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Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) 7.3.0 - User Guide

Introduction to Foglight for DB2 LUW Using Reference
Dashboards and Views Collections and Metrics
CF Locks Collection CF Memory Pools Collection CF Resource Usage Collection Current Agents Details Collection Agents Summary Collection Current Locks Wait Collection Database Bufferpools Summary PS Collection Database Configuration Collection Database Tablespaces Collection Database Tablespaces Summary Collection Database Usability Collection Database Parameters Collection Database Instance Parameters Collection Database Instance Registry Variables Collection Database Tablespaces BP Collection FCM Activity Collection FS DB Storage Collection FS DB Storage Summary Collection FS Instance Storage Collection FS Storage Collection FS Storage Summary Collection General Activity Collection HADR Activity Collection Host Properties Collection OS General Collection Instance Activity Collection Instance General Collection Instance Nodes Collection Instance Usability Collection IO Activity Collection License Details Collection Log Activity Collection Log File Collection Log Message Collection Messages Count Collection Monitor Switches Collection OS DB2 General Process Collection Partition Tablespaces Summary Collection Partition Usability Collection pureScale Alerts Collection Top SQLs Collection Query Agents Details Collection Database Partition Activity Collection DB2 Partition Subcategories Wait Collection History Locks Wait Collection History Locks Summary Collection Instance Memory Collection Instance Memory Pool Collection Instance Memory Summary Collection Instance Memory Total Collection Database Memory Collection Database Memory Pool Collection Database Memory Pool DB Collection Database Memory Summary Collection Database Memory Total Collection Database Buffer Pools Collection Database Tables Collection Database Partition Backup Collection Database Tables Global Collection Database Applications Collection

Instance Nodes Collection

The following table provides a list of the Instance Nodes (partitions or members) metrics that are collected, and a description for each.

Instance Usability Collection

The following table provides a list of the Instance Usability metrics that are collected, and a description for each.

IO Activity Collection

The following table provides a list of the IO Activity metrics that are collected, and a description for each.


The average number of pages in each asynchronous read request.


The total number of asynchronous reads (pages) during the specified time range.


The number of asynchronous reads (pages) per second during the specified time range.


The total number of asynchronous read requests during the specified time range.


The total number of asynchronous writes (pages) during the specified time range.


The number of asynchronous writes (pages) per second during the specified time range.


The balance of logical reads across the partitions. This metric shows how balanced the DB2 is, across its partitions, in terms of the logical reads operations.


The balance of physical reads across the partitions. This metric shows how balanced the DB2 is, across its partitions, in terms of the physical reads operations.


The hit ratio of data reads that were satisfied from the buffer pool, without having to perform physical read operations.


The name of the monitored database.


The database partition from which the data was retrieved for this row.


The number of requests to perform a direct read of one or more sectors of data. To calculate the average number of sectors read by a direct read, you can use the following formula:




The elapsed time (in milliseconds) required to perform the direct reads.


The number of read operations that do not use the buffer pool.

To calculate the average number of sectors read by a direct read, you can use the following formula:



The direct reads rate (pages per second).


The number of requests to perform a direct write of one or more sectors of data. To calculate the average number of sectors written by a direct write, you can use the following formula:




The elapsed time (in milliseconds) required to perform the direct writes.


The number of write operations that do not use the buffer pool.

To calculate the average number of sectors that written by a direct write, use the following formula:



The direct writes rate (pages per second).


The total number of database files closed.

The database manager opens files for reading and writing into and out of the buffer pool. The maxfilop configuration parameter controls the maximum number of database files open by an application at any time. If that maximum is about to be reached, a file will be closed before a new one is opened.


The hit ratio of index reads that were satisfied from the buffer pool, without having to perform index physical read operations.


The percentage of LSN gap cleans within the total number of cleans.


The total number of pages that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical),


The number of logical reads (pages) per second during the specified time range.


The overall hit ratio of logical reads to physical reads. That is, the percentage of database page I/O requests that were satisfied from the buffer cache and, therefore, did not have to perform disk reads. This ratio measures how efficiently DB2 is using the memory allocated to its buffer cache.


The number of physical reads (pages).

Physical reads are used when a connection requests a page that is not already in the buffer cache.

