
SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.9.1 - User Guide

Introduction Tutorials Preferences Editor Functions SQL Information and Functions Performance Monitor SQL Inspector SQL Collector for Monitor Server SQL Scanner Index Advisor SQL Optimizer
SQL Optimizer Overview Optimization Engine Common Coding Errors in SQL Statements What Function Should l Use to Retrieve the Run Time? Unsatisfactory Performance Results SQL Optimizer Functions SQL Editor Optimized SQL Activity Log
SQL Worksheet SQL Formatter Database Explorer Code Finder Object Extractor SQL Repository Index Impact Analyzer Index Usage Analyzer Configuration Analyzer Migration Analyzer Abstract Plan Manager User-Defined Temp Tables SQL History Legal Information


Auto correction automatically corrects any typo and spelling errors, if the auto correction option is turned on. For example, if "teh" is typed followed by a space, it will automatically be corrected to "the". You can use this to create your own abbreviations of text you frequently type. For example, if you set up your own auto correction to have "si" replace with "SELECT INTO".

Auto correction entries are user-defined and can be modified in the Preferences window.

To open the Auto Correction window

  1. Click Preferences image\B_Preferences.gif.

  2. Select the Editor tab.

  3. Under the Editing section, the Auto correction checkbox is used to enable auto correction. By default, this option is selected.

  4. To modify the auto correction entries, click the corresponding image\B_Ellipse.gif button to open the Auto Correction Settings window.

Available auto correction entries are listed on the list-box. Each entry has a REPLACE text (the original text typed) and WITH text (the replacement text).

Action keys are the keystrokes that activate the auto correction. When you type the REPLACE text and follow it by any action key, the replacement takes place. No whitespaces are needed to separate each action key. By default, the action keys are ";,:=[]\n\t\s" representing the following:

Action Key

Keyboard Function

; semi-colon







[ ]

right and left brackets


enter key


tab key



To add an auto correction entry

  1. Click Add

  2. Enter the original [Replace] and replacement text [With]

  3. Click OK.

To modify an auto correction entry

  1. Select the entry to be modified from the Auto correction list-box and click Edit.

  2. Modify the text

  3. Click OK.

To delete an auto correction entry

  • Select the entry to delete from the Auto correction field and click Delete.

To implement all changes

  • Click Apply on the Auto Correction Settings window.


Related Topic

Member and Argument Lookup

Member lookup enables you to select the database objects or column names from a list as you create a SQL statement. Argument lookup provides hints for functions and procedures to help construct SQL statements. Both of these functions automatically display as you type the appropriate corresponding text in the SQL statement.

Member lookup displays the list of database object members for databases, users, tables, views and alias. For example, if a table name or alias is typed followed by "." then the corresponding lookup hint is the column names. You select the item from the list and it is entered in to the text. The [Ctrl+Space] can be used a short-cut key to bring up the member lookup.

Argument lookup displays the next argument parameter for functions and procedures. For example, if a procedure name is typed followed by "(" then the list of arguments is shown highlighting the next enterable argument. You cannot select items from the Argument lookup list. It provides a guide to help you determine what you should enter as a value for the function or procedure. The [Ctrl+Shift+Space] can be used as a short-cut key to bring up the argument lookup.

To enable or disable the member and argument lookup

  1. Click Preferences image\B_Preferences.gif.

  2. Select the Editor tab.

  3. Under the Lookup section, specify whether to use the lookups hints.

Member lookup (Default)

Specify whether to show the lookup hint for database object members.

Argument lookup (Default)

Specify whether to show the argument parameters hint for functions and procedures.

Delay (Default = 0.75 sec, Range = 0.5 to 1.5 sec)

Specify the minimum delay time before the lookup hint displays.


Related Topic

Indent and Outdent Text

The text can be shifted from left to right or right to left using the Indent and Outdent functions. The number of characters shifted is dependent on the Block indent size (default = 3 characters) parameter in the Preferences window.

To indent text

Highlight the text or place the cursor on the line to be indented and click Indentimage\B_Indent.gif.

To outdent text

Highlight the text or place the cursor on the line to be outdented and click Outdentimage\B_Outdent.gif.


Related Topic

Comment and Uncomment Text

You can comment or uncomment a line of text by selecting the line or highlighting the text and using the Comment and Uncomment functions. These two functions use the single line comment delimiter "- -".

Commenting out a line means that the line is ignored during execution.

To comment a line of text

Select the text or place the cursor on the line to be commented and click Comment image\B_Comment.gif. Notice that the beginning of a text or line prefix is marked with the " - - " delimiter.

To uncomment a line of text

Select the text or place the cursor on the line to be uncommented and click Uncomment image\B_Uncomment.gif. Notice the first occurrence of the " - - " comment delimiter is removed.


Related Topic

SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE - 3.9.1
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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