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Generative AI FAQs - Data sharing, privacy and protection methods for AIEXplain (4378087)

<p>Where can users obtain information regarding data sharing, privacy, protection methods, and other aspects of Toad&#39;s Generative AI feature of Toad - AIEXplain?</p> <p>For questions regarding data sharing, privacy, protection methods, and other aspects of Toad&#39;s Generative AI feature of Toad - AIEXplain, refer to the attached document below for list of Generative AI FAQs.</p>

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/14
NA rating | 查看1678次
Knowledge Article
What is the new Generative AI - AI Explain feature of Toad and how to use it? (4375221)

User is receiving the message: "AI is disabled for your license" when invoking the AIExplain feature icon. ... In Toad version 2024.2 Subscription edition, a new generative AI feature - AIExplain has been introduced.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/5
NA rating | 查看4888次
Knowledge Article
When formatting code with json_mergepatch tag it messes up the format and says there is an error. (4378337)

When formatting code with json_mergepatch tag it messes up the format and says there is an error.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/4
NA rating | 查看622次
Knowledge Article
Edit command does not work, as the grid is read only (4375980)

In Toad for Oracle version 17.1, the edit command is not working, as the grid is read-only ... WORKAROUND: ... STATUS: ... Issue fixed in Toad for Oracle 2024 R2. ... The latest version of Toad for Oracle can be downloaded here:

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/5
NA rating | 查看1091次
Knowledge Article
Is my Toad license applicable for the new Generative AI AIExplain preview feature in Toad for Oracle? (4375785)

Is my Toad license applicable for the new Generative AI AIExplain preview feature in Toad for Oracle? <p>In Toad version 2024.2 Subscription edition, a new generative AI feature - AI Explain has been introduced.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/5
NA rating | 查看3354次
Knowledge Article
Toad for Oracle Licensing Across Windows and macOS (4378102)

<p>Users may assume a single Toad for Oracle license covers both Windows and macOS installations. ... This is incorrect and can lead to licensing compliance issues. ... The question arises whether an existing Windows Toad for Oracle license is also valid for use on macOS.</p> <p>A separate Toad for Oracle license is required for macOS.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2025/1/9
NA rating | 查看529次
Knowledge Article
How to silently deploy additional products license key after Toad for Oracle is already installed? (4285484)

How to perform a silent deploy of additional products license key to all users after Toad for Oracle is already installed and already activated? ... To silently apply a license key for additional products to all users follow the steps below:

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle, SQL Optimizer for Oracle, Toad...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/20
NA rating | 查看2764次
Knowledge Article
What's New in Toad for Oracle 17.1? (4375923)

Use AI to explain SQL and PL/SQL with the new AIExplain preview feature. ... Learn more about AI and Toad at Toad World and Knowledge Base. ... Expanded IPv6 support ... Enable/Disable Automation Designer apps and actions

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/9
NA rating | 查看3466次
Knowledge Article
Get the error "ORA-00600 [Internal Error Codes]". (4336954)

It indicates the process has encountered a low-level unexpected condition, which typically means you’ve encountered an Oracle Database bug.<br><br>The impact can vary from just being an annoyance that shows up in your logs once in a while, to something major that brings the database down.<br><br>When an ORA-00600 error is logged it includes a list of arguments in square brackets.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/9
NA rating | 查看1732次
Knowledge Article
How do you configure Toad for Oracle on Mac to use Kerberos authentication? (4377435)

How do you configure Toad for Oracle on Mac to use Kerberos authentication? ... You can directly configure Kerberos Authentication in your Mac environment. ... Toad has no feature or options for Kerberos Authentication.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac
上次更新时间: 2024/11/6
NA rating | 查看295次
Knowledge Article
Error: "Net: Invalid input arguments" after upgrading database from 19c to 23c (4374481)

When the database was on 19c, it was possible to connect using Toad ("No-client mode"). ... Then if the database is upgraded to 23c, now the above error happens. ... You can successfully connect to the 23c database if you use an Oracle client, but not in DIRECT mode, and can still connect to other databases in DIRECT mode, just not the upgraded one.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/5
1 rating | 查看3739次
Knowledge Article
Does Toad for Oracle support NetSuite DB? (4377426)

NetSuite itself is an Oracle product, so its database infrastructure is typically built on Oracle's cloud platform and technologies. ... However, NetSuite abstracts the database layer, meaning users and developers interact with NetSuite's APIs, SuiteScript, SuiteAnalytics, and saved searches rather than directly accessing the underlying database.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/10/29
NA rating | 查看863次
Knowledge Article
Error in License Portal: "License type is not supported for the product." received when adding a license (4371068)