Physical read operations from the disk are necessary when accessing new table or index pages. Nevertheless, these operations should be avoided when possible, as requested pages should reside in the DB2 buffer cache memory.


The number of physical reads (pages) per second during the specified time range.


The total number of times a buffer pool page was physically written to disk.


The number of buffer pool pages physically written to disk per second.


The number of asynchronous read requests made by the prefetcher to the operating system. These are typically large block IOs of multiple pages.


The number of data pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) by asynchronous engine dispatchable units (EDUs) for all types of tablespaces.


The number of times a buffer pool data page was physically written to disk by either an asynchronous page cleaner or a prefetcher. A prefetcher may have written dirty pages to disk to make space for the pages being prefetched.


The number of asynchronous read requests for index pages.


The number of index pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) by asynchronous engine dispatchable units (EDUs) for all types of tablespaces.


The number of times a buffer pool index page was physically written to disk by either an asynchronous page cleaner or a prefetcher. A prefetcher may have written dirty pages to disk to make space for the pages being prefetched.


The total amount of time spent reading in data and index pages from the tablespace containers (physical) by asynchronous engine dispatchable units (EDUs) for all types of tablespaces. The value is given in milliseconds.


The total elapsed time spent writing data or index pages from the buffer pool to disk by database manager page cleaners.


The number of asynchronous read requests for XML storage object (XDA) data.


The number of XML storage object (XDA) data pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) by asynchronous engine dispatchable units (EDUs) for all types of tablespaces.


The number of times a buffer pool data page for an XML storage object (XDA) was physically written to disk by either an asynchronous page cleaner or a prefetcher. A prefetcher may have written dirty pages to disk to make space for the pages being prefetched.


The number of data pages that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of data pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of times a buffer pool data page was physically written to disk.


The number of times a page cleaner was invoked because a synchronous write was needed during the victim buffer replacement for the database.


The number of times a page cleaner was invoked because a buffer pool had reached the dirty page threshold criterion for the database.


The number of index pages that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of index pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of times a buffer pool index page was physically written to disk.


The number of times a page cleaner was invoked because the logging space used had reached a predefined criterion for the database.

This element can be used to help evaluate whether you have enough space for logging or whether you need more log files or larger log files.


The number of times an agent did not have a preselected victim buffer available.

This element can be used to help evaluate whether you have enough page cleaners for a given buffer pool when using proactive page cleaning.


The total amount of time spent reading in data and index pages from the tablespace containers (physical) for all types of tablespaces. The value is given in milliseconds.


The number of data pages that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for temporary tablespaces.


The number of data pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for temporary tablespaces.


The number of index pages that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for temporary tablespaces.


The number of index pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for temporary tablespaces.


The number of pages for XML storage object (XDA) data that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for temporary tablespaces.


The number of pages for XML storage object (XDA) data read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for temporary tablespaces.


The total amount of time spent physically writing data or index pages from the buffer pool to disk. The value is given in milliseconds.


The number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of times a buffer pool data page for an XML storage object (XDA) was physically written to disk.


The time an application spent waiting for an I/O server (prefetcher) to finish loading pages into the buffer pool.


The total number of synchronous reads (pages) during the specified time range.


The number of synchronous reads (pages) per second during the specified time range.


The total number of synchronous writes (pages) during the specified time range.


The number of synchronous writes (pages) per second during the specified time range.


The percentage of all page cleans that took place after a buffer pool had reached the criterion defined within the database for dirty page threshold.


The number of pages that the prefetcher read in that were never used.

If this number is high, prefetchers are causing unnecessary I/O by reading pages into the buffer pool that are not being used.


The percentage of all page cleans that took place because a synchronous write was needed during the victim buffer replacement for the database.

A victim page is a clean or dirty page in the buffer pool that is removed because DB2 needs to make room for incoming pages. If a victim page is a dirty page, then the information must be written out to disk.


The hit ratio of XML reads that were satisfied from the buffer pool, without having to perform physical read operations.

License Details Collection

The following table provides a list of the License Details metrics that are collected, and a description for each.

Verwandte Dokumente
Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) - 7.3.0
Getting Started Guide
Hardware Sizing Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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