
SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.9.1 - User Guide

Introduction Tutorials Preferences Editor Functions SQL Information and Functions Performance Monitor SQL Inspector SQL Collector for Monitor Server SQL Scanner Index Advisor SQL Optimizer
SQL Optimizer Overview Optimization Engine Common Coding Errors in SQL Statements What Function Should l Use to Retrieve the Run Time? Unsatisfactory Performance Results SQL Optimizer Functions SQL Editor Optimized SQL Activity Log
SQL Worksheet SQL Formatter Database Explorer Code Finder Object Extractor SQL Repository Index Impact Analyzer Index Usage Analyzer Configuration Analyzer Migration Analyzer Abstract Plan Manager User-Defined Temp Tables SQL History Legal Information

Abstract Plan Group Functions

The following are the functions that are performed on abstract plan groups.

To use these functions

Right-click the group name in the left pane and select one of the following functions.

Item Description


Creates a new abstract plan group


Drops the select abstract plan group.


Deletes all abstract plans in the selected group

Copy All Plan

Copies all abstract plans in the selected group to another group.


Renames the abstract plan group.


Exports the abstract plan group to a table.


Imports an exported table to a database, user and group


Compares the differences between two groups.


Related Topics

Abstract Plan Compatibility with Original SQL

Abstract Plan Manager Window

Open the Abstract Plan Manager

Abstract Plan Manager Overview

Export a Group to a Table

Import an Abstract Plan for each User

Abstract Plan ID Functions

Use Saved Abstract Plans

Export a Group to a Table

In order to move the saved abstract plan from one user to another or from one database to other, you first export the group in which it is saved to a table in your database, and then you import the group to another user or database.

To export a group

  1. In the left pane of the Abstract Plan Manager, right-click and select Group | Export.

  2. In the Export Plan window under the Export from section, select the name of the database, user, and abstract plan group where you saved the abstract plan.

  3. Under the Export to section, select the database and user. Enter a new table name to store the group in. You cannot use an existing table.


Related Topics

Abstract Plan Compatibility with Original SQL

Abstract Plan Manager Window

Open the Abstract Plan Manager

Abstract Plan Group Functions

Import an Abstract Plan for each User

Abstract Plan ID Functions

Use Saved Abstract Plans

Import an Abstract Plan for each User

Once the abstract plan group is exported to a table in your database, you can import it to as many users or databases as you would like.

To import an abstract plan for each user

  1. In the left pane of the Abstract Plan Manager, right-click and select Group | Import.

  2. In the Import Plan window under the Import from section, select the database, user and table name where you exported the group.

  3. Under the Import to section, select the name of the database, user, and abstract plan group where you want to import the abstract plans.


Related Topics

Abstract Plan Compatibility with Original SQL

Abstract Plan Manager Window

Open the Abstract Plan Manager

Abstract Plan Group Functions

Export a Group to a Table

Abstract Plan ID Functions

Use Saved Abstract Plans

Abstract Plan ID Functions

The following are the functions that are performed on abstract plan IDs.

To use these functions

Right-click the plan ID in the left pane and select the function.




Drops the selected plan.


Copies selected plan to another group


Brings up the Edit Plan window so you can modify the abstract plan.

Find Abstract Plan with Text

Searches for a keyword in the SQL text and abstract plan.

Find Abstract Plan with ID

Searches for a specific plan ID

To use the Abstract Plans for specific users,you enable the use of the Abstract Plan for a specific group on a session level. Therefore, if you have saved Abstract plans in a specific group and you want to use them, you need to set Adaptive Server to use the Abstract Plans in that group. In your application you need to add the following commands:

Note: If the abstract plan is used by many users, you must have already imported the Abstract Plan for each user.

Viewing the text of the SQL statement

When you are viewing the Plan ID, you can view the Definition, the SQL Text, or the Abstract Plan Text by select the corresponding tab. When you are viewing SQL Text, you can format the text by selecting the Format SQL checkbox or the Word Wrap checkbox.


Related Topics

Abstract Plan Compatibility with Original SQL

Abstract Plan Manager Window

Open the Abstract Plan Manager

Abstract Plan Manager Overview

Export a Group to a Table

Import an Abstract Plan for each User

Use Saved Abstract Plans

SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE - 3.9.1
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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