Error in License Portal: &quot;License type is not supported for the product.&quot; received when adding a license The license entered belongs to an unsupported product or a different edition of the product.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
上次更新时间: 2024/10/11
3 rating | 查看7861次
Knowledge Article
How to get the Toad Applications version in MacOS without opening the Toad software (4377158)

How to get the Toad Applications version in MacOS without opening the Toad software. ... Follow these steps to get the version of any Toad applications running on MacOS.<br><br>1. ... Click on the Finder icon<br>2.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Edge
上次更新时间: 2024/10/3
NA rating | 查看853次
Knowledge Article
How to change the style (treeview, tabs, dropdown) of the left hand side of the Schema Browser (4239223)

How can I change the style (treeview, tabs, dropdown) on the left hand side of the Schema Browser? ... Browser Style icon is also located inside the Schema Browser right-hand side pane. ... This is the last icon placed on the toolbar.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/9/6
2 rating | 查看4835次
Knowledge Article
Is Toad for Oracle available for Mac? (4326722)

Toad for Oracle on Mac is available as of version 17.0. ... Toad for Oracle on Mac requires a separate license key then the Windows edition. ... Download Toad for Oracle on Mac edition ... Download Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription edition

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/8/9
NA rating | 查看4633次
Knowledge Article
How to set different view filter options for the connections on the Toad for Oracle connection window. (4345177)

This article explains how to set different filters and group options for my connections so that you can find and organize your saved connections. ... <p>Below you will find the options we have to organize the connections on Toad for Oracle.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/8/8
NA rating | 查看1153次
Knowledge Article
How to prevent the Data Grind, DBMS Output, Script Output, etc. panels from always opening pinned (4362427)

</p> ... <p>2. ... Go to the options Behavior inside the Editor section and uncheck the option</p> ... <p><strong>Restore unpinned panels on new data</strong></p> ... <p> </p> ... This is a new feature starting on Toad for Oracle 15.1

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/7/10
NA rating | 查看1024次
Knowledge Article
Unable to copy list of columns in Toad for Oracle MAC (4374032)

Unable to copy list of columns in Toad for Oracle MAC. ... In the “Describe Objects” window, in the Windows Version you can click on a “Column Name” (in the table) and then hold shift and click a lower column you can copy and paste the list of columns.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac
上次更新时间: 2024/7/5
NA rating | 查看270次
Knowledge Article
How to set DBMS_OUTPUT enabled automatically? (4376142)

How to set DBMS_OUTPUT enabled automatically? To set DBMS_OUTPUT enabled automatically by default you will need to go to View&gt;&gt;Options&gt;&gt;Oracle&gt;&gt;General<br><img alt="DBMS output enabled default.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000BxyS&amp;feoid=00N6R00000J0qH8&amp;refid=0EM6R000006A6uZ"></img>

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/6/21
NA rating | 查看1702次
Knowledge Article
How to view the Schema Browser and Editor window at the same time (4363988)

How to view the Schema Browser and Editor window at the same time. ... By default all the windows in Toad will be maximized. ... But if you want to see the Editor and Schema Browser at the same time; after opening both windows in Toad, go to Window | Tile Horiz or Tile Vertical, in the main menu of Toad.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/6/21
NA rating | 查看1286次
Knowledge Article
Error in SQL Tuning: "SQL Tuning Privileges insufficient". (4363549)

Cannot run SQL tuning due to the following error: ... "The following privileges are necessary to use the Tuning Lab. ... Use the Server object installation wizard or a script has been provided in the path listed below.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/6/6
NA rating | 查看1100次
Knowledge Article
How to restore my toolbars to default on Toad for Oracle? (4363745)

<p>How to restore my toolbars to default on Toad for Oracle?</p> <p>Right-clicking anywhere in any toolbar and choose “Restore desktop defaults.&quot; </p>

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/5/20
NA rating | 查看806次
Knowledge Article
Can you use Toad for Oracle license on Toad for Oracle on Mac? (4375579)

Can a Toad user use their Toad for Oracle license on Toad for Oracle on Mac? ... Unfortunately this is not possible as Toad for Oracle and Toad for Oracle on Mac are two different products.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac
上次更新时间: 2024/5/14
3 rating | 查看382次
Knowledge Article
How to load tnsnames.ora in Toad for Oracle? on Mac (4375291)

How can I load my tnsnames.ora in for Toad for Oracle on Mac? ... After that, a prompt windows must appeared showing that the tnsnames.ora was not found .

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/4/29
NA rating | 查看1255次
Knowledge Article
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