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Cmdlets can pipe the output from one cmdlet into another cmdlet. This feature is useful and powerful when you pipe the Get-ERNode cmdlet into Enable-ERNode and Disable-ERNode cmdlets.
This example disables all nodes associated with the cluster named First Cluster. The data for all nodes is retrieved by the Get-ERNode cmdlet, and then piped into the Disable-ERNode cmdlet.
This example enables all nodes associated with the cluster named First Cluster. The data for all nodes is retrieved by the Get-ERNode cmdlet, and then piped into the Enable-ERNode cmdlet.
As with nodes you can retrieve information about clusters. This information includes whether the cluster is enabled or disabled, if the cluster is using a shared data location, and the path of the shared data location.
This example returns information on all clusters associated with Enterprise Reporter.
This example returns information on the cluster named Second Cluster. Note that he cluster name is in quotes because Windows PowerShell requires that any parameter containing spaces must be enclosed with quote marks.
As with nodes, there are times when a system may require maintenance or you may want to stop the processing of specific jobs for some specific reason. During these times you will want to disable the cluster. Disable a cluster, effectively stopping new jobs and tasks from starting on any nodes within that cluster.
In this example, the cluster named First Cluster is disabled.
In this example, jobs scheduled to run on the cluster named First Cluster are canceled, and then the cluster is disabled. Jobs currently running will finish even though the cluster is disabled.
In this example, the Get-ERCluster cmdlet first retrieves information about the cluster named First Cluster, and then stores it in the $cluster variable. Next, the cluster with the name stored in the $cluster.name variable is disabled.
If the Get-ERCluster cmdlet is run without identifying a cluster, it returns the information on all clusters. This technique can be useful when there are a number of clusters since they can be looped through disabling each one.
In this example, the Get-ERCluster cmdlet retrieves information for the cluster named Second Cluster and pipes it into the Disable-ERCluster cmdlet.
Once a cluster is enabled, the nodes assigned to the cluster start processing jobs. As with disabling the cluster, enabling the cluster will enable all the nodes associated with it.
This example enables the cluster named First Cluster.
This example first stores cluster information in the $cluster variable, and then uses it as input to the Enable-ERCluster cmdlet. Note that the cluster name does not need to be parsed out and passed to the Enable-ERCluster cmdlet.
This example uses Get-ERCluster to retrieve information for the cluster named First Cluster and pipes it to the Enable-ERCluster cmdlet.
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