
SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.9.1 - User Guide

Introduction Tutorials Preferences Editor Functions SQL Information and Functions Performance Monitor SQL Inspector SQL Collector for Monitor Server SQL Scanner Index Advisor SQL Optimizer
SQL Optimizer Overview Optimization Engine Common Coding Errors in SQL Statements What Function Should l Use to Retrieve the Run Time? Unsatisfactory Performance Results SQL Optimizer Functions SQL Editor Optimized SQL Activity Log
SQL Worksheet SQL Formatter Database Explorer Code Finder Object Extractor SQL Repository Index Impact Analyzer Index Usage Analyzer Configuration Analyzer Migration Analyzer Abstract Plan Manager User-Defined Temp Tables SQL History Legal Information

Abort Monitor

To abort the monitoring process

Click image\B_AbortMonitor.gif.

Note: Duplicated SQL statements are eliminated. This may take a few minutes to complete.


Related Topics

Why use the SQL Scanner to Identify Problematic SQL Statements

The SQL Collector for Monitor Server offers you a way of identifying problematic SQL statements by analyzing the query plan retrieved using the sp_showplan procedure. However, Adaptive Server does not guarantee that the query plan retrieved from sp_showplan corresponds to the SQL statement. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the SQL Scanner to retrieve the query plan and identify which ones are problematic.

Note: The settings for the SQL classification for Problematic, Complex and Simple SQL statements may differ between SQL Collector for Monitor Server module and SQL Scanner module. The settings for the SQL Collector for Monitor Server module are found SQL Collecting Criteria tab in the Add Collector window. The settings for the SQL Scanner are found SQL Classification tab in the Preferences window.


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Scan Collectors

The SQL statements captured by the SQL Collector for Monitor Server can be scanned in the SQL Scanner to classify the SQL statements to help identify which SQL statements are likely to be causing performance problems.

To scan a Collector from the SQL Collector window

  1. Mark a Collector by clicking the Collector row. A green checkmark image\I_GreenCheckmark.gif is prefixed to the Collector Name column to indicate that the Collector is marked.

  2. Right-click and select Scan.


Related Topics

Place Bookmarks in SQL Collector

Bookmarks are used to mark a Collector in the SQL Collector window to indicate such things as:

  • You are currently working on a Collector.

  • You have finished reviewing a Collector.

  • You have determined the critical Collectors to be reviewed first.

If the row contains a bookmark, the complete row text will be displayed in fuchsia color. You can have multiple bookmarks.

To place or remove a bookmark

Right-click and select Add/Remove Bookmark on the selected row.


Related Topics

SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE - 3.9.1
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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