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Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) 7.3.0 - User Guide

Introduction to Foglight for DB2 LUW Using Reference
Dashboards and Views Collections and Metrics
CF Locks Collection CF Memory Pools Collection CF Resource Usage Collection Current Agents Details Collection Agents Summary Collection Current Locks Wait Collection Database Bufferpools Summary PS Collection Database Configuration Collection Database Tablespaces Collection Database Tablespaces Summary Collection Database Usability Collection Database Parameters Collection Database Instance Parameters Collection Database Instance Registry Variables Collection Database Tablespaces BP Collection FCM Activity Collection FS DB Storage Collection FS DB Storage Summary Collection FS Instance Storage Collection FS Storage Collection FS Storage Summary Collection General Activity Collection HADR Activity Collection Host Properties Collection OS General Collection Instance Activity Collection Instance General Collection Instance Nodes Collection Instance Usability Collection IO Activity Collection License Details Collection Log Activity Collection Log File Collection Log Message Collection Messages Count Collection Monitor Switches Collection OS DB2 General Process Collection Partition Tablespaces Summary Collection Partition Usability Collection pureScale Alerts Collection Top SQLs Collection Query Agents Details Collection Database Partition Activity Collection DB2 Partition Subcategories Wait Collection History Locks Wait Collection History Locks Summary Collection Instance Memory Collection Instance Memory Pool Collection Instance Memory Summary Collection Instance Memory Total Collection Database Memory Collection Database Memory Pool Collection Database Memory Pool DB Collection Database Memory Summary Collection Database Memory Total Collection Database Buffer Pools Collection Database Tables Collection Database Partition Backup Collection Database Tables Global Collection Database Applications Collection

Database Buffer Pools Collection

The following table provides a list of the Database Buffer Pools metrics that are collected, and a description for each.


The database partition from which the data was retrieved for this row.


The name of the monitored instance.


The name of the monitored database.


The name of the monitored buffer pool.


The number of the tablespaces using this buffer pool.


The total number of logical reads (index, XDA, and data) in the buffer pool.


The total number of logical reads per second (index, XDA, and data) in the buffer pool.


The total number of physical reads (index, XDA, and data) in the buffer pool.


Total number of physical reads per second (index, XDA, and data) in the buffer pool.


The total hit ratio (index, XDA, and data reads).


The data logical reads, which includes access to data that is:


The data logical reads per second.


The number of data pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of data pages read in per second from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The data hit ratio.


The index logical reads, which includes access to index pages that are:


The index logical reads per second.


The number of index pages read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of index pages read in per second from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The index hit ratio.


The number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of data pages per second for XML storage objects (XDAs) that have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The number of data pages per second for XML storage objects (XDAs) read in from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.


The auxiliary storage objects hit ratio.


The total amount of time spent reading in data and index pages from the tablespace containers (physical) for all types of tablespaces.


The total amount of time spent physically writing data or index pages from the buffer pool to disk.


The number of read operations that do not use the buffer pool. Direct reads are used when:

Reading LONG VARCHAR columns

Reading LOB (large object) columns

Performing a backup


The number of read operations that do not use the buffer pool, per second.


The number of write operations that do not use the buffer pool. Direct writes are used when:


The number of write operations that do not use the buffer pool, per second.


The elapsed time (in seconds) required to perform the direct reads.


The elapsed time (in seconds) required to perform the direct writes.


The total number of database files closed.

You can use this element to assist in determining the best value for the maxfilop configuration parameter.


The number of pages that the prefetcher read in that were never used.

If this number is high, prefetchers are causing unnecessary I/O by reading pages into the buffer pool that will not be used.


The number of times an attempt was made to read a group buffer pool (GBP) dependent page from the group buffer pool, because the page was either invalid or not present in the local buffer pool (LBP). This is for pureScale instances only, which are not yet supported.


The number of times a GBP dependent page was read into the LBP from disk, because it was not found in the GBP. This is for pureScale instances only, which are not yet supported.


The percentage of time a requested page was found in the GBP out of all of the times it was requested. If a page is found in the GBP, that saves the database time, because the database does not have to look for it in the LBP. This is for pureScale instances only, which are not yet supported.

Database Tables Collection

The following table provides a list of the Database Tables metrics that are collected, and a description for each.


The database partition from which the data was retrieved.


The name of the monitored instance.


The name of the monitored database.


The schema of the table.

Along with TABNAME this element can assist in determining the source of the contention for resources.


The name of the table.


The type of table for which information is returned.



An integer that uniquely represents a tablespace used by the current database.


The number of disk pages consumed by a table. This represents the base table size only. Space consumed by index objects, LOB data, and long data are reported by INDEX_OBJECT_PAGES, LOB_OBJECT_PAGES, and LONG_OBJECT_PAGES, respectively.


The number of disk pages consumed by all indices defined in a table.


The number of disk pages consumed by LOB data.


The number of disk pages consumed by long data in a table.


The number of disk pages consumed by XML storage object (XDA) data.


The number of rows read from the table.


The number of rows changed (inserted, deleted, or updated) in the table.


The number of reads and writes from/to overflowed rows of this table.


The number of page reorganizations executed for a table.

Database Partition Backup Collection

The following table provides a list of the Database Partition Backup Collection metrics that are collected, and a description for each.

Database Tables Global Collection

The following table provides a list of the Database Tables Global metrics that are collected, and a description for each.


The name of the monitored instance.


The name of the monitored database.


The schema of the table.

Along with TABNAME, this element can assist in determining the source of the contention for resources.


The name of the table.


The type of table for which information is returned.



An integer that uniquely represents a tablespace used by the current database.


The number of disk pages consumed by a table. This represents the base table size only. Space consumed by index objects, LOB data, and long data are reported by INDEX_OBJECT_PAGES, LOB_OBJECT_PAGES, and LONG_OBJECT_PAGES, respectively.


The number of disk pages consumed by all indices defined in a table.


The number of disk pages consumed by LOB data.


The number of disk pages consumed by long data in a table.


The number of disk pages consumed by XML storage object (XDA) data.


The number of rows read from the table.


The number of rows changed (inserted, deleted, or updated) in the table.


The number of read and write operations from/to overflowed rows of this table.


The number of page reorganizations executed for a table.

Verwandte Dokumente
Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) - 7.3.0
Getting Started Guide
Hardware Sizing Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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