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Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) 7.3.0 - User Guide

Introduction to Foglight for DB2 LUW Using Reference
Dashboards and Views Collections and Metrics
CF Locks Collection CF Memory Pools Collection CF Resource Usage Collection Current Agents Details Collection Agents Summary Collection Current Locks Wait Collection Database Bufferpools Summary PS Collection Database Configuration Collection Database Tablespaces Collection Database Tablespaces Summary Collection Database Usability Collection Database Parameters Collection Database Instance Parameters Collection Database Instance Registry Variables Collection Database Tablespaces BP Collection FCM Activity Collection FS DB Storage Collection FS DB Storage Summary Collection FS Instance Storage Collection FS Storage Collection FS Storage Summary Collection General Activity Collection HADR Activity Collection Host Properties Collection OS General Collection Instance Activity Collection Instance General Collection Instance Nodes Collection Instance Usability Collection IO Activity Collection License Details Collection Log Activity Collection Log File Collection Log Message Collection Messages Count Collection Monitor Switches Collection OS DB2 General Process Collection Partition Tablespaces Summary Collection Partition Usability Collection pureScale Alerts Collection Top SQLs Collection Query Agents Details Collection Database Partition Activity Collection DB2 Partition Subcategories Wait Collection History Locks Wait Collection History Locks Summary Collection Instance Memory Collection Instance Memory Pool Collection Instance Memory Summary Collection Instance Memory Total Collection Database Memory Collection Database Memory Pool Collection Database Memory Pool DB Collection Database Memory Summary Collection Database Memory Total Collection Database Buffer Pools Collection Database Tables Collection Database Partition Backup Collection Database Tables Global Collection Database Applications Collection

FCM Activity Collection

The following table provides a list of the FCM Activity metrics that are collected, and a description for each.


The name of the monitored database.


The database partition from which the data was retrieved for this row.


This interface returns a text identifier, based on the definition in sqlmon.h, which is one of the following values:





The agent's connection FCM availability. Possible values are either 0 (INACTIVE or CONGESTED) or 100 (ACTIVE).


The database partition number to which data was sent or from which data was received (as per the TOTAL_BUFFERS_SENT and TOTAL_BUFFERS_RCVD columns).


The total number of FCM buffers sent from the current node to the remote node.

High values of this metric can indicate the need to redistribute the database or to move tables to reduce the inter-node traffic.


The total number of FCM buffers received by the node issuing the GET SNAPSHOT command, from the node identified by the NODE_NUMBER (see the db2nodes.cfg file).

You can use this element to measure the level of traffic between the current node and the remote node. If the total number of FCM buffers received from this node is high, you may want to redistribute the database or move tables to reduce the inter-node traffic.


The rate of the total number of FCM buffer pages sent from the current node to the remote node.

This parameter can be used for measuring the level of traffic between the current and remote nodes. High inter-node traffic can be addressed by redistributing the database or moving tables to reduce the inter-node traffic.


The rate of the total number of FCM buffer pages received by the current node from the remote node.

This parameter can be used for measuring the level of traffic between the current and remote nodes. High inter-node traffic can be addressed by redistributing the database or moving tables to reduce the inter-node traffic.

FS DB Storage Collection

The following table provides a list of the FS Database Storage metrics that are collected, and a description for each.

FS DB Storage Summary Collection

The following table provides a list of the FS Database Storage Summary metrics that are collected, and a description for each.

FS Instance Storage Collection

The following table provides a list of the FS Instance Storage metrics that are collected, and a description for each.

Verwandte Dokumente
Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) - 7.3.0
Getting Started Guide
Hardware Sizing Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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