Alarm Templates in the Foglight User Guide for more information on editing alarm templates. |
When a rule has severity levels, a Threshold section appears in the Alarm Settings tab showing the severity levels and bounds by agent. For an example, see the DBSS - Worker Thread rule. The threshold values corresponds to the lower bounds shown in this table. Many rules, such as Baseline rules, do not have severity levels and thresholds.
When editing thresholds, ensure that the new values make sense in context with the other threshold values. For most metrics, threshold values are set so that Warning < Critical < Fatal. However, in metrics where normal performance has a higher value, such as DBSS - Buffer Cache Hit Rate, the threshold values are reversed: Warning > Critical > Fatal.
IMPORTANT: The procedure below is a summary. Refer to Viewing, Creating, and Managing Alarm Templates in the Foglight User Guide for more information on editing alarm templates for more information on working with alarm templates. |
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Edit the rules using the procedure described in Viewing, Creating, and Managing Alarm Templates in the Foglight User Guide |
You need to define the global mail server variables (connection details) to be used for sending email notifications. The setting of the email should be configured in Foglight Administration > Email configuration.
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In the Alarms view, click the Settings tab. |
Click All Alarms. In the Alarms Settings tab, click the Define Email Settings button. Select either Enabled or Disabled from the Alarms notification status list. Click Set. | |
Click a category. Click the Define Email Settings button. Select either Enabled or Disabled from the Alarms notification status list. Click Set. | |
Click a rule. In the Alarms Settings tab, click the Define Email Settings tab. Click the link that displays the alarm notification status. Select Enabled or Disabled and click Set. |
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Click Save changes. |
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In the Alarms view, click the Settings tab. |
Click All Alarms. In the Alarms Settings tab, click the Define Email Settings button. Continue to Step 4. | |
Click a category. Click the Define Email Settings button. Continue to Step 4. | |
Click a rule. Click the Define Email Settings tab. |
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If you selected All Alarms or a category, in the Email Notification Settings dialog box, do one of the following: |
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To change the severity levels that warrant an email notification, from the Messages will be enabled for severities box, select the desired levels of severity. |
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To configure the same email recipients and message for all severity levels, click Configure mail recipients for all Severities and then click All severities. |
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To configure different email recipients and messages for each of the severity levels, click Configure mail recipients for the following options and then click a severity level. |
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To — Type the addresses of the people who need to act when this alarm triggers. |
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CC — Type the addresses of the people who want to be notified when the alarm triggers. |
NOTE: If a mail server is not found, you are prompted to configure a mail server. For instructions, see Configuring Email Notifications . |
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Subject — Optional. Edit the text of the subject line to better suit your environment. Avoid editing the variables, which are identified with the @ symbol. |
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Body Prefix — Optional. Add text that should appear preceding the alarm information in the body of the email. |
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Click Set to save the message configuration and close the dialog box. |
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Click Save changes. |
You can create registry variables that contain one or more email addresses and (optionally) their scheduled notifications, and use these registry variables when defining email notifications. This procedure describes how to create a registry value. For schedules, see Defining scheduled email notifications.
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On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, click Administration > Rules & Notifications > Manage Registry Variables. |
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Click Add. |
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In the Name field, enter a name, for example: EmailTeamName |
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Click Next. |
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Select Static Value. |
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Click Finish. |
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If you are continuing from Defining variables to contain email recipients, the registry variable is already open for editing in the Edit Registry Variable dashboard. |
TIP: To edit a different variable, navigate to the Administration > Rules & Notifications > Manage Registry Variables dashboard, click the variable name, and select View and Edit Details. |
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Select a schedule, for example: End of Day |
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Click Next. |
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Select Static Value. |
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Click Finish. |
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