
SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.9.1 - User Guide

Introduction Tutorials Preferences Editor Functions SQL Information and Functions Performance Monitor SQL Inspector SQL Collector for Monitor Server SQL Scanner Index Advisor SQL Optimizer
SQL Optimizer Overview Optimization Engine Common Coding Errors in SQL Statements What Function Should l Use to Retrieve the Run Time? Unsatisfactory Performance Results SQL Optimizer Functions SQL Editor Optimized SQL Activity Log
SQL Worksheet SQL Formatter Database Explorer Code Finder Object Extractor SQL Repository Index Impact Analyzer Index Usage Analyzer Configuration Analyzer Migration Analyzer Abstract Plan Manager User-Defined Temp Tables SQL History Legal Information

View and Add Charts

When you first select an Inspector in the SQL Inspector window, one chart group showing the CPU time displays in the top pane with the following:


Select the statistic to display on the chart from the drop-down field.

No. of Top Consumption SQLs and Percentage of Total Consumption sliders

These two sliders work in conjunction with each other. If you select the number of SQL statements and Transact-SQL using the No. of Top Consumption SQLs slider, the Percentage of Total Consumption slider is adjusted to show the percentage of the SQL statements that correspond to the number of selected SQL.

If you select the Percentage of Total Consumption, the corresponding number of SQL is shown in the No. of Top Consumption SQL's slider.

The SQL statements and Transact-SQL that are shown in the statistics pane are determined by the statistics that is selected for each chart and by the selection of the AND or OR criteria for joining the SQL statements based on the selected statistics.

Add another chart

Multiple charts are used to narrow or increase the number of SQL statements and statistics that can be viewed.

To add another chart

  1. Click image\B_AddChart.gif.

  2. Select the statistic from the field at the top of the chart.

  3. Adjust the No. of Top Consumption SQLs or Percentage slider.

Select the SQL Filtering Criteria

Two options are provided at the left of the window for toggling the filtering criteria for displaying SQL statements and Transact-SQL.

Show SQL Satisfying All Charts

The SQL statements can be selected for display using the AND operator to require that all SQL statements must be in the No. of Top Consumption SQLs for each charted performance statistic.

To select only those SQL statements in all charts

Click image\B_AND.gif.

Show SQL Satisfying Any Chart

The SQL statements are selected for display using the OR operator to allow any SQL statement in the No. of Top Consumption SQLs for each charted performance statistic.

To select all SQL statements from all charts

Click image\B_OR.gif.

View the SQL text

Click the performance statistics line in the Statistics pane to view the SQL text for those statistics.


Related Topics

Scan Inspected SQL

The SQL statements that you have filtered in the Statistic pane of the SQL Inspector window can be scanned in the SQL Scanner to classify the SQL statements to help identify which SQL statements are likely to be causing performance problems.

To scan the SQL statements currently showing in the Statistics pane

Right-click the Statistics pane and select Scan Filtered SQL.

If the SQL Scanner window is not opened then the Group Manager window opens so you can first select or create a group. Once you open the group, the scanning starts automatically.


Related Topics

Sum Statistics for a Stored Procedure

In the SQL Inspector, when you have extracted the SQL statements from the monitoring tables, the SQL statements may have been executed in a stored procedure. You can tell whether or not the SQL statement was executed in a store procedure by looking at the SQL text. If the SQL statement was executed in a stored procedure, the whole procedure will be displayed as the SQL text.

You have the option to display the statistics for each SQL statement in a stored procedure individually or to display the statistics as a sum of the SQL statement executed in the entire procedure.

To toggle between display the statistics for each SQL statement or to sum all SQL statements in a stored procedure

Click Sum Statistics for a Stored Procedure image\B_SumProcedure.gif.

When you are displaying the statistics for the individual SQL statements, the line number column will be shown in the statistics grid. This number indicates the line in the stored procedure where the text of the SQL statement begins. This column is not displayed when you are displaying the statistics for the entire procedure.


Related Topics

SQL Inspector Functions

Below is a list of available functions within the SQL Inspector window.

Button or Menu Function

Schedule Menu

image\B_Inspect.gif image\B_AbortInspect.gif

Inspect/Abort Inspect

Inspector & Right-click Menu


Add Inspector

Inspector & Right-click Menu


Modify Inspector

Inspector & Right-click Menu

Delete Marked Inspector

Inspector Menu

Find Inspector

File Menu


Save SQL to SQL Repository

Right-click Menu

Add/Remove Bookmark

Right-click Menu

Ad-hoc Inspect

Right-click Menu


Right-click Menu


Right-click Menu

Create Benchmark Factory Import File

Right-click Menu



Add Chart



Show SQL Satisfying All Charts


Show SQL Satisfying Any Chart


Sum Statistics for a Stored Procedure

Right-click Menu

Scan Filtered SQL

Right-click Menu

Create Benchmark Factory Import File


Related Topics

SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE - 3.9.1
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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