
SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.9.1 - User Guide

Introduction Tutorials Preferences Editor Functions SQL Information and Functions Performance Monitor SQL Inspector SQL Collector for Monitor Server SQL Scanner Index Advisor SQL Optimizer
SQL Optimizer Overview Optimization Engine Common Coding Errors in SQL Statements What Function Should l Use to Retrieve the Run Time? Unsatisfactory Performance Results SQL Optimizer Functions SQL Editor Optimized SQL Activity Log
SQL Worksheet SQL Formatter Database Explorer Code Finder Object Extractor SQL Repository Index Impact Analyzer Index Usage Analyzer Configuration Analyzer Migration Analyzer Abstract Plan Manager User-Defined Temp Tables SQL History Legal Information

Connect and Disconnect from Database

When the Performance Monitor window is opened from within SQL Optimizer, the current SQL Optimizer logon is used.

If you open Performance Monitor window outside of SQL Optimizer, you are prompted to logon to a server. You can disconnect from or reconnect to a server without closing the Performance Monitor window.

To connect to a different server

Click image\B_ConnectDatabase.gif.

To disconnect from a server

Click image\B_DisconnectDatabase.gif.

View connection information

To find out if the server has the necessary parameter settings and your current logon has the necessary privileges needed to run the Performance Monitor, select Database | View Connection Information.

The Connection Information window confirms that your logon has the necessary the privileges to run the Performance Monitor or tells which privileges your logon is lacking under the Privilege Information tab.

Certain Adaptive Server configuration parameters are needed to run the Performance Monitor. The Configuration Information tab in the Connection Information window shows the current settings for these parameters and the parameter values that are necessary. If the current parameter value does not meet the required value, the line for configuration parameter is highlighted in red.


Related Topic

Start and Stop the Performance Monitor

The Performance Monitor provides three ways to monitor the database performance: immediate monitoring, scheduled monitoring, and manual refresh.

The settings on the General tab in Preferences window determine whether the monitoring process begins immediately or at a scheduled time. The monitoring continues to collect the statistics at the refresh interval until you stop the monitoring or until the scheduled end time.

To start the monitoring processing for collecting the database performance statistics

Click image\B_Monitor_PM.gif.

To stop the monitoring process

Click image\B_AbortMonitor_PM.gif.

The manual refresh of the statistics collects the statistics immediately and only collects them once.


Related Topic

Manual Refresh Data

The Manual Refresh Data option is used to check the database performance on ad-hoc basis. The performance snapshot is taken once. This function provides a more flexible statistics retrieval method for troubleshooting a performance problem that is currently happening on the database. It only retrieves the statistics from the monitoring tables when you specifically do the refresh. It retrieves the statistics once and then waits until you manual refresh the data again.

To manually refresh data

Click image\B_ManualRefreshData.gif.

You can set up the monitoring to automatically poll the monitoring tables at regular intervals.

The collection of the Open Database, Open Objects, and the Process statistics are not collected unless the checkbox in front of the statistic is checked in the left pane. The enabling of the retrieval of the statistics for these monitoring options may result in the capture of a large amount of information from the database. Therefore it is not recommended to turn it on when you are using Auto Refresh to continuously monitor the activity of Adaptive Server. But when you need to troubleshoot a current database performance problem, enabling the retrieval of these statistics can help you to quickly identify the problem. Using Manual Refresh Data to take a snapshot can provide good insight on processes running, such as Top N CPU intensive processes information. Processes that are blocked by other processes are marked with a special icon and the related blocking processes can also be displayed.


Related Topic

Hide and Show Console Tree

The display of the Console Tree [left pane] in the Performance Monitor window can be toggled between show and hide.

To hide/show the Console Tree

Click .


SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE - 3.9.1
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